Here buisness requrement to get model which explain which variable is important for calulating selling price of any property so that bussines person can make some conclusions
- Project have dataset consist of numeical and categorical data, where we need to build a model which is less complex and also not overfitted on data
- Outcome of this project is to comeup with a model which have best fitting over on training and testing data. Model is able to predict price of house based on diffent params like area, type, etc...
- Build two model Ridge and Lasso with Grid CV Seraching for getting optimal hyperpamamters
- For ridge model found 80 as optimal params which provide solution with 89% R2 score on train and 87% on test data.
- For lasso model found 0.0001 as optimal params which provide solution with 89% R2 score on train data and 88% on test data.
- matplotlib - 3.3.1
- seaborn - 0.11.0
- sklearn - 0.23.1
- numpy - 1.22.2
- pandas - 1.1.4
Created by @shubham-sri - feel free to contact me!
This project is open source and available under the ... License.