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sledorze committed Dec 7, 2019
1 parent 65afcb7 commit 6af2223
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Showing 19 changed files with 7,662 additions and 4 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions lerna.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"packages": [
"name": "morphic-ts",
"packages": ["packages/*"],
"version": "0.0.0"
21 changes: 20 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,25 @@
"name": "root",
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"lerna": "^3.19.0"
"fp-ts": "2.2.0",
"lerna": "^3.19.0",
"@types/jest": "24.0.23",
"@types/node": "12.12.8",
"docs-ts": "^0.2.1",
"dtslint": "github:gcanti/dtslint",
"jest": "^24.9.0",
"mocha": "^6.2.2",
"rimraf": "^3.0.0",
"ts-jest": "^24.1.0",
"ts-node": "^8.5.2",
"tslint": "5.20.1",
"tslint-config-standard": "^9.0.0",
"yarn-deduplicate": "1.1.1",
"monocle-ts": "2.0.0"
"workspaces": {
"packages": [
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# `adt`

> TODO: description
## Usage

const adt = require('adt');
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"name": "adt",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "> TODO: description",
"author": "Stéphane Le Dorze <[email protected]>",
"homepage": "",
"license": "ISC",
"main": "lib/adt.js",
"directories": {
"lib": "lib",
"test": "__tests__"
"files": [
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "3.7.3",
"prettier": "1.19.1"
"peerDependencies": {
"monocle-ts": "2.0.0"
"scripts": {
"lint": "tslint -p tsconfig.tslint.json src/**/*.ts test/**/*.ts",
"jest": "jest",
"jest-coverage": "jest --ci --coverage",
"prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser typescript --list-different \"{src,test,examples}/**/*.ts\"",
"fix-prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser typescript --write \"{src,test,examples}/**/*.ts\"",
"test": "yarn run prettier && yarn run lint && yarn run jest && yarn run docs",
"test-old": "yarn run prettier && yarn run lint && yarn run dtslint && yarn run jest && yarn run docs",
"clean": "rm -rf lib/*",
"build": "yarn run clean && tsc --build",
"prepublish": "yarn run build",
"docs-fix-prettier": "prettier --no-semi --single-quote --print-width 120 --parser markdown --write \"\"",
"dtslint": "dtslint dtslint",
"mocha": "TS_NODE_CACHE=false mocha -r ts-node/register test/*.ts",
"docs": "docs-ts",
"prepare": "./"
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/src/adt/common.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
export type IfStringLiteral<T, IfLiteral, IfString, IfNotString> = T extends string
? string extends T
? IfString
: IfLiteral
: IfNotString

export type Remove<A, Tag> = { [k in Exclude<keyof A, Tag>]: A[k] }
export type ElemType<A> = A extends Array<infer E> ? E : never

* Keeps the common key in a union that are discriminants (Holds values which *are* literals)
type TagsInKeys<T, K extends keyof T> = NonNullable<
[k in K]: undefined extends T[k] ? undefined : IfStringLiteral<T[k], k, never, never>
export type TagsOf<T> = TagsInKeys<T, keyof T> // this indirection is necessary

export type ExtractUnion<A, Tag extends keyof A & string, Tags extends string> = Extract<A, Record<Tag, Tags>>

export type ExcludeUnion<A, Tag extends keyof A & string, Tags extends string> = Exclude<A, Record<Tag, Tags>>

export const assignFunction = <F extends Function, C>(ab: F, c: C): F & C => {
const newF: typeof ab = ((...x: any[]) => ab(...x)) as any
return Object.assign(newF, c)
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/src/adt/ctors.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import { Remove, ExtractUnion } from './common'
import { identity } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import { KeysDefinition } from '.'
import { record } from 'fp-ts'

export type CtorType<C extends Ctors<any, any>> = C extends Ctors<infer A, any> ? A : never

export type Of<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> = {
[key in A[Tag] & string]: (a: Remove<ExtractUnion<A, Tag, key>, Tag>) => A

export type As<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> = {
[key in A[Tag] & string]: (a: Remove<ExtractUnion<A, Tag, key>, Tag>) => ExtractUnion<A, Tag, key>

export interface Ctors<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> {
of: Of<A, Tag>
as: As<A, Tag>
make: (a: A) => A

export const Ctors = <A, Tag extends keyof A & string>(tag: Tag) => (keys: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>): Ctors<A, Tag> => {
const ctors = record.mapWithIndex((key, _) => (props: any) => ({
[tag]: key,
return {
of: ctors as Ctors<A, Tag>['of'],
as: ctors as Ctors<A, Tag>['as'],
make: identity
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/src/adt/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import { ElemType, TagsOf, ExtractUnion, ExcludeUnion } from './common'
import * as M from './monocle'
import * as Ma from './matcher'
import * as PU from './predicates'
import * as CU from './ctors'
import { intersection, difference } from 'fp-ts/lib/Array'
import { eqString } from 'fp-ts/lib/Eq'
import { record, array } from 'fp-ts'
import { tuple, identity } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'

export interface ADT<A, Tag extends keyof A & string>
extends Ma.Matchers<A, Tag>,
PU.Predicates<A, Tag>,
CU.Ctors<A, Tag>,
M.MonocleFor<A> {
select: <Keys extends (A[Tag] & string)[]>(...keys: Keys) => ADT<ExtractUnion<A, Tag, ElemType<Keys>>, Tag>
exclude: <Keys extends (A[Tag] & string)[]>(...keys: Keys) => ADT<ExcludeUnion<A, Tag, ElemType<Keys>>, Tag>
tag: Tag
keys: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>

export type ADTType<A extends ADT<any, any>> = CU.CtorType<A>

const mergeKeys = <A, B, Tag extends (keyof A & keyof B) & string>(
a: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>,
b: KeysDefinition<B, Tag>
): KeysDefinition<A | B, Tag> => ({ ...a, ...b } as any)

const recordFromArray = record.fromFoldable({ concat: identity }, array.array)
const toTupleNull = (k: string) => tuple(k, null)

const intersectKeys = <A, B, Tag extends (keyof A & keyof B) & string>(
a: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>,
b: KeysDefinition<B, Tag>
): KeysDefinition<Extract<A, B>, Tag> =>
recordFromArray(intersection(eqString)(Object.keys(a), Object.keys(b)).map(toTupleNull)) as KeysDefinition<
Extract<A, B>,

const excludeKeys = <A, B, Tag extends (keyof A & keyof B) & string>(
a: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>,
toRemove: Array<string>
): object => recordFromArray(difference(eqString)(Object.keys(a), toRemove).map(toTupleNull))

const keepKeys = <A, B, Tag extends (keyof A & keyof B) & string>(
a: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>,
toKeep: Array<string>
): object => recordFromArray(intersection(eqString)(Object.keys(a), toKeep).map(toTupleNull))

export const unionADT = <AS extends [ADT<any, any>, ADT<any, any>, ...Array<ADT<any, any>>]>(
as: AS
): ADT<ADTType<AS[number]>, AS[number]['tag']> => {
const newKeys = array.reduceRight(as[0].keys, (x: AS[number], y) => mergeKeys(x.keys, y))(as)
return makeADT(as[0].tag)(newKeys)

export const intersectADT = <A, B, Tag extends (keyof A & keyof B) & string>(
a: ADT<A, Tag>,
b: ADT<B, Tag>
): ADT<Extract<A, B>, Tag> => makeADT(a.tag)(intersectKeys(a.keys, b.keys))

export type KeysDefinition<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> = { [k in A[Tag] & string]: any }
export const isIn = <A, Tag extends keyof A & string>(keys: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>) => (k: string) => k in keys

export type ByTag<A> = <Tag extends TagsOf<A> & string>(t: Tag) => (keys: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>) => ADT<A, Tag>

interface TypeDef<T> {
_TD: T
type TypeOfDef<X extends TypeDef<any>> = X['_TD']

export const ofType = <T>(): TypeDef<T> => 1 as any
export const makeADT = <Tag extends string>(tag: Tag) => <R extends { [x in keyof R]: TypeDef<{ [t in Tag]: x }> }>(
_keys: R
): ADT<TypeOfDef<R[keyof R]>, Tag> => {
type Tag = typeof tag
type A = TypeOfDef<R[keyof R]>
const keys: any = _keys // any

const ctors = CU.Ctors<A, Tag>(tag)(keys)
const predicates = PU.Predicates<A, any>(tag)(keys) // any
const monocles = M.MonocleFor<A>()
const matchers = Ma.Matchers<A, any>(tag)(keys) // any
const select = <Keys extends (A[Tag] & string)[]>(
...selectedKeys: Keys
): ADT<ExtractUnion<A, Tag, ElemType<Keys>>, Tag> => makeADT(tag)(keepKeys(keys, selectedKeys) as any)

const exclude = <Keys extends (A[Tag] & string)[]>(
...excludedKeys: Keys
): ADT<ExcludeUnion<A, Tag, ElemType<Keys>>, Tag> => makeADT(tag)(excludeKeys(keys, excludedKeys) as any)

const res: ADT<A, Tag> = {
return res
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions packages/adt/src/adt/matcher.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
import { identity } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import { KeysDefinition, isIn } from '.'
import { TagsOf } from './common'

type ValueByKeyByTag<Union extends Record<any, any>, Tags extends keyof Union = keyof Union> = {
[Tag in Tags]: { [Key in Union[Tag]]: Union extends { [r in Tag]: Key } ? Union : never }

type Cases<Record, R> = { [key in keyof Record]: (v: Record[key]) => R }

type Folder<A> = <R>(f: (a: A) => R) => (a: A) => R

interface Default<A, R> {
default: (a: A) => R
* Dispatch calls for each tag value, ensuring a common result type `R`
interface Matcher<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> extends MatcherInter<A, ValueByKeyByTag<A>[Tag]> {}
interface MatcherInter<A, Record> {
<R>(match: Cases<Record, R>): (a: A) => R
// tslint:disable-next-line: unified-signatures
<R>(match: Partial<Cases<Record, R>> & Default<A, R>): (a: A) => R

interface Transform<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> extends TransformInter<A, ValueByKeyByTag<A>[Tag]> {}
interface TransformInter<A, Record> {
(match: Partial<Cases<Record, A>>): (a: A) => A

interface ReducerBuilder<S, A, Tag extends keyof A & string> {
(match: Cases<ValueByKeyByTag<A>[Tag], (s: S) => S>): Reducer<S, A>
// tslint:disable-next-line: unified-signatures
(match: Partial<Cases<ValueByKeyByTag<A>[Tag], (s: S) => S>> & Default<A, (s: S) => S>): Reducer<S, A>

* Same purpose as `Matcher` but the result type is infered as a union of all branches results types
interface MatcherWiden<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> extends MatcherWidenIntern<A, ValueByKeyByTag<A>[Tag]> {}

interface MatcherWidenIntern<A, Record> {
<M extends Cases<Record, any>>(match: M): (a: A) => ReturnType<M[keyof M]> extends infer R ? R : never
<M extends Partial<Cases<Record, any>> & Default<A, any>>(match: M): (
a: A
) => ReturnType<NonNullable<M[keyof M]>> extends infer R ? R : never

export interface Reducer<S, A> {
(state: S | undefined, action: A): S

export interface Matchers<A, Tag extends keyof A & string> {
fold: Folder<A>
match: Matcher<A, Tag>
transform: Transform<A, Tag>
matchWiden: MatcherWiden<A, Tag>
createReducer: <S>(initialState: S) => ReducerBuilder<S, A, Tag>

export const Matchers = <A, Tag extends TagsOf<A> & string>(tag: Tag) => (
keys: KeysDefinition<A, Tag>
): Matchers<A, Tag> => {
const inKeys = isIn(keys)
const match = (match: any) => (a: any): any => {
const key = a[tag]
return key in match ? match[key](a) : match['default'](a)
const transform = (match: any) => (a: any): any => {
const key = a[tag]
return key in match ? match[key](a) : a
const matchWiden = match
const fold = identity
const createReducer = <S>(initialState: S): ReducerBuilder<S, A, Tag> => (m: any) => {
const matcher = match(m)
return (s: any, a: any) => {
const key = a[tag]
const state = s === undefined ? initialState : s
if (inKeys(key)) {
return matcher(a)(state)
} else {
return state
return {

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