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Skyflow React Native SDK

Skyflow’s React Native SDK can be used to securely collect, tokenize, and reveal sensitive data in the React Native application without exposing your infrastructure to sensitive data.

Table of Contents

Including Skyflow React Native


  • The minimum supported version of React Native is v0.65.3. If you use an older version, upgrade React Native to use this library.


Using npm

npm install skyflow-react-native

Initializing Skyflow React Native

React Native components are wrapped in a Skyflow provider that takes a config object as input. The SDK internally initializes a Skyflow client.

import {SkyflowProvider, LogLevel, Env} from 'skyflow-react-native';
const App = () => {
  const config = {
    vaultID: 'string', // ID of the vault that the client should connect to.
    vaultURL: 'string', // URL of the vault that the client should connect to.
    getBearerToken: helperFunc, // Helper function that retrieves a Skyflow bearer token from your backend.
    options: {
      logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG, // Optional, if not specified default is ERROR.
      env: Env.DEV, // Optional, if not specified default is PROD.
  return (
    <SkyflowProvider config={config}>
      // Other elements goes here.

For the getBearerToken parameter, pass a helper function that retrieves a Skyflow bearer token from your backend. This function will be invoked when the SDK needs to insert or retrieve data from the vault. A sample implementation is shown below.

For example, if the response of the your backend bearer tokenAPI is in the below format

  "accessToken": string,
  "tokenType": string

then, your getBearerToken(helper function) implementation should be as below.

const getBearerToken = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const Http = new XMLHttpRequest();

    Http.onreadystatechange = () => {
      if (Http.readyState === 4) {
        if (Http.status === 200) {
          const response = JSON.parse(Http.responseText);
        } else {
          reject('Error occurred');

    Http.onerror = error => {
      reject('Error occurred');

    const url = '';'GET', url);

For the logLevel parameter, there are four accepted values in LogLevel.


    When LogLevel.DEBUG is passed, all log levels will be printed(DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR).

  • INFO

    When LogLevel.INFO is passed, INFO logs for every event that has occurred during the SDK flow execution will be printed along with WARN and ERROR logs.

  • WARN

    When LogLevel.WARN is passed, WARN and ERROR logs will be printed.


    When LogLevel.ERROR is passed, only ERROR logs will be printed.


  • The ranking of logging levels is as follows : DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR.
  • Since logLevel is optional, by default the logLevel will be ERROR.

For env parameter, there are two accepted values in Env:

  • PROD
  • DEV

In Event Listeners, the actual value of element can only be accessed inside the handler when the env is set to DEV.


  • Since env is optional, by default the environment will be PROD.
  • Use env option with caution, make sure the env is set to PROD when using skyflow-react-native in production.

Securely collecting data client-side

Using Skyflow Elements to collect data

Skyflow Elements provide developers with pre-built form elements to securely collect sensitive data client-side. These elements are provided by Skyflow, this reduces your PCI compliance scope by not exposing your frontend application to sensitive data. Follow the steps below to securely collect data with Skyflow Elements.

Step 1: Create a container

First create a container for the form elements using the useCollectContainer hook as shown below:

 const container = useCollectContainer()

Step 2: Create a collect Element

import {CardNumberElement} from 'skyflow-react-native';


The following props can be passed to Skyflow Collection Element:

  conatiner: 'CollectContainer'  // Required, the collect container.
  table: 'string',               // Required, the table this data belongs to.
  column: 'string',              // Required, the column into which this data should be inserted.
  label: 'string',               // Optional, label for the form element.
  placeholder: 'string',         // Optional, placeholder for the form element.
  validations: [],               // Optional, array of validation rules.
  onChange: Function,            // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onFocus: Function,             // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onBlur: Function,              // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onReady: Function,             // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  inputStyles: {},               // Optional, styles object applied to the textinput field.
  labelStyles: {},               // Optional, styles object applied to label of textinput field.
  errorTextStyle: {},            // Optional, styles object applied to errortext of textinput field.

The table and column fields indicate which table and column in the vault the Element corresponds to.


  • Use dot delimited strings to specify columns nested inside JSON fields (e.g. address.street.line1)

All elements can be styled using StyleSheet syntax.

An example of styling an element:

import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

const elementInputStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#1d1d1d',
  invalid: {
    color: '#f44336',

// "Passing the styles object to element

The inputStyles field accepts a style object which consists of CSS properties that should be applied to the form element in the following states:

  • base: applied by default, all below variants inherit from these styles.
  • complete: applied when the element has valid input.
  • empty: applied when the element has no input.
  • focus: applied when the element has focus.
  • invalid: applied when the element has invalid input.

The states that are available for labelStyles are base, focus and requiredAsterisk.

  • requiredAsterisk: styles applied for the Asterisk symbol in the label.

An example of a labelStyles object:

const elementLabelStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    fontWeight: 'normal',
  focus: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
  requiredAsterisk: {
    color: 'red',

The state that is available for errorTextStyles is only the base state, it shows up when there is some error in the collect element.

An example of a errorTextStyles object:

const errorTextStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#f44336',

The following collection elements are supported in the React Native SDK:

  • CardHolderNameElement
  • CardNumberElement
  • ExpirationDateElement
  • CvvElement
  • PinElement
  • ExpirationDateElement
  • ExpirationMonthElement
  • ExpirationYearElement
  • InputFieldElement

The InputFieldElement type is a custom UI element without any built-in validations. See the section on validations for more information.

Along with the collect element props you can define other options that take an object of optional parameters as described below:

const options = {
  // Optional, indicates whether the field is marked as required. Defaults to 'false'.
  required: boolean,
  // Optional, format for the element (only applicable currently for EXPIRATION_DATE, EXPIRATION_YEAR ElementType).
  format: string,

The required parameter indicates whether the field is marked as required or not. If not provided, it defaults to false.

The format parameter takes string value and indicates the format pattern applicable to the element type, It's currently only applicable to EXPIRATION_DATE and EXPIRATION_YEAR element types.

The values that are accepted for EXPIRATION_DATE are

  • MM/YY (default)
  • YY/MM

The values that are accepted for EXPIRATION_YEAR are

  • YY (default)
  • YYYY

Note: If not specified or an invalid value is passed to the format then it takes default value.

Step 3: Collect data from Elements

To submit a form, call the collect(options?) method on the container object. The options parameter takes an object of optional parameters as shown below:

  • tokens: indicates whether tokens for the collected data should be returned or not. Defaults to 'true'.
  • additionalFields: Non-PCI elements data to be inserted into the vault which should be in the records object format.
  • upsert: To support upsert operations while collecting the data from Skyflow elements, pass the table and column that have been marked as unique in the table.
const options = {
    tokens: true,  // Optional, indicates whether tokens for the collected data should be returned. Defaults to 'true'.
    additionalFields: {
        records: [
                table: 'string',       // Table into which record should be inserted.
                fields: {
                    column1: 'value',  // Column names should match vault column names.
                    // ...additional fields here.
            // ...additional records here.
    }, // Optional
    upsert: [   // Optional, upsert operations support in the vault.
            table: 'string',    // Table name.
            column: 'string',   // Unique column in the table.

End to end example of collecting data with Skyflow Elements

import React from 'react';
import {CardNumberElement, useCollectContainer} from 'skyflow-react-native';
import {View, StyleSheet, Button} from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const collectContainer = useCollectContainer();

  const handleCollect = () => {
      .then((response: any) => {
        console.log('Collect Success: ', JSON.stringify(response));
      .catch(err => {
        console.error('Collect Failed: ', JSON.stringify(err));

  return (
      <View style={}>
          placeholder='XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'
          label='Card Number'
            required: true,
      <View style={}>
        <Button title='Collect' onPress={handleCollect} />

const elementInputStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    borderWidth: 2,
    borderRadius: 4,
    borderColor: '#eae8ee',
    paddingVertical: 8,
    paddingHorizontal: 6,
    color: '#1d1d1d',
  invalid: {
    color: '#f44336',

const elementLabelStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  focus: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',

const errorTextStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#f44336',

const viewStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  box: {
    marginVertical: 5,

export default App;

Sample response :

  "records": [
      "table": "cards",
      "fields": {
        "card_number": "f3907186-e7e2-466f-91e5-48e12c2bcbc1",

An end-to-end example of upsert support with Skyflow Elements

import React from 'react';
import { CardNumberElement, InputFieldElement, useCollectContainer } from 'skyflow-react-native';
import { View, StyleSheet, Button } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
    const collectContainer = useCollectContainer();
    const handleCollect = () => {
                tokens: true,
                upsert: [
                        table: 'cards',
                        column: 'card_number',
            .then((response: any) => {
                console.log('Collect Success: ', JSON.stringify(response));
            .catch((err) => {
                console.error('Collect Failed: ', JSON.stringify(err));

    return (
            <View style={}> 
                    placeholder='XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'
                    label='Card Number'
            <View style={}>
                    label='First Name'
            <View style={}>
                <Button title='Collect' onPress={handleCollect} />


const elementInputStyles = StyleSheet.create({
    base: {
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderRadius: 4,
        borderColor: '#eae8ee',
        paddingVertical: 8,
        paddingHorizontal: 6,
        color: '#1d1d1d',
    invalid: {
        color: '#f44336'

const elementLabelStyles = StyleSheet.create({
    focus: {
        fontWeight: 'bold'

const errorTextStyles = StyleSheet.create({
    base: {
        color: '#f44336'

const viewStyles = StyleSheet.create({
    box: {
        marginVertical: 5

export default App;

Sample response

    'records': [
            'table': 'cards',
            'fields': {
               'card_number': 'f3907186-e7e2-466f-91e5-48e12c2bcbc1',
               'first_name':  '89024714-6a26-4256-b9d4-55ad69aa4047'


The Skyflow React Native SDK provides two types of validations on Collect Elements.

1. Default Validations:

Every Collect Element except InputFieldElement has a set of default validations listed below:

  • CardNumberElement: Card number is validated with checkSum algorithm(Luhn algorithm). Available card lengths for defined card types are [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. A valid 16 digit card number will be in the format - XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.
  • CardHolderNameElement: Name should be two or more symbols, valid characters should match pattern - ^([a-zA-Z\\ \\,\\.\\-\\']{2,})$.
  • CvvElement: Card CVV can have 3-4 digits.
  • ExpirationDateElement: Any date starting from current month. By default valid expiration date should be in short year format - MM/YY.
  • PinElement: Can have 4-12 digits.

2. Custom Validations:

Custom validations can be added to any element and are checked after the default validations have passed. The following custom validation rules are currently supported:

  • REGEX_MATCH_RULE: You can use this rule to specify any regular expression to be matched with the input field value.
const regexMatchRule = {
  type: ValidationRuleType.REGEX_MATCH_RULE,
  params: {
    regex: RegExp,
    error: string, // Optional, default error is 'VALIDATION FAILED'.
  • LENGTH_MATCH_RULE: You can use this rule to set the minimum and maximum permissible length of the input field value.
const lengthMatchRule = {
  type: ValidationRuleType.LENGTH_MATCH_RULE,
  params: {
    min: number, // Optional
    max: number, // Optional
    error: string, // Optional, default error is 'VALIDATION FAILED'.

The Sample for using custom validations:

  A simple example that illustrates custom validations.
  Adding REGEX_MATCH_RULE , LENGTH_MATCH_RULE to collect element.
import {InputFieldElement, ValidationRuleType} from 'skyflow-react-native';

// This rule allows one or more alphabets.
const alphabetsOnlyRegexRule = {
  type: ValidationRuleType.REGEX_MATCH_RULE,
  params: {
    regex: /^[A-Za-z]+$/,
    error: 'Only alphabets are allowed',

// This rule allows input length between 4 and 6 characters.
const lengthRule = {
  type: ValidationRuleType.LENGTH_MATCH_RULE,
  params: {
    min: 4,
    max: 6,
    error: 'Must be between 4 and 6 alphabets',

const form = props => {
  return (
      container='COLLECT CONTAINER'
      validations={[alphabetsOnlyRegexRule, lengthRule]}

Event Listener on Skyflow Elements

Event listeners are triggered by passing the handler methods as props to the Element components.

There are four events which SDK supports:

    Change event is triggered when the element's value changes.

    Ready event is triggered when the element is fully rendered.

    Focus event is triggered when the element gains focus.

  • BLUR
    Blur event is triggered when the element loses focus.

The handler function(state) => void is a callback function you provide, that will be called when the event is fired with the state object as shown below.

state : {
  elementType: ElementType
  isEmpty: boolean 
  isFocused: boolean
  isValid: boolean
  value: string

Note: values of SkyflowElements will be returned in element state object only when env is DEV, else it is empty string i.e, '', but in case of CARD_NUMBER type element when the env is PROD for all the card types except AMEX, it will return first eight digits, for AMEX it will return first six digits and rest all digits in masked format.

Example Usage of Event Listener on Collect Elements

import React from 'react';
import {CardNumberElement, CardHolderNameElement, useCollectContainer} from 'skyflow-react-native';
import {View, Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const collectContainer = useCollectContainer();

  const handleCollect = () => {
      .then((response: any) => {
        console.log('Collect Success: ', JSON.stringify(response));
      .catch(err => {
        console.error('Collect Failed: ', JSON.stringify(err));

  const handleOnChange = state => {
    console.log('Change Listener Triggered', state);

  const handleOnFocus = state => {
    console.log('Focus Listener Triggered', state);

  const handleOnBlur = state => {
    console.log('Blur Listener Triggered', state);

  return (
      <View style={}>
          placeholder='XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'
          label='Card Number'
      <View style={}>
          label='Name on Card'
      <View style={}>
        <Button title='Collect' onPress={handleCollect} />

const viewStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  box: {
    marginVertical: 5,

export default App;

Sample Element state object when env is DEV

  elementType: 'CARDHOLDER_NAME',
  isEmpty: false,
  isFocused: true,
  isValid: true,
  value: 'John',
  elementType: 'CARD_NUMBER',
  isEmpty: false,
  isFocused: true,
  isValid: true,
  value: '4111111111111111',

Sample Element state object when env is PROD

  elementType: 'CARDHOLDER_NAME',
  isEmpty: false,
  isFocused: true,
  isValid: true,
  value: '',
  elementType: 'CARD_NUMBER',
  isEmpty: false,
  isFocused: true,
  isValid: true,
  value: '41111111XXXXXXXX',

Securely collecting data client-side using Composable Elements

Composable Elements combine multiple Skyflow Elements in a single row. The following steps create a composable element and securely collect data through it.

Step 1: Create a composable container

Create a container for the composable element using the useComposableContainer hook:

const container = useComposableContainer(containerOptions)

The container requires an options object that contains the following keys:

  • layout: An array that indicates the number of rows in the container and the number of elements in each row. The index value of the array defines the number of rows, and each value in the array represents the number of elements in that row, in order.

    For example: [2,1] means the container has two rows, with two elements in the first row and one element in the second row.

    Note: The sum of values in the layout array should be equal to the number of elements created

  • styles: styles to apply to each composable row.

  • errorTextStyles: styles to apply if an error is encountered.

const options = {
    layout: [2, 1],                           // Required
    styles: {                                 // Optional
        base: {
            borderWidth: 2,
            borderRadius: 4,
            borderColor: '#eae8ee',
            paddingVertical: 8,
            paddingHorizontal: 6,
            color: '#1d1d1d',
    errorTextStyles: {                       // Optional
        base: {
            color: 'red',

Step 2: Create Composable Elements

Composable Elements use the following format. Create other elements within the ComposableContainer Element.

import {
} from "skyflow-react-native";

<ComposableContainer container="<CONTAINER>">
      ... props 
      ... props 

The following props can be passed to Skyflow Composable Element:

  container: 'ComposableContainer' // Required, the Composable Container.
  table: 'string',                 // Required, the table this data belongs to.
  column: 'string',                // Required, the column into which this data should be inserted.
  label: 'string',                 // Optional, label for the form element.
  placeholder: 'string',           // Optional, placeholder for the form element.
  validations: [],                 // Optional, array of validation rules.
  onChange: Function,              // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onFocus: Function,               // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onBlur: Function,                // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  onReady: Function,               // Optional, function that is passed to trigger the onChange event.
  inputStyles: {},                 // Optional, styles object applied to the textinput field.
  labelStyles: {},                 // Optional, styles object applied to label of textinput field.
  errorTextStyle: {},              // Optional, styles object applied to errortext of textinput field.

The table and column fields indicate which table and column in the vault the Element corresponds to.


  • Use dot delimited strings to specify columns nested inside JSON fields (e.g. address.street.line1)

All elements can be styled using StyleSheet syntax.

An example of styling an element:

import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

const elementInputStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#1d1d1d',
  invalid: {
    color: '#f44336',

// "Passing the styles object to element

The inputStyles field accepts a style object which consists of CSS properties that should be applied to the form element in the following states:

  • base: applied by default, all below variants inherit from these styles.
  • complete: applied when the element has valid input.
  • empty: applied when the element has no input.
  • focus: applied when the element has focus.
  • invalid: applied when the element has invalid input.

The states that are available for labelStyles are base, focus and requiredAsterisk.

  • requiredAsterisk: styles applied for the Asterisk symbol in the label.

An example of a labelStyles object:

const elementLabelStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    fontWeight: 'normal',
  focus: {
    fontWeight: 'bold',
  requiredAsterisk: {
    color: 'red',

The state that is available for errorTextStyles is only the base state, it shows up when there is some error in the collect element.

An example of a errorTextStyles object:

const errorTextStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#f44336',

The following collection elements are supported in the React Native SDK:

  • CardHolderNameElement
  • CardNumberElement
  • ExpirationDateElement
  • CvvElement
  • PinElement
  • ExpirationDateElement
  • ExpirationMonthElement
  • ExpirationYearElement
  • InputFieldElement

The InputFieldElement type is a custom UI element without any built-in validations. See the section on validations for more information.

Along with the collect element props you can define other options that take an object of optional parameters as described below:

const options = {
  // Optional, indicates whether the field is marked as required. Defaults to 'false'.
  required: boolean,
  // Optional, format for the element (only applicable currently for EXPIRATION_DATE, EXPIRATION_YEAR ElementType).
  format: string,

The required parameter indicates whether the field is marked as required or not. If not provided, it defaults to false.

The format parameter takes string value and indicates the format pattern applicable to the element type, It's currently only applicable to EXPIRATION_DATE and EXPIRATION_YEAR element types.

The values that are accepted for EXPIRATION_DATE are

  • MM/YY (default)
  • YY/MM

The values that are accepted for EXPIRATION_YEAR are

  • YY (default)
  • YYYY

Note: If not specified or an invalid value is passed to the format then it takes default value.

Step 3: Collect data from Elements

To submit a form, call the collect(options?) method on the container object. The options parameter takes an object of optional parameters as shown below:

  • tokens: indicates whether tokens for the collected data should be returned or not. Defaults to 'true'.
  • additionalFields: Non-PCI elements data to be inserted into the vault which should be in the records object format.
  • upsert: To support upsert operations while collecting the data from Skyflow elements, pass the table and column that have been marked as unique in the table.
const options = {
    tokens: true,  // Optional, indicates whether tokens for the collected data should be returned. Defaults to 'true'.
    additionalFields: {
        records: [
                table: 'string',       // Table into which record should be inserted.
                fields: {
                    column1: 'value',  // Column names should match vault column names.
                    // ...additional fields here.
            // ...additional records here.
    }, // Optional
    upsert: [   // Optional, upsert operations support in the vault.
            table: 'string',    // Table name.
            column: 'string',   // Unique column in the table.

End to end example of collecting data with Composable Elements:

import React from 'react';
import { Button, Text, View } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'skyflow-react-native';

const ComposableElements = props => {

    const containerOptions = {
        layout: [3, 1],           // Required.
        styles: {
            base: {
                borderWidth: 2,
                borderRadius: 4,
                borderColor: '#eae8ee',
                paddingVertical: 4,
                paddingHorizontal: 5,
                marginLeft: 5,
                marginRight: 5,
                justifyContent: 'space-between',
                color: '#1d1d1d',
        errorTextStyles: {
            base: {
                color: 'green',

    const container = useComposableContainer(containerOptions);

    const handleCollect = () => {
            .then((response: any) => {
                console.log('Collect Success: ', JSON.stringify(response));
            .catch(err => {
                console.error('Collect Failed: ', err);
    return (
        <View style={{ marginTop: 10 }}>
            <Text>Composable Elements</Text>
            <ComposableContainer container={container}>
                    placeholder='XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'
                        format: 'MM/YYYY',

                    placeholder='cardholder name'

                <Button title='Collect' onPress={handleCollect} />

export default ComposableElements;

For information on event listeners, see event listeners

For information on validations, see validations.

Securely revealing data client-side

Retrieving data from the vault

For non-PCI use-cases, retrieving data from the vault and revealing it in the mobile can be done using the SkyflowID's or Unique Column Values as described below

  • Using Skyflow ID's or Unique Column Values

    For retrieving data from the vault, use the get(getInput: IGetInput, options: IGetOptions) method.

    The getInput parameter takes an object that contains an array of the records to fetch. Each object inside array should contain:

    • Either an array of Skyflow IDs to fetch
    • Or a column name and an array of column values

    The second parameter, options, is a GetOptions object that retrieves tokens of Skyflow IDs.


    • You can use either Skyflow IDs or unique values to retrieve records. You can't use both at the same time.
    • GetOptions parameter is applicable only for retrieving tokens using Skyflow ID.
    • You can't pass GetOptions along with the redaction type.
    • tokens defaults to false.
          "ids": Array,                  // Array of SkyflowID's of the records to be fetched
          "table": String,               // name of table holding the above skyflow_id's
          "redaction": RedactionType     // redaction to be applied to retrieved data
          "table": String,               // name of table from where records are to be fetched
          "redaction": RedactionType,    // redaction to be applied to retrieved data
          "columnName": String,          // a unique column name
          "colunmnValues": Array         // Array of Column Values of the records to be fetched

    An Example of Get call to fetch records

    const skyflowContainer = useSkyflow();
    const getRequestInput = {
      records: [
          ids: [
          table: 'cards',
          redaction: RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT,
          ids: ['invalid skyflow id'],
          table: 'cards',
          redaction: RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT,
          table: 'customers',
          redaction: RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT,
          columnName: 'email',
          columnValues: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
          table: 'customers',
          redaction: RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT,
          columnName: 'email',
          columnValues: ['invalid column value'],
    const options = { tokens: false };
      .get(getRequestInput, options)
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((err) => {

    The sample response:

      "records": [
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "4111111111111111",
            "expiry_date": "11/35",
            "fullname": "myname",
            "id": "h4f5k569-c577-8o1j-r91c-x9gfd0b0fd9"
          "table": "cards"
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "4111111111111111",
            "expiry_date": "10/23",
            "fullname": "sam",
            "id": "fa27dj53-95d5-1bdb-55db-8e8c11a36ff9"
          "table": "cards"
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "4111111111111111",
            "email": "john@[email protected]",
            "name": "john",
            "id": "s74ik950-c577-8o1j-r91c-x9gf7bh0fd9"
          "table": "customers"
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "4111111111111111",
            "email": "jane@[email protected]",
            "name": "jane",
            "id": "z7a9k950-c783-80aj-r91c-x9gf7bh0ff9"
          "table": "customers"
      "errors": [
          "error": {
            "code": "404",
            "description": "No Records Found"
          "ids": ["invalid skyflow id"]
          "error": {
            "code": "404",
            "description": "No Records Found"
          "columnName": "email",

    An Example of Get call to fetch Tokens

    const skyflowContainer = useSkyflow();
    const getRequestInput = {
      records: [
          ids: [
          table: 'cards',
          ids: ['invalid skyflow id'],
          table: 'cards',
    const options = { tokens: true };
      .get(getRequestInput, options)
      .then((response) => {
      .catch((err) => {

    The sample Response:

      "records": [
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "9802-3257-3113-0294",
            "expiry_date": "45012507-f72b-4f5c-9bf9-86b133bae719",
            "fullname": "131e2507-f72b-4f5c-9bf9-86b133bae719",
            "id": "h4f5k569-c577-8o1j-r91c-x9gfd0b0fd9",
          "table": "cards"
          "fields": {
            "card_number": "0294-3213-3157-9802",
            "expiry_date": "131e2507-f72b-4f5c-9bf9-86b133bae719",
            "fullname": "45012507-f72b-4f5c-9bf9-86b133bae719",
            "id": "fa27dj53-95d5-1bdb-55db-8e8c11a36ff9"
          "table": "cards"
      "errors": [
          "error": {
            "code": "404",
            "description": "No Records Found"
          "ids": ["invalid skyflow id"]

Using Skyflow Elements to reveal data

Skyflow Elements can securely reveal data in an application without exposing your frontend to sensitive data. This is useful for cases like card issuance, where you may want to reveal the card number to a user without increasing your PCI compliance scope.

Step 1: Create a container

To start, create a container using the useRevealContainer() method of the Skyflow client as shown below.

const revealContainer = useRevealContainer();

Step 2: Create a reveal element

import {RevealElement} from 'skyflow-react-native';


The following props can be passed to a Skyflow reveal element:

  container: 'RevealContainer' // Required, the reveal container.
  token:'string'               // Required, the actual data token.
  label: 'string',             // Optional, label for the form element.
  altText: 'string'            // Optional, string that is shown before reveal, will show token if altText is not provided.
  inputStyles: {},             // Optional, styles to be applied to the element.
  labelStyles: {},             // Optional, styles to be applied to the label of the reveal element.
  errorTextStyles: {},         // Optional, styles that will be applied to the errorText of the reveal element.
  redaction: RedactionType,    // Optional, redaction type to be applied to retrieved data, ex: RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT

RedactionType accepts four values:



  • redaction defaults to RedactionType.PLAIN_TEXT
  • The inputStyles, labelStyles and errorTextStyles parameters accepts a style object of base variant.

End to end example using reveal element

import React from 'react';
import {RevealElement, useRevealContainer, RedactionType} from 'skyflow-react-native';
import {View, Button, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const revealContainer = useRevealContainer();

  const handleReveal = () => {
      .then(response => {
        console.log('Reveal Success', JSON.stringify(response));
      .catch(err => {
        console.error('Reveal Failed', JSON.stringify(err));

  return (
        label='Card Number'
        altText='XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX'
      <View style={buttonStyles.button}>
        <Button title='Reveal' onPress={handleReveal} />

const revealInputStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#1c1e21',
    fontWeight: '600',

const revealLabelStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: '#1c1e21',
    fontWeight: '400',

const revealerrorTextStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  base: {
    color: 'orangered',

const buttonStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    margin: 10,

export default App;

Sample Response

  "success": [
      "token": "b63ec4e0-bbad-4e43-96e6-6bd50f483f75",
      "valueType": "STRING"
  "errors": [
      "token": "89024714-6a26-4256-b9d4-55ad69aa4047",
      "error": {
        "code": 404,
        "description": "Tokens not found for 89024714-6a26-4256-b9d4-55ad69aa4047"

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a potential security issue in this project, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Please don't create public GitHub issues or pull requests, as malicious actors could potentially view them.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.