This release brings many bug fixes, especially to the navigation using the left menu, and some new features, of which one requires the backend-API to be updated if you wish to use it.
New feature requiring backend-API update
- Functionality for downloading introductions, read texts and comments in xml or plain text format, and for opening them in print-friendly html-format. Instructions for how to set this up in your project can be found in the documentation. The functionality for opening the texts in print-friendly html-format doesn't require new API-support, but downloading does. digital_edition_api supports downloading from this commit forward: https://github.com/slsfi/digital_edition_api/tree/09eda8f970c0062714f17c71e90559089702b4d8
Other major new features
- Added new page for forewords to collections. The foreword-page is located between the title page and the introduction (if present) and behaves the same way as the title page. The xml-files are read from the xml/fore/ folder in your project's files-repository. The filenames must be named <collectionId>_fore_<lang>_ext.xml and <collectionId>_fore_<lang>_int.xml, similarly to the title page xml-files. Requires a new xslt-stylesheet, foreword.xsl, in the xslt-folder. Enable in config: "HasForeword": true.
- Added new column to the read-view: legend. The contents of the column are read from markdown-files in the md/<lang>/13/ folders in your project's files-repository. To use the same md-file for all publications in all collections in your project, name the file 00.md. To use a specific md-file for a specific publication, create a subfolder with <collectionId> as name and in there a file named <publicationId>.md. To use a specific md-file for all publications in a specific collection, create a subfolder with <collectionId> as name and 00.md as filename. A combination of these is possible, meaning if a specific md-file doesn't exist for a publication, the 00.md file for the collection will be used, and lacking that, the general 00.md file in the md/<lang>/13/ folder will be used for the column content. A button for opening the legend-column is displayed in the manuscripts- and variations-column if showOpenLegendButton.manuscripts and showOpenLegendButton.variations is set to true in the config. The column is made available through config: displayTypesToggles.legend.
- The previous-/current-/next-text navigation in the secondary toolbar has been extended to the cover, title, foreword and introduction pages.
Minor new features, feature tweaks and bug fixes
- Refactored language change events: fixes page content not reloading with new translation after language change.
- Changed how collections are opened from the left menu (page-single-edition not used as a go-between anymore).
- When navigating to a new TOC item in the read-view and the new item is just a different position in the already opened read-text (i.e. collectionId, publicationId and chapter stays the same), the read-view is not reloaded. Instead the position in the read-text is just scrolled into view and the url updated.
- Enabled opening illustrations from comments column.
- Button for enabling/disabling the TOC of introductions moved to secondary toolbar.
- Changed column options button icon to three vertical dots in the read view (so it isn't confused with the icon for the left menu).
- Harmonised top menu icon order on mobile/desktop.
- Added possibility to remove display options button from secondary toolbar through config (showDisplayOptionsButton with boolean suboptions: pageEpub, pageForeword, pageIntroduction, pageRead, pageTitle).
- Made collection title stick to top when scrolling the left menu.
- Adjusted and harmonised layout breakpoints for screen width.
- Fixed bugs in the left menu for collections (table-of-contents-accordion) and the previous-/current-/next-text navigation (text-changer) and improved their code.
- Fixed problems with sorting the TOC for collections.
- Fixed bug in comments template (correspondence metadata).
- Fixed publications with chapters not displaying facsimiles by priority in database.
- Fixed bold style for place name in tooltips.
- Various CSS fixes and adjustments.
Other changes
- Updated dependencies (hosted-git-info from 2.8.4 to 2.8.9, y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2, websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4, path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7).