pragma solidity [version];
Version parsing method
:- Parsing the version from the file provided by the user as input.
- If the range is specified (e.g., >=0.5.0 <=0.8.9), the latest version within that range is installed.
- The logic is performed based on the presence of <, <= signs.
- If ^, ~, or >= symbols are present, the latest patch version of the corresponding minor version is retrieved.
- �For example, ^0.8.9 would retrieve version 0.8.20. ~0.7 would retrieve version 0.7.6.
- If >, < symbols are present, the closest patch version to the specified version is selected.
- Operating System: macOS (updating for Linux and Windows . . .)
- Python Versions: Python 3.8 and above
$ pip3 install solc-parser
$ solc-parser [file_path]
$ solc-parser --list
$ solc-parser --list
$ solc-parser --install [version]
- Multiple versions can be specified, separated by spaces.
- The solc binary will be installed under the
$ solc-parser --install 0.8.2
Installing solc '0.8.2'...
Version '0.8.2' installed.
$ solc-parser --use [version]
$ solc-parser --use 0.8.2
Switched global version to 0.8.2
$ solc-parser --version
$ solc-parser --version
Current version: 0.8.2
Installed versions: ['0.6.12', '0.8.2', '0.7.1', '0.8.0']
$ solc-parser --uninstall [version]
- Multiple versions can be specified, separated by spaces.
$ solc-parser --uninstall 0.8.2
Uninstalling solc '0.8.2'...
Version '0.8.2' uninstalled.
Version '0.8.2' was the global version. Switching to version.
💡 List
1. Handling wildcard (*) scenarios.
2. Implement unit test
3. Update to support Linux and Windows platforms.