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CodeLibrary for competitive Programming - in Java

Data Structures & Algorithms Implemented

  1. Linear Search
  2. Binary Search
  3. Trie
  4. Disjoint Set with UnionByRank n PathCompression
  5. KMP substring search
  6. Naive substring search
  7. RabinKarp pattern search
  8. Strassen Matrix Multiplication
  9. General Graph class
  10. BFS - Iterative & Recursive
  11. DFS - Iterative & Recursive
  12. Finding Connected Components - BFS/DFS/DisjointSets


  1. Djikstra
  2. BellmanFord
  3. Floyd Warshall
  4. Karatsuba Multiplication
  5. Sieve of Eranthoses
  6. Segment Tree
  7. Suffix Tree
  8. Suffix Array
  9. Binary Indexed Tree
  10. Prims
  11. Kruskal
  12. Z algorithm
  13. Manacher Algorithm
  14. FloodFill
  15. and many more...