This is an ecommerce website made using the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. In addition to these technologies, this website utilizes Docker to containerize the frontend and backend.
Use this code at YOUR OWN RISK.
Replace BUSINESS_NAME with your business name. Make sure you replace any spaces with another character. For example, Home Depot could become Home-Depot.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml build && docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up
docker exec -it BUSINESS_NAME_mongodb mongo
After installing the project, use a text editor such as Atom and search the entire project for "BUSINESS_NAME" (without quotes) and replace it with your business name. Make sure you replace any spaces with another character. For example, Home Depot could become Home-Depot.
- add the appropriate values to the .env file.
- search for STRIPE_KEY and add your stripe key
- search for ADDRESS and add your company's address
- Send the order fax later depending on the pickup time for the order
- Tell the customer their estimated wait time
- Add data redundancy for mongo