This extension extends HTML and ejs code editing with Go To Definition
and Go To Symbol in Workspace
support for css/scss/less (classes and IDs) found in strings within the source code.
This was heavily inspired by a similar feature in Brackets called CSS Inline Editors.
The extension supports all the normal capabilities of symbol definition tracking, but does it for css selectors (classes, IDs and HTML tags). This includes:
- Peek: load the css file inline and make quick edits right there. (
) - Go To: jump directly to the css file or open it in a new editor (
) - Hover: show the definition in a hover over the symbol (
In addition, it supports the Symbol Provider so you can quickly jump to the right CSS/SCSS/LESS code if you already know the class or ID name
- Enable Peeking from HTML tags in addition to classnames and IDs. React components are ignored, but it's a good idea to disable this feature when using Angular.cssPeek.peekFromLanguages
- A list of vscode language names where the extension should be used.cssPeek.peekToExclude
- A list of file globs that filters out style files to not look for. By default,node_modules
See editor docs for more details
- Visual Studio Code: Goto Definition
- Visual Studio Code: Peek
- Visual Studio Code: Open Symbol By Name
Contributions are greatly appreciated. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
- Use Globs for configuration options instead of RegExp via #61 ❤ @arch-stack
- (Temporarily) fix bug #19 by handling errors from
- Add support for Symbol Provider #18
- Fix bug #14 that caused CSS Peek to fail after any HTML comments
- Fix bug that limited the language support only to HTML. Now supports all languages provided by "activeLanguages" config
- Fix an error wherby the Overview was missing on the Visual Studio Marketplace
- A complete rewrite featuring the new Language Server Protocol
- Added scss support
- Added multi definition support (provides all CSS rules matching the selector)
- Added support for HTML tag selectors
- New Logo
- Add configuration option to ignore file from CSS lookup
- Crucial bug fix
- Workaround for bug if large number of files exist
- Better recognition of CSS selector word from cursor position
- Optimize code for fewer file lookups
- Fix README typo
- Add
support - Configure search file extensions using "css_peek.searchFileExtensions"
- Update Icon
- Shamelessly copied code from