This is a python package for spin dynamics simulations
Copyright Shunhong Zhang 2023
- core: core scripts for spin dynamics simulations
- mpi: some utilities for parallelization using mpi4py
- utility: some functions for post-processing, analyzing and plotting
- data_base: Exchange parameters for some typical magnetic materials
- examples: some examples to do fast test on the code
- Scripts: some executables for post-processing, applied to the current code and the Spirit code
- tests_basic: some testing cases
- Tests: more testing cases
- Fast installation via pypi
pip install pyasd
Download the zip or tarball (tar.gz) of the package
unzip the package
Run the script ./ install --user
To check whether you have successfully install the package, go to the python interactive shell
import asd.core
import asd.mpi
import asd.utility
import data_base
If everything runs smoothly then it should be done.
- If it does not work, try one of the following: python install --home=.
python install --user
If you still have problems, contact the author for help
this operation will remove:
build and dists, which are generated upon compilation
results in the examples/tests_basic directory, including dat/ovf files and figures