this is to program an auto match for Lab color number There is a set of 7 priamary colors.
Each color has gradation 0 - 100 and each gradation is defined by a set matrix of three numbers L, a* and b*. See example below
Color- Blue Yellow L a b L a b 0 44.12 -32.06 -62.08 0 77.07 -50 74.21 50 52.31 -45.9 -54.98 50 89.62 -45.25 63.57 100 93.04 -0.65 2.59 100 99.21 -25.96 2.11
There are several new or special colors that can be created by combining these 7 colors in different ways with their different gradations.
I want to be able to enter the Lab numbers of any special color and be able to find the best combination of colors/ gradations to provide a formula. Example:
"Special House Green" has L = 129.38, a* = -95.9, b* = 19.23
Once the Lab values above are eneterd in the software/ interface, it should be able to scan all the different color matrix available and output the correct combination required to acheive the above Lab numbers. In this example referencing from the previous example the formula it should ouput be 50 Blue + 0 Yellow. L a* b* 50 Blue 52.31 -45.9 -54.98
+ + +
0 Yellow 77.07 -50 74.21 Total 129.38 -95.9 19.23