A simple application to notify you via email when items become available on too good to go.
This script leverages msmtp
and was designed for use on a Raspberry Pi.
To initialise the script run the application with the i
./tgtg-notifier -i <your account email>
This will attempt to authenticate you and then make a configuration containing your favorite items from Too Good To Go. Feel free to adjust the configuration in order to specify which items you wish to receive notifications from.
To perform a check simply run:
Please ensure you have initialised one time before trying to perform a check. Notifications only occur once per day, per item.
By default, the configuration looks for a msmtp account called gmail
To adjust this, simply change the email_config
section of the configuration.
Configure a crontab task to run the script in preferable intervals.
Example of executing every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * cd <location of script> && <script> > <location of script>/logfile.log 2>&1
ensure you change the values above to suit your needs.