Tensorflow Implementation For "SGCN: Sparse Graph Convolution Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction"
Project for Vision and Perception, DIAG, Sapienza University in Roma
This project is the tensorflow implementation for paper "SGCN:Sparse Graph Convolution Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction" in CVPR 2021, and we also use a new dataset MOT-15 to test it.
Here is the original pytorch code. We rewrite the original author's code by tensorflow.
Keep this github file structure and run the file "Main_SGCN_MOT15.ipynb" directly by jupyter notebook.
"metrics.py" implements loss functions.
"model.py" implements network model.
"utils.py" processes dataset.
"Visualization.ipynb" shows the visualization of the trojectory.
"dataset/data" file includes MOT-15 dataset,which has been processed.
"dataset/ETH" file includes eth dataset.
"dataset/hotel" file includes hotel dataset.
Warning: due to using the different DL frame, tensorflow version is not exactly the same with pytorch version. Like the way to intial convolution layer kernel.
Metric\Dataset | ETH | HOTEL | MOT-15 |
ADE | 0.83 | 0.49 | 0.14 |
FDE | 1.56 | 0.78 | 0.25 |
Green line is the target trojectory and the red line is the prediction trojectory. The result where the two trajectories seem to overlap is good.
- PK