Releases: skulumani/asteroid_dumbbell
Kinematic Exploration
Castalia simulation
Complete Castalia simulation
- Exploration
- Refinement
- Landing
Run using
python -h
Exploration and Refinment
v1.3 Exploration and Landing area refinement
Asteroid remeshing and landing
Now we explore the entire asteroid. Once complete then we go to a home position and remesh a specific portion that is within view. After taking more measurements of this area we pick a face with the lowest slope and then land at that point.
Also the entire mesh is defined using the CGAL Surface_mesh class. The asteroid potential function is very fast and all polyhedron potential properties are stored with the MeshData class as additional properties of the mesh.
It's all very nice now 🚀
You can generate all the data using
python -c <file_to_save.hdf5>
Then to land
python <explroation.hdf5> -l <landing.hdf5>
To animate exploration
python -a <exploration.hdf5>
To animate landing
python -la <landing.hdf5> <exploration.hdf5>
The exploration data is split into several files using
split -b 1024MiB 20180611_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5 20180611_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5.part
To combine them all
cat 20180611_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5.part*
Asteroid Exploration and Landing
Working Landing/Exploration around an asteroid Castalia.
This actually uses the estimated asteroid model for the control
You can generate all the data using
python -c <file_to_save.hdf5>
Then to land
python <explroation.hdf5> -l <landing.hdf5>
To animate exploration
python -a <exploration.hdf5>
To animate landing
python -la <landing.hdf5> <exploration.hdf5>
The exploration data is split into several files using
split -b 1024MiB 20180603_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5 20180603_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5.part
To combine them all
cat 20180603_exploration_sim_control_sim_15000.hdf5.part*
v0.7: Working exploration around Castalia
1 period sim around castalia
v0.6: Asteroid exploration and reconstruction
Now we can do the following: * C++ polyhedron potential model * Determine best (lowest cost) states to update the shape of an asteroid * Use this shape estimate to compute the full SE(3) control * Dynamically simulate the motion of a rigid body around an asteroid * Autonomously update the shape using LIDAR measurements To explore an asteroid using the full dynamic simulation (somewhat long time): ~~~ ipython run -c <name of hdf5> ~~~ Plot the output using ~~~ run -r <name of hdf5> ~~~ If you just want the kinematics (fast): ~~~ ./bin/explore_control -o <name of hdf5> ~~~ You can then plot ~~~ run dissertation/ <name of hdf5> ~~~
Incremental Reconstruction
Take a point cloud and reconstruct a mesh
- Castalia examples attached
- All run using
Asteroid RayCasting
- Initial development of raycasting
- Also attach all the shape models for use by Travis CI and auto download setup