I created an algorithm to efficiently create random Sudoku boards.
The algorithm utilises a simple SudokuGrid data structure, purely to store the array of values and to calcuate legal digits for individual cells.
The core algorithm is backtracking search (BTS) which recursively steps through the Sudoku board (left to right), placing randomly selected legal digits in the cells until the board is full. The algorithm will backtrack if it comes across a cell that cannot be legally populated, and attempt to place a different digit in the previous cell, doing so until the board is full.
Originally I used a basic loop, which would restart the entire board every time a cell was found to be impossible to fill.
- Python 3.x
- numpy
# Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
# Run the generator
python app.py # Generates 10,000 boards by default
- Go 1.21 or later
Setup and Usage:
# Build the binary
go build -o bin/sudoweb cmd/sudoweb/main.go
# Generate a single board
# Generate multiple boards
./bin/sudoweb -n 10000
# Run benchmarks
go test -bench=. ./... # Run all benchmarks
go test -bench=GenerateBoard ./... # Run specific benchmark
go test -bench=. -benchmem ./... # Include memory allocation stats
Comparing algorithms, generating 10,000 Sudoku boards:
Implementation | Time (seconds) | Boards/second |
Python (loop) | ~1120 | ~9 |
Python (BTS) | ~10.5 | ~952 |
Python (optimized) | ~0.654 | ~1,530 |
Python (optimized parallel) | ~0.128 | ~7,840 |
Go (BTS) | ~1.3 | ~7,625 |
Go (BTS parallel) | ~0.46 | ~21,668 |
Go (optimized) | ~0.022 | ~45,000 |
Go (optimized parallel) | ~0.006 | ~164,000 |
Performance improvements:
- Python BTS vs Loop: ~106x speedup
- Python optimized vs BTS: ~1.6x speedup
- Python optimized vs Loop: ~170x speedup
- Python parallel vs single-threaded: ~5.1x speedup
- Go vs Python optimized: ~5x speedup
- Go parallel vs Python parallel: ~21x speedup
- Go parallel vs single-threaded: ~2.8x speedup
- Go parallel vs Python Loop: ~2,407x speedup
- Go optimized vs original Go: ~30x speedup
- Go optimized parallel vs original parallel: ~14x speedup
Recent optimizations that led to significant performance improvements:
Data Structure Improvements:
- Replaced NumPy arrays with native Python lists
- Cached box calculations and coordinates
- Optimized set operations for conflict checking
Algorithm Enhancements:
- Pre-computed random digit orders
- Early returns for impossible cells
- Efficient backtracking state management
Parallel Processing:
- Multi-process worker pool using CPU cores
- Efficient work distribution
- Minimal inter-process communication
Pre-computed State Tracking:
- Maintain separate boolean arrays for rows, columns, and boxes
- O(1) conflict checking instead of scanning board regions
- Immediate conflict detection in cell updates
Memory Optimizations:
- Pre-allocated arrays for possible digits and conflicts
- Efficient state management during backtracking
- Reduced allocations in hot paths
Algorithm Improvements:
- Fast path for row conflicts (most common case)
- Optimized digit shuffling using Fisher-Yates
- Better state preservation during backtracking
Parallel Processing Enhancements:
- Increased worker pool size for better CPU utilization
- Optimized batch sizes for load balancing
- Improved work stealing for better resource usage