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Makefile Sandbox Scripts

Below are the scripts available in the makefile-sandbox of the Foundry-Chainlink Toolkit.

All scripts are prefixed with fct- to avoid makefile collisions when integrating with other projects.

Some scripts accept arguments that can be provided either through the command line (e.g. make target PARAM={value}), in the .env file, or interactively in the command line.



Scripts for automating the initialization of the test environment and setting up Chainlink jobs will be described below.

To display autogenerated help with a brief description of the most commonly used scripts, run:

make fct-help

For a more detailed description of the available scripts, you can refer to

Initialize testing environment

make fct-init

This command automatically initializes the test environment, in particular, it makes clean spin-up of a Chainlink cluster of 5 Chainlink nodes.

Once Chainlink cluster is launched, a Chainlink nodes' Operator GUI will be available at:

For authorization, you must use the credentials specified in the chainlink_api_credentials.

You can also initialize the test environment manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Link Token contract
  2. Set LINK_TOKEN_CONTRACT in .env
  3. Spin up a Chainlink nodes cluster
  4. Fund Chainlink nodes with ETH
  5. Fund Chainlink nodes with Link tokens

For ARM64 users. When starting a docker container, there will be warnings:
The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
You can safely ignore these warnings, container will start normally.

Set up Chainlink Jobs

make fct-setup-job

This command displays a list of available Chainlink jobs and sets up the selected one.

You can also set up a Chainlink job by calling the respective command.

Direct Request Job

make fct-setup-direct-request-job

This command automatically sets up a Direct Request job.

You can also set up a Direct Request job manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Oracle contract
  2. Deploy Consumer contract
  3. Fund Consumer contract with Link tokens
  4. Create Direct Request Job
  5. Request ETH price with Consumer contract, a corresponding job will be launched
  6. Get ETH price after completing a job

Cron Job

make fct-setup-cron-job

This command automatically sets up a Cron job.

You can also set up a Cron job manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Cron Consumer contract
  2. Create Cron Job
  3. Get ETH price after completing a job

Webhook Job

make fct-setup-webhook-job

This command automatically sets up a Webhook job.

You can also set up a Webhook job manually by following these steps:

  1. Create Webhook Job
  2. Run Webhook Job

Keeper Job

make fct-setup-keeper-job

This command automatically sets up a Keeper job.

You can also set up a Keeper job manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Keeper Consumer contract
  2. Deploy Registry contract
  3. Create Keeper Jobs for Chainlink nodes in a cluster
  4. Register Chainlink nodes as keepers in a Registry contract
  5. Register Keeper Consumer as upkeep in a Registry contract
  6. Fund the latest upkeep in a Registry contract
  7. Get value of counter variable in a Keeper contract

Flux Job

make fct-setup-flux-job

This command automatically sets up a Flux job.

You can also set up a Flux job manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Flux Aggregator contract
  2. Fund Flux Aggregator contract with Link tokens
  3. Update Flux Aggregator available funds
  4. Set Flux Aggregator oracles
  5. Create Flux Jobs for the first 3 Chainlink nodes in a cluster
  6. Get the answer of the latest Flux round from the Flux Aggregator contract


make fct-setup-ocr-job

This command automatically sets up an OCR job.

You can also set up a OCR job manually by following these steps:

  1. Deploy Offchain Aggregator contract
  2. Set Offchain Aggregator payees
  3. Set Offchain Aggregator config
  4. Create OCR Job for a bootstrap Chainlink node (first in a cluster)
  5. Create OCR Jobs for Chainlink nodes in a cluster except the first one (bootstrap)
  6. Request new OCR round in the Offchain Aggregator contract (optional)
  7. Get the answer of the latest OCR round from the Offchain Aggregator contract

Note Manual set up of a Chainlink Job is recommended when utilizing a custom Consumer or Aggregator contract, or when a different job configuration is desired.
You can create a custom TOML file and use it to create a Chainlink Job instance through the Operator GUI or develop a custom script using the existing scripts provided by this toolkit.

Project Structure

Chainlink *

This directory contains configuration files, scripts and smart contracts source code.

Contracts *

Jobs *

More info on Chainlink v2 Jobs, their types and configuration can be found here:
You can change these configuration according to your requirements.

Setting *

More info on authentication can be found here
You can specify any credentials there. Password provided must be 16 characters or more.


  • create_tables.sql - sql script to create tables related to Chainlink nodes in a Postgres DB
  • chainlink_password - sql script to delete tables related to Chainlink nodes in a Postgres DB

Chainlink nodes logs directories

Once Chainlink nodes are started, log directories will be created for each of them.

chainlink.env *

This file contains environment variables related to Chainlink node configuration. You can modify it according to your requirements.
More info on Chainlink environment variables can be found here:

Subdirectories: jobs, settings and sql are used as shared folders for running Chainlink nodes and Postgres DB containers.

External *

This directory contains external libraries.

OCRHelper *

This Go library is based on integration tests and is used to prepare configuration parameters for Offchain Aggregator contract.
It has pre-built binaries for platforms: darwin/amd64(x86_64), darwin/arm64, linux/amd64(x86_64), linux/arm,linux/arm64.

If you use another platform, in the root of the project please run:
make fct-build-ocr-helper
It will build the external library for your platform.
It requires Go (1.18 or higher) installed.

Script *

This directory contains Solidity Scripts to deploy and interact with Solidity smart contracts:

  • Link Token
  • Oracle
  • Registry
  • Flux and Offchain aggregators
  • Chainlink Consumer contracts
  • Helper Solidity Scripts

You can run these scripts with the command: forge script path/to/script [--args]. Logs and artifacts dedicated to each script run, including a transaction hash and an address of a deployed smart contract, are stored in a corresponding subdirectory of the broadcast folder (created automatically).
More info on Foundry Solidity Scripting can be found here:
More info on forge script can be found here:

Src *

Interfaces *

This directory contains interfaces to interact with Solidity contracts deployed using its pre-built artifacts. This is necessary in order to reduce dependence on a specific version of Solidity compiler.

Mocks *

This directory contains mock Solidity contracts used for testing purposes:

Utility Scripts

Show Help

make fct-help

This command displays autogenerated help with a brief description of the most commonly used scripts.
For a more detailed description of the scripts, you can refer to current file.

Run Anvil

make fct-anvil

This command runs Anvil local Ethereum node with the following options:

  • http endpoint: http://localhost:8545
  • web socket: ws://localhost:8545
  • chain ID: 1337
  • block period: 10s
  • mnemonic: test test test test test test test test test test test junk

Initialize Test Environment

make fct-init

This command automatically initializes the test environment:

  • Deploys the Link Token contract and writes its address to .env
  • Spins up a Chainlink cluster
  • Funds Chainlink nodes with ETH and Link tokens

Chainlink Jobs Automatic Setup Scripts

Set Up a Chainlink Job

make fct-setup-job

This command displays a list of available Chainlink jobs and sets up the selected one.

Set Up Direct Request Job

make fct-setup-direct-request-job

This command automatically sets up a Direct Request job:

  • Deploys the Oracle and the Chainlink Direct Request Consumer contracts
  • Funds the Chainlink Direct Request Consumer with Link tokens
  • Creates a Direct Request job on a Chainlink node
  • Makes request to the Oracle contract to update ETH price value

Set Up Cron Job

make fct-setup-cron-job

This command automatically sets up a Cron job:

  • Deploys the Chainlink Cron Consumer contract
  • Creates a Cron job on a Chainlink node

Set Up Webhook Job

make fct-setup-webhook-job

This command automatically sets up a Webhook job:

  • Creates a Webhook job on a Chainlink node
  • Runs the most recently created Webhook job

Set Up Keeper Job

make fct-setup-keeper-job

This command automatically sets up a Keeper job:

  • Deploys the Registry and the Chainlink Keeper Consumer contracts
  • Register the Chainlink Keeper Consumer in the Registry contract as an upkeep
  • Sets Chainlink nodes as keepers in the Registry contract
  • Creates a Keeper job on each Chainlink node in a Chainlink cluster
  • Funds the latest registered upkeep in the Registry

Set Up Flux Job

make fct-setup-flux-job

This command automatically sets up a Flux job:

  • Deploys the Flux Aggregator contract
  • Funds the Flux Aggregator with Link tokens and updates its available funds
  • Sets Chainlink nodes 1-3 as oracles in the Flux Aggregator contract
  • Creates a Flux job on Chainlink nodes 1-3

Set Up OCR Job

make fct-setup-ocr-job

This command automatically sets up a OCR job:

  • Deploys the Offchain Aggregator contract
  • Sets Chainlink nodes 2-5 as payees in the Offchain Aggregator contract
  • Sets OCR configuration generated by Chainlink nodes 2-5 in the Offchain Aggregator contract
  • Creates an OCR (bootstrap) job on Chainlink node 1
  • Creates an OCR (oracle) job on Chainlink nodes 2-5

Chainlink Nodes Management Scripts

Spin Up a Chainlink Cluster

make fct-run-nodes

This command spins up a cluster of 5 Chainlink nodes (necessary to run OCR jobs). It fetches images, creates/recreates and starts containers according to the docker-compose.yaml.

Restart a Chainlink Cluster

make fct-restart-nodes

This command performs a clean restart of a Chainlink cluster: stops and removes containers and network, deletes all related volumes and logs, and starts containers according to the docker-compose.yaml.

Get a Chainlink Node Info

make fct-get-node-info

This command displays a list of available Chainlink node information and shows the selected one.

Get Chainlink Node ETH Keys

make fct-get-node-eth-keys

This command returns data related to Chainlink node's EVM Chain Accounts, e.g.:

  • Account address (this is the address for a Chainlink node wallet)
  • Link token balance
  • ETH balance

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Get Chainlink Node OCR Keys

make fct-get-node-ocr-keys

This command returns Chainlink node's OCR keys.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Get Chainlink Node P2P Keys

make fct-get-node-p2p-keys

This command returns Chainlink node's P2P keys.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Get Chainlink Node Address

make fct-get-node-address

This command returns Chainlink node's account address.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

You also can find information on keys in the node Operator GUI under the Key Management configuration.

Get Chainlink Node Configuration

make fct-get-node-config

This command returns a Chainlink node configuration. The result contains comma-separated values, including:

  • Node address
  • On-chain signing address
  • Off-chain public key
  • Config public key
  • Peer ID

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Chainlink Jobs creation Scripts

Create a Chainlink Job

make fct-create-job

This command displays a list of available Chainlink jobs and creates the selected one.

Create Chainlink Direct Request Job

make fct-create-direct-request-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to direct_request_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • ORACLE_ADDRESS - Oracle contract address

Create Chainlink Cron Job

make fct-create-cron-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to cron_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • CRON_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Cron consumer contract address

Create Chainlink Webhook Job

make fct-create-webhook-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to webhook_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Create Chainlink Keeper Job

make fct-create-keeper-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to keeper_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • REGISTRY_ADDRESS - Registry contract address

For the Chainlink Keeper Job it was noticed that Chainlink nodes require a current blockchain height to be approximately at least 100 blocks.

Create Chainlink Flux Job

make fct-create-flux-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to flux_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Create Chainlink OCR (bootstrap) Job

make fct-create-ocr-bootstrap-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to ocr_job_bootstrap.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address

Create Chainlink OCR (oracle) Job

make fct-create-ocr-job

This command creates a Chainlink job according to ocr_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address
  • BOOTSTRAP_P2P_KEY - P2P key for an OCR bootstrap Chainlink node

Create Chainlink Keeper Jobs

make fct-create-keeper-jobs

This command creates a Chainlink job for each Chainlink node in a cluster according to keeper_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • REGISTRY_ADDRESS - Registry contract address

Create Chainlink Flux Jobs

make fct-create-flux-jobs

This command creates a Chainlink job for the first 3 Chainlink nodes in a cluster according to flux_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Create Chainlink OCR Jobs

make fct-create-ocr-jobs

This command creates:

  • Chainlink job for the first node (bootstrap) in a cluster according to ocr_job_bootstrap.toml.
  • Chainlink jobs for each Chainlink node (oracles) except the first one (bootstrap) in a cluster according to ocr_job.toml.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address

You can check list of created jobs and manage them in the node Operator GUI under the Jobs tab.

Chainlink Jobs Helper Scripts

Chainlink Jobs Available Helpers

make fct-job-helper

This command displays a list of available helpers for Chainlink jobs and executes the selected one.

Get Chainlink Job ID

make fct-get-job-id

This command returns an ID of a Chainlink job whose name contains the specified contract address.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Contract address identifying a Chainlink job

Get Chainlink External Job ID

make fct-get-external-job-id

This command returns an External ID of a Chainlink job whose name contains the specified contract address.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Contract address identifying a Chainlink job

Get Chainlink Webhook Job Latest ID

make fct-get-last-webhook-job-id

This command returns a Job ID of the latest created Chainlink Webhook job.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Run Chainlink Webhook Job

make fct-run-webhook-job

This command runs an existing Chainlink Webhook job.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • WEBHOOK_JOB_ID - Webhook job ID

Delete Job

make fct-delete-job

This command deletes a Chainlink job with a specified job ID.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • JOB_ID - Chainlink job ID

You also can find information on jobs in the node Operator GUI under the Jobs tab.

Chainlink Smart Contracts Deployment Scripts

All contracts are deployed on behalf of the account specified in .env.

Deploy a Chainlink Smart Contract

make fct-job-helper

This command displays a list of available Chainlink Smart Contracts and deploys the selected one.

Deploy Link Token Contract

make fct-deploy-link-token

This command deploys an instance of LinkToken.sol contract.

Deploy Oracle Contract

make fct-deploy-oracle

This command deploys an instance of Oracle.sol contract and whitelists Chainlink node address in the deployed contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Deploy Direct Request Consumer Contract

make fct-deploy-direct-request-consumer

This command deploys an instance of ChainlinkDirectRequestConsumer.sol contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Deploy Cron Consumer Contract

make fct-deploy-cron-consumer

This command deploys an instance of ChainlinkCronConsumer.sol contract.

Deploy Keeper Consumer Contract

make fct-deploy-keeper-consumer

This command deploys an instance of ChainlinkKeeperConsumer.sol contract.

Deploy Registry Contract

make fct-deploy-registry

This command deploys an instance of KeeperRegistry1_3.sol contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Deploy Flux Aggregator Contract

make fct-deploy-flux-aggregator

This command deploys an instance of FluxAggregator.sol contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Deploy Offchain Aggregator Contract

make fct-deploy-offchain-aggregator

This command deploys an instance of Chainlink OffchainAggregator.sol contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

ETH and Link Token Helper Scripts

ETH and Link Token Available Helpers

make fct-funds-helper

This command displays a list of available helpers for ETH and Link Token and executes the selected one.

Transfer ETH

make fct-transfer-eth

With this command, you can send ETH to any specified recipient.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • RECIPIENT - Recipient address

Transfer ETH to Chainlink Node

make fct-transfer-eth-to-node

With this command, you can send ETH to any specified Chainlink node.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID

Transfer ETH to Chainlink Nodes

make fct-transfer-eth-to-nodes

With this command, you can send ETH to all Chainlink nodes in a cluster.

Transfer Link Tokens

make fct-transfer-link

With this command, you can send Link tokens to any specified recipient.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address
  • RECIPIENT - Recipient address

Transfer Link Tokens to Chainlink Node

make fct-transfer-link-to-node

With this command, you can send Link tokens to any specified Chainlink node.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Transfer Link Tokens to Chainlink Nodes

make fct-transfer-link-to-nodes

With this command, you can send Link tokens to all Chainlink nodes in a cluster.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Get ETH Balance

make fct-get-eth-balance

This command returns ETH balance of an account.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • ACCOUNT - Account

Get Link Token Balance

make fct-get-link-balance

This command returns Link Token balance of an account.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address
  • ACCOUNT - Account

Direct Request Consumer Scripts

Request ETH Price

make fct-dr-consumer-request-eth-price

This command calls requestEthereumPrice method of the Consumer contract, which asks the node to retrieve data specified in a Job configuration.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • DIRECT_REQUEST_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Direct Request Consumer contract address
  • ORACLE_ADDRESS - Oracle contract address
  • DIRECT_REQUEST_EXTERNAL_JOB_ID - Direct request External Job ID - you can get one with Chainlink Operator GUI on the Jobs tab

Request ETH Price (by Oracle)

make fct-dr-consumer-request-eth-price-by-oracle

This command calls requestEthereumPrice method of the Consumer contract, which asks the node to retrieve data specified in a Job configuration.
The respective Chainlink Direct Request job will be found using get-external-job-id script.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • NODE_ID - Chainlink node ID
  • DIRECT_REQUEST_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Consumer contract address
  • ORACLE_ADDRESS - Oracle contract address

Get ETH Price (Direct Request)

make fct-dr-consumer-get-eth-price

This command returns current value of currentPrice variable specified in the Direct Request Consumer contract state.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • DIRECT_REQUEST_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Direct Request Consumer contract address

Cron Consumer Scripts

Get ETH Price (Cron)

make fct-cron-consumer-get-eth-price

This command returns current value of currentPrice variable specified in the Cron Consumer contract state.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • CRON_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Cron Consumer contract address

Keeper Consumer Scripts

Get Keeper Counter

make fct-keeper-consumer-get-counter

This command returns the latest value of the counter variable stored in the Keeper Consumer contract. This variable reflects the number of times the keepers performed the Keeper job.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • KEEPER_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Keeper Consumer contract address

Registry Scripts

Register Upkeep

make fct-registry-register-upkeep

This command registers Keeper Consumer in the Registry contract as upkeep.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • REGISTRY_ADDRESS - Registry contract address
  • KEEPER_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Keeper Consumer contract address

Set Keepers

make fct-registry-set-keepers

This command sets Chainlink nodes in the cluster as keepers in the Registry contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • REGISTRY_ADDRESS - Registry contract address
  • KEEPER_CONSUMER_ADDRESS - Keeper Consumer contract address

Fund Latest Upkeep

make fct-registry-fund-latest-upkeep

This command funds the most recent upkeep in the Registry contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • REGISTRY_ADDRESS - Registry contract address
  • LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS - Link Token contract address

Flux Aggregator Scripts

Update Available Funds

make fct-flux-update-available-funds

This command recalculate the amount of LINK available for payouts in the Flux Aggregator contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Set Oracles

make fct-flux-set-oracles

This command adds new oracles as well as updates the round related parameters in the Flux Aggregator contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Get Oracles

make fct-flux-get-oracles

This command returns an array of addresses containing the oracles of the Flux Aggregator contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Get Flux Latest Answer

make fct-flux-get-latest-answer

This command returns the answer of the latest Flux round.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • FLUX_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Flux Aggregator contract address

Offchain Aggregator Scripts

Set Payees

make fct-ocr-set-payees

This command sets Chainlink nodes 2-5 as payees in the Offchain Aggregator contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address

Set Config

make fct-ocr-set-config

This command sets OCR configuration in the Offchain Aggregator contract.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address

This package uses external Go library OCRHelper to prepare an OCR configuration.

Request New Round

make fct-ocr-request-new-round

This command requests new OCR round immediately.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address

Get OCR Latest Answer

make fct-ocr-get-latest-answer

This command returns the answer of the latest OCR round.

During the execution of the command, you will need to provide:

  • OFFCHAIN_AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS - Offchain Aggregator contract address