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Reference documentation

In this quick start guide we are going to scrape Reddit index page and will extract all data from index page.

Just open a Jupyter notebook or any text editor and paste this code:

import databot

bot = databot.Bot('/tmp/reddit.db')

index = bot.define('index').download(''), table=True, query=[
    '', (
        '.entry .title > a@href', {
            'title': '.entry .title > a:text',
            'score': '.midcol .score.likes@title',
            'time': databot.first(['.tagline time@datetime']),
            'comments': '.entry a.comments:text',

Last method call will output the data:

key                   comments       score  time                  title
========================================================================================  704 comments   20592  2017-01-05T06:57:31+  Reflex level: German
cX7DND.gifv                                 00:00                 Solider  567 comments   5494   2017-01-05T08:16:49+  If you haven't seen
ORVbNN-s                                    00:00                 it, the 2016
                                                                  Japanese Godzilla
                                                                  Resurgence is an
https://www.reddit.c  1001 comments  8032   2017-01-05T06:34:41+  CALL TO ARMS #4 -
om/r/UpliftingNews/c                        00:00                 LET'S SHOW THE
omments/5m4uuw/call_                                              CHICAGO VICTIM SOME
to_arms_4_le...                                                   LOVE

Now dig deeper into the code.

bot = databot.Bot('/tmp/reddit.db')

Here we define Bot object and tell where all the data should be stored. In this case we simple pass a path to the Sqlite database. PostgreSQL and MySQL databases are supported too, just give a dsn instead of a path.

index = bot.define('index').download('')

Here we define a new pipe called index, then download page and store it in index pipe.

A pipe is just a database table with basically key and value columns.

When we download a page and store in into a pipe, key for will be downloaded page url and value will be content with metadata., table=True, query=[
    '', (
        '.entry .title > a@href', {
            'title': '.entry .title > a:text',
            'score': '.midcol .score.likes@title',
            'time': databot.first(['.tagline time@datetime']),
            'comments': '.entry a.comments:text',

Once we have some HTML stored in a pipe, we can extract data from it using select function.

Query can be a list, dict, tuple or string. All strings are css selectors with some syntactic sugar added on top of it. Lists, dicts and tuples are used to define structure of extracted data.

Here is a quick reference:

str: 'css/xpath selector (expects single item)'

tuple: (<key query>, <value query>)

dict: {<field>: <query>}

list: [<query a list container>, <query an item in the container>]

list: [<query (expects multiple items)>]

So in our case, query is a list [], it means, that we expect list of items. Since our list has two items in it, first item is selector that points to a container and second item is a tuple. A tuple can be only at the top level of query and it expects two selectors, one for key and other for value.

As I said before, pipes (or tables) have only key and value for storing data. So we always have to provide key and value.

In our case key is .entry .title > a@href, and value is a dict. Keep in mind, that all queries inside list of two items are relative to element selected by first item of that list.

It is a good idea to use key values, that uniquely identify object that is being scraped.

css/xpath expressions have these syntactic sugar additions:

  • selector[1] - expands to selector:nth-child(1).
  • selector? - it is OK if there is no elements matching this selector, None will be returned.
  • selector:text - take text part of selected element.
  • selector@attr - take attribute value of selected element.
  • selector:content - extract text content of selected element and all his descendants.
  • xpath:selector - switch from css selector to xpath selector.
  • selector xpath:selector css:selector - start with css selector then switch to xpath and then back to css. Each subsequent is relative to previous one. Unless selector starts with /.

Example provided in quick start is good if you want to play with it in an interactive Python console, but if you want to run this scraper many times, it is better to move it to a script.

Here is how previous example can be transformed into a script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from databot import define, task, first

pipeline = {
    'pipes': [
    'tasks': [
        task('index', 'news').select([
            '', (
                '.entry .title > a@href', {
                    'title': '.entry .title > a:text',
                    'score': '.midcol .score.likes@title',
                    'time': first(['.tagline time@datetime']),
                    'comments': '.entry a.comments:text',

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save this script under name, make it executable chmod +x and run it:

$ ./
id              rows  source
    errors      left    target
 1                 0  index
 2                 0  news

When you run this script without any parameters it shows status of all your pipes.

To do the scraping use run subcommand:

$ ./ run
index -> news: 100%|█████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  4.94it/s]

If you will check status again you will see following output:

$ ./
id              rows  source
    errors      left    target
 1                 1  index
         0         0    news
 2                35  news

It shows that index -> news does not have any errors and all items are processed. Also we see, than we have 1 row in index pipe and 35 rows in news pipe.

You can inspect content of pipes using tail or show commands:

$ ./ tail news -t -x key,title -n 5
  comments      score             time
717 comments    25194   2017-01-05T16:37:01+00:00
533 comments    9941    2017-01-05T17:34:22+00:00
1111 comments   26383   2017-01-05T16:19:22+00:00
1122 comments   9813    2017-01-05T17:33:36+00:00
832 comments    7963    2017-01-05T16:58:55+00:00

$ ./ show news -x title
- key: ''

    {'comments': '832 comments',
     'score': '7963',
     'time': '2017-01-05T16:58:55+00:00'}

Since we exported structured data here:


We can use any tool to work with the data, for example:

$ tail -n1 /tmp/reddit.jsonl | jq .
  "key": "",
  "comments": "832 comments",
  "time": "2017-01-05T16:58:55+00:00",
  "score": "7963",
  "title": "Hi Reddit! Greetings from THIS OLD HOUSE."

databot uses Python's context managers to take data from one pipe as input for another pipe. For example:


Here news pipe takes downloaded content from index pipe and executes select method to extract data. All extracted data are appended to the news pipe.

One interesting point is that each pair of pipes remembers where they left last time and when executed again, they will continue from position left last time. That means, that you can run this script many times and only new items will be processed.

Databot executes each task one by one. Each task will process all unprocessed items and only then new task begins.

If you have a lot of data to process, usually you would like to test all tasks with several items, and when all tasks where tested, then run tasks one by one with all items.

By default, databot runs all tasks limiting number of items for each task to one, and once whole pipeline is run, then continue running all tasks again with all items. This is sort of pipeline warm up.

This way, if one of your tasks fails, you will see it immediately.

Pipeline warm up can be controlled with --limit flag, by default it is --limit=1,0, where 1 means, run each task with single item, and 0 means, run each tasks with all items.

You can specify different warm up strategy, for example --limit=0 means run all items without warming up. Another example --limit=1,5,10,100,0, this will run bot with 1, 5, 10, 100 items to warm up, and then continues with all other items.

Since your pipeline will be run multiple times, some times you want to control how often you want a task to run. For example, usually you start a pipeline with a task, that downloads a starting page:


But since pipeline can be executed multiple times, you want to make sure, than starting page will be downloaded only once. To do that, use once() method call, like this:


Now starting page will be downloaded only the first time. All subsequent pipline reruns will do nothing.

You can scrape web pages that use pagination using watch functionality.

'tasks': [
    task('listing pages').once().download(''),
    task('listing pages', 'listing urls', watch=True).select(['.pagination']).dedup(),
    task('listing urls', 'listing pages', watch=True).download(),

All tasks, that have watch=True flag, will be run multiple times if source pipe gets new data to process. In this case, when all pages are downloaded for extracted urls in third task, second task will will run again and populates 'listing urls' with new urls, then third tasks will run again and downloads pages from new urls. And this will continue, until there is not urls left to extract.

Databot is built with continuous scraping in mind. Each pipeline should be runnable multiple times. For this to work, databot offers some utility methods to control when a task should be run.

task('x').once() - runs only once per run. If your run a pipeline with multiple limit rounds, then all once() tasks will be run only the first time.

task('x').daily(), task('x').weekly(), task('x').monthly() - runs task only if last entry in the pipeline is older than specified.

task('x').freq(<datetime.timedelta>) or task('x').freq(seconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0, days=0, weeks=0) - for more detailed frequency control.

It is enough to specify these time restrictions for initial tasks, all other tasks, that use initial pipes as source, will wait while new data will be provided.

There are cases, when you want to take last entry from list of links, and download that link again, because this last link can contain new entries inside.

For this you can use min or max task methods:

task('links', 'links').daily().max(this.value.created)
task('links', 'pages').download()

Here we have links pipe, that has URL in key and created attribute in value. We always want to rescrape last link, where last is the one with latest created timestamp. First task will append last row back to links pipe and next task will download that page if it was appended.

By default, when you run your bot, all errors are stored in errors table with possibility to retry all items by running retry command.

But sometimes it is a good idea to limit number of error with run -f flag. -f without argument will stop scraping on first error. It means, that if you run run -f again, databot will continue where it left.

You can specify number of errors with run -f 10, here scraping will stop after 10th error.

If you run but with limited number of items per task (--limit flag), then if not specified, -f flag will be turned on for each non-zero limit round. When you specify limit rounds, it is expected, than you wan to test you pipeline, before running all items per tasks. When testing, usually you want to get error as soon as possible. That's why -f is turned of by default if you use limit rounds.

Limiting number of errors is good idea in situations, when server starts to block databot after some time, in that case there is no point in trying to scrape more items, since error will be the same for all items.

In order to inspect what errors where recorded you can use errors <pipe> command. It will print whole source item and nice Python traceback. If source item is downloaded html page it is good idea to run errors <pipe> -x content. This will suppress HTML content from output.

You can export databot pipes directly to Pandas DataFrames:

import pandas as pd

frame = pipe.export(pd)

In order to debug your script, you need to skip pair of pipes, set relative offset to '-1' and then run your script with -d flag:

$ ./ skip source target
$ ./ offset source target '-1'
$ ./ run -d

This will run only the last row and results will not be stored, since -d flag is present.

If you are using SQLite as your database backend, all data of all pipes are stored in single file. This file can grow really big. You can split some pipes into different databases. To do that, you just need to specify different database connection string, when defining pipes:

def define(bot):
    bot.define('external', 'sqlite:///external.db')

Now you can use external pipe same way as internal and data will live in external database.

Multiple different bots, can access same external pipe and use or update it's data.

You can access your databot object using interactive shell:

$ ./ sh

Since pipes are defined both on database and in code, you can't just rename it in code. Renaming bot just in code will create new pipe with new name, leaving old as is.

To rename it in database you need to execute following command:

$ ./ rename 'old name' 'new name'

Some times you want to compress some pipes, especially those, containing HTML pages. Compressing HTML pages can save up to 3 times of disk space.

You can specify compression level like this:

bot.define('html-pages', compress=True)

If you specify compress=True, only new entries will be compressed. In order to compress existing entries, run following command:

$ ./ compress html-pages

Also you can decompress existing data:

$ ./ decompress html-pages

After compressing existing data, Sqlite file size stays same as before, in order for compression to take effect you need to vacuum you Sqlite database using this command:

$ sqlite3 path/to/sqlite.db vacuum

vacuum command requires as much as twice the size of the original database file of free disk space.

Small example below demonstrates how to access pipe data manually, without using databot library:

import msgpack
import sqlalchemy as sa

def get_table(engine, db, name):
    pipe = db.tables['databotpipes']
    query =[], pipe.c.pipe == name)
    table_id = engine.execute(query).scalar()
    return db.tables['t%d' % table_id]

def query_rows(engine, table):
    query =[table.c.value])
    for row in engine.execute(query):
        value = gzip.decompress(row.value) if row.compression == 1 row.value
        yield msgpack.loads(value, encoding='utf-8')

def main():
    dbpath = '/path/to/data.db'
    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % dbpath)
    db = sa.MetaData()

    for key, value in query_rows(engine, get_table(engine, db, 'mypipe')):
        print(key, value)

As you see data storage format is pretty simple.

Install dependencies:

pip install -e .
pip install -r reference/requirements.txt

Run tests:

py.test --cov-report=term-missing --cov=databot tests