Quite alright typescript libraries.
- ts-rest - The way to build typesafe http services. Like trpc but in good.
- drizzle - To query postgres. Supports both sql
and sql-like query-building. Has proper pg-type mapping.
- zod - Easy schema validation, though it's missing encoders.
- remote-data-ts - The way to model remote data
- effect - Effect system and functional library.
- ts-pattern - Type-safe pattern matching for TypeScript. Still quite useful although effect's pattern matching will probably take over at some point.
- spectacle-ts - Lens library with autocomplete support.
- immer (ⓘ still in evaluation) - easy deep state updates similar to lenses. Useful in combination with react's useState.
- vitest - Like (ts-)jest, but working.
- pnpm - Fast & works
- vite - Bundler that actually works.
- tsx - Easy runnner for ts projects.
- tsc-alias - Makes this ts work somehow.
- react-icons - The only lib you'll ever need for icons
- font-source - The only lib you'll ever need for fonts.