A rich Asana client written in Meteor, planned features are TimeTracking, Budgeting, Statistics and Reporting. Demo at http://tisana.meteor.com/
I really like Asana, and I love Meteor.js, so I figured I could try and write a client that adds some features to the standard Asana app.
The starting point was given by https://github.com/codelovers/asana-time-track, but I wanted to use Meteor to learn a new platform.
This is still very experimental. Its my first Meteor application and Meteor is still in beta. So go figure.
Log in with your asana account
Synchronize your tasks with asana.
Tasks are saved locally in mongo but can be resynced any time
- Time tracking functions on tasks.
list users and see what they are working on.
Detailed Work Statistics and Work Load Visaulization using D3
Manage Estimated Time on Tasks vs Actual Worked Time
Add alerts when overworking a task.
Add Hourly Cost on Users
budget functions
Tisana uses the excellent meteorite package manager for meteor. So start it with
sudo mrt
- Meteor.js + Meteorite
- jquery.timer.js
- spin.js
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Icons from http://rrze-icon-set.berlios.de/
Contributions are very welcome.
Find me at github.com/smarques