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Tasks specified by Linear Temporal Logic can capture more complex missions compared to traditional point-to-point navigation. The majority of existing Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) planning methods rely on the construction of a discrete product automaton, that combines a discrete abstraction of robot mobility and a Büchi automaton that captures the LTL specification We propose a new sampling-based LTL planning algorithm that does not require any discrete abstraction of robot mobility. Instead, it builds incrementally trees that explore the product state-space, until a maximum number of iterations is reached or a feasible plan is found. The use of trees makes data storing and manipulation tractable, which significantly increases the scalability of our algorithm. To accelerate the construction of feasible plans, we introduce bias in the sampling process which is guided by transitions in the Büchi automaton that belong to the shortest path to the accepting states.


cd /path/to/TLRRT_STAR
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate tlrrt_star           
pip install tqdm 

Install ltl2ba

Download the software LTL2BA from this link, and follow the instructions to generate the exectuable ltl2ba and then copy it into the folder TLRRT_STAR.



Basic procedure

  • First, specify the LTL task in the class Task, which mainly involves the assigned task, the number of robots , the initial locations of robots and the minimum distance between any pair of robots, and workspace in the class Workspace that contains the information about the size of the workspace, the layout of regions and obstacles.
  • Second, set the parameters used in the TL-RRT* in the script, such as the maximum number of iterations, the step size, whether the lite version in is used that does not use functions near, extend and rewire.
  • Finally, after the TL-RRT* terminates, the runtime and the cost of the solution are presented. What's more, the path composed of prefix and suffix parts for each robot is drawn with workspace layout when the number of robots is relatively small, otherwise, the path for each robot is printed onto the screen when the number of robots is large.



The workspace of size 1-by-1 is shown below, with l_1-l_6 being regions and o_1-o_2 being obstacles

Test Cases

For all the following test cases, the same set of parameters are used.

# parameters
# maximum number of iterations
n_max = 10000
para = dict()
# lite version, excluding extending and rewiring
para['is_lite'] = True
# step_size used in function near
para['step_size'] = 0.25 * buchi.number_of_robots
# probability used when choosing node q_p_closest
para['p_closest'] = 0.9
# probability used when deciding the target point 
para['y_rand'] = 0.99
# minimum distance between any pair of robots  
para['threshold'] = 0.005

Furthermore, the construction of the tree terminates once an accepting node is detected, which is controlled in by line

if len(tree.goals): break

Case 1

cd /path/to/TLRRT_STAR/tlrrt_star
python --case=1 --vis

The task involving one robot is specified by

self.formula = '<> e1 && []<> (e2 && <> e3) && (!e3 U e4) && []!e5'
self.subformula = { 1: '(l1_1)',
                    2: '(l2_1)',
                    3: '(l3_1)',
                    4: '(l4_1)',
                    5: '(l5_1)',
self.init = ((0.8, 0.1), )  # in the form of ((x,y), (x,y), ...)    

The output results during execution are

Time for constructing the NBA: 0.1343 s
------------------------------ prefix path --------------------------------
Time for the prefix path: 0.0516 s
1 accepting goals found
-------------- suffix path for 1-th pre-goal (of 1 in total) --------------
1-th pre-goals: 1 accepting goals found
Time for the suffix path: 0.0561 s
------------------------ prefix + suffix path -----------------------------
t_pre  | t_suf  | t_total | cost
0.0516 | 0.0561 | 0.2421  | 1.7245
------------------------- print the path path -----------------------------
(. for empty label, || ... || for the suffix path)
robot 1 :  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . --> l4 --> l1 -->  . -->  . --> l2 --> l2 --> || l2 --> l3 --> l3 -->  . --> l2 --> l2 --> l2 --> || 

Case 2

python --case=2 --vis

The task involving two robots is specified by

self.formula = '[]<> e1 && []<> e3 && !e1 U e2'
self.subformula = { 1: '(l1_1)',
                    2: '(l6_1)',
                    3: '(l5_2)'
self.init = ((0.8, 0.1), (0.8, 0.1))  # in the form of ((x,y), (x,y), ...)    

The output results during execution are

Time for constructing the NBA: 0.0225 s
------------------------------ prefix path --------------------------------
Time for the prefix path: 0.1162 s
1 accepting goals found
-------------- suffix path for 1-th pre-goal (of 1 in total) --------------
1-th pre-goals: 1 accepting goals found
Time for the suffix path: 0.0273 s
------------------------ prefix + suffix path -----------------------------
t_pre  | t_suf  | t_total | cost
0.1162 | 0.0273 | 0.1660  | 0.8407
------------------------- print the path path -----------------------------
(. for empty label, || ... || for the suffix path)
robot 1 :  . -->  . -->  . --> l4 --> l6 -->  . -->  . -->  . --> l1 --> l1 --> || l1 --> || 
robot 2 :  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . -->  . --> l5 --> l5 --> || l5 --> ||

Case 3

python --case=3 --num=2 --vis

The task involving 8*num_of_robot_in_one_group robots is specified by

self.formula = '[]<> e1 && []<> e2 && []<> e3 && []<>(e4 && <>(e5 && <> e6)) && <> e7 && []<>e8 && (!e7 U e8)'

where each subformula is randomly generated, so is the initial location of each robot. It took less time when the following code in is uncommented.

if ' && ' in symbol: continue

The output results for num_of_robot_in_one_group = 3 are as follows. We didn't present the paths due to large number of robots.

Time for constructing the NBA: 1.8233 s
------------------------------ prefix path --------------------------------
Time for the prefix path: 2.9102 s
1 accepting goals found
-------------- suffix path for 1-th pre-goal (of 1 in total) --------------
1-th pre-goals: 1 accepting goals found
Time for the suffix path: 2.4176 s
------------------------ prefix + suffix path -----------------------------
t_pre  | t_suf  | t_total | cost
2.9102 | 2.4176 | 7.1510  | 7.9073


  title={An abstraction-free method for multirobot temporal logic optimal control synthesis},
  author={Luo, Xusheng and Kantaros, Yiannis and Zavlanos, Michael M},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},


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