Paris is Slingshot's React design system, meant to work universally across server and client components. It's a collection of reusable components, design tokens, and guidelines for building consistent, accessible, and performant user interfaces.
Currently, Paris is provided as a set of unbundled .tsx
components styled with SCSS modules. This means that you can import only the components you need, and you can use your own bundler to optimize your bundle size. As a result, Paris works best with frameworks like Next.js that have built-in support for TypeScript and SCSS modules.
Paris 1.x styling is heavily inspired by Uber's Base Web, which we previously used in our production apps. We built Paris to move away from Styletron and CSS-in-JS, since we're now largely working with React 18, RSC, and the Next.js app
First, install Paris in your project:
pnpm i paris
# or
yarn add paris
# or
npm i paris
Make sure your tsconfig
module resolution is set to nodenext
, node16
, or bundler
to support paris
"compilerOptions": {
"moduleResolution": "bundler"
You'll need to tell your bundler to transpile files from Paris. This is easy in Next.js 13.1+ with the transpilePackages
option in next.config.js
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
transpilePackages: ['paris'],
For older versions of Next.js, you can use a plugin like next-transpile-modules. Instructions for other bundlers are coming soon.
You'll need to configure your bundler to support Sass/SCSS and SCSS modules. In Next.js, support for SCSS modules is built-in and can be enabled by simply installing sass
as a dependency.
Paris uses pte
(our theming engine) for powering theming and initial styles through CSS variables. You can use generateCSS
or generateThemeInjection
from paris/theme
to generate the CSS variables and inject them into your app through either a style
or script
tag in your document head respectively. Either method supports SSR and server components, since the initial theme is static.
Additionally, you need to import the static global styles from paris/theme/global.scss
Paris also relies on CSS Container Queries for responsive changes on certain elements, like the Tabs component when kind = auto
. Adding the Google polyfill for Container Queries is recommended to ensure legacy browser support:
// Use the `Script` component instead in Next.js
<script src="" />
For example, with the Next.js 13 app directory, you can do all of this in your root layout.tsx
// app/layout.tsx
import { generateCSS, generateThemeInjection, theme } from 'paris/theme';
// Import Paris's static global styling
import 'paris/theme/global.scss';
export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode
}) {
return (
<html lang="en">
{/* Using a `style` tag (MUST have the id `pte-vars` and be in the document head) */}
__html: generateCSS(theme),
{/* Or, use a `script` tag (can be located anywhere, should be loaded as early as possible to avoid an unstyled flash) */}
__html: generateThemeInjection(theme),
{/* Set the class "paris-container" to your root layout container */}
<body className="paris-container">
<Script src="" />
That's it! You can now import any component from Paris:
import { Button } from 'paris/button';
const App = () => (
<Button>Click me</Button>
This should work out of the box with Next.js, since it has built-in support for TypeScript and SCSS modules. If you're using another framework or bundler, you may need to configure it for generic SCSS support.