- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- Install git
brew install git
- Install stow
brew install stow
- Clone dotfiles
git clone https://github.com/simonlevasseur/.dotfiles.git $HOME/.dotfiles
- Stow everything
cd .dotfiles && stow */
- Install everything
cd && brew bundle
- Open Kitty
- Install TMUX plugins
tat && <C-a> + I
- Install NVIM plugins
plugins will auto-install
Useful article.
cd ~/.dotfiles
# Preview what stow will do
# `-n` does not perform action
# `-v` verbose
stow -nv folder
# Stow all directories to ~
# `--no-folding` symlinks files, not folders
stow --no-folding */
# Remove a stowed directory
stow -D folder
# Relink a directory
# Useful after deleting a file from stow directory
stow -R folder
brew bundle
# Install plugins
<prefix> + I
# Uninstall plugins
<prefix> + alt + u
#Update plugin
<prefix> + U
# Reload tmux.conf
<prefix> + R
# Start with
<prefix> + :
# Set current window to number 1
swap-window -t 1
# Go to link under cursor
<Ctrl> + ]
# Read the value
set number
# See all mappings in Normal mode
# Restart service
ctrl + alt - r