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File metadata and controls

357 lines (269 loc) · 22.3 KB

✔ Export


Exports allow to exchange data between Smartstore and other organizations. Products can be displayed, compared and specifically advertised on the Internet to reach a wider audiences using a product export feed like Google Merchant Center.

Smartstore uses a data exporter, export profiles and export providers for this purpose.

  • The data exporter collects the data and provides it in segments to an export provider.
  • The export provider converts the data provided by the data exporter into a specific format and writes it to a stream.
  • Export profiles are entities that bind the export to an export provider and offer settings and configuration.
  • Export deployments are entities that can optionally be assigned to an export profile to specify how to proceed with the export files, for example to send them to an e-mail address.

When an export is executed, a task associated with the export profile is started, to perform the actual export via the data exporter and an export provider. The task can be scheduled using cron expressions or triggered manually.

Data exporter

The data exporter is an IDataExporter implementation and the main core component of the export infrastructure. Its purpose is to provide the export providers with the export data in a high-performance way and to manage general tasks such as file management and data preview.


The RowExportingEvent is fired before an entity is exported. It can be used to attach and export additional data.

Export provider

The provider implements IExportProvider or it inherits from ExportProviderBase.

{% hint style="info" %} This documentation refers to a provider that inherits from ExportProviderBase. {% endhint %}

The provider declares SystemName, FriendlyName and Order using attributes. It also specifies the file data format (e.g. CSV or XML).

{% hint style="info" %} Set the property FileExtension to null if you do not want to export to files (on-the-fly in-memory export). {% endhint %}

It is recommended to give your provider a friendly localized name and description using string resources and the localization XML files of your module:

Property to localize String resource name Example
Provider name Plugins.FriendlyName.<ProviderSystemName> Plugins.FriendlyName.Exports.MyCompanyProductCsv
Provider description Plugins.Description.<ProviderSystemName> Plugins.Description.Exports.MyCompanyProductCsv

{% hint style="info" %} The description is displayed when adding a new export profile and selecting your provider. {% endhint %}

ExportAsync is the main method to export data. Depending on the configuration it is called several times by the data exporter during an export. Typically, this happens once for each exported file, depending on the partition settings of the profile. Though it never encounters files at any time because file related aspects are all handled internally by the data exporter. The provider simply writes the data into a stream.

Use ExportExecuteContext.CustomProperties for any custom data required across the entire export. If additional files are required independently of the actual export files, they can be requested via ExportExecuteContext.ExtraDataUnits. The data exporter calls OnExecutedAsync for each extra data unit added by a provider.

{% hint style="info" %} OnExecutedAsync is always called after the actual export, even if no extra data unit was requested. You can use it for all kinds of finalization work. {% endhint %}

ExportFeatures flags are used to specify certain data processing and projection items supported by a provider. CanProjectAttributeCombinations for example indicates that the provider can export attribute combinations as products.

A simple export provider could look like this:

[FriendlyName("MyCompany product CSV Export")]
public class MyCompanyProductExportProvider : ExportProviderBase
    public override ExportEntityType EntityType => ExportEntityType.Product;
    public override string FileExtension => "CSV";

    protected override async Task ExportAsync(ExportExecuteContext context, CancellationToken cancelToken)
        using var writer = new CsvWriter(new StreamWriter(context.DataStream, Encoding.UTF8, 1024, true), CsvConfiguration.ExcelFriendlyConfiguration);

        // Write more columns...

        while (context.Abort == DataExchangeAbortion.None && await context.DataSegmenter.ReadNextSegmentAsync())
            var segment = await context.DataSegmenter.GetCurrentSegmentAsync();

            foreach (dynamic product in segment)
                if (context.Abort != DataExchangeAbortion.None)

                Product entity = product.Entity;

                // Get and export localized product name from dynamic object.
                // Write more fields...


If done correctly, your provider will be displayed in the provider select box when adding a new export profile. See the Google Merchant Center export provider as another example.

Provider specific configuration

You need to add a ViewComponent if you want to enable users to configure the export provider. To do this, override the ExportProviderBase.ConfigurationInfo method and provide both a ComponentWidget and a model type:

public override ExportConfigurationInfo ConfigurationInfo => new()
    ConfigurationWidget = new ComponentWidget<MyConfigurationViewComponent>(),
    ModelType = typeof(MyProviderConfigurationModel)

protected override async Task ExportAsync(ExportExecuteContext context, CancellationToken cancelToken)
    var config = (context.ConfigurationData as MyProviderConfigurationModel) ?? new MyProviderConfigurationModel();
    // ...

{% hint style="info" %} Your configuration model must be decorated with Serializable and CustomModelPart attributes so that it can be saved with the export profile. {% endhint %}

[Serializable, CustomModelPart]
public class MyProviderConfigurationModel
    public string MyConfigProperty { get; set; }

Your configuration will be displayed in the Configuration tab on the export profile edit page.

Export data

The export data is provided in segments by the data exporter. A data item is a dynamic object of type DynamicEntity which wraps the actual entity and has extra properties attached to it. The entity is accessible via dynamicObject.Entity. Additional data is generally prefixed with an underscore, e.g. dynamicObject._BasePriceInfo. See the appendix for a complete list.

Projection and configuration of the export profile is applied to the DynamicEntity. If a certain language is selected in the profile's projection tab, the DynamicEntity would contain the localized property values (e.g. a localized product name) instead of the actual property value of the entity.

Export related data

All export profiles have theExportRelatedData option. If activated and the provider supports ExportFeatures.UsesRelatedDataUnits, the data exporter adds additional data units to ExportExecuteContext.ExtraDataUnits. The provider can use them to export related data into a separate file, like additionally exporting tier prices utilizing a product export provider.

At the moment only tier prices, variant attribute values and variant attribute combinations are supported when exporting products, see RelatedEntityType. This mechanism is mainly intended to update prices via flat data formats such as CSV, that can then be edited by end users.

{% hint style="info" %} Related data files are automatically imported together with the main data file(s) using file naming conventions. If the name of the related data file ends with a RelatedEntityType value (e.g. TierPrice or ProductVariantAttributeCombination), the product importer uses its data to update tier prices, variant attribute values or variant attribute combinations. {% endhint %}

Export profile

Export profiles combine all aspects of an export, making them configurable by the user:

  • Provider
  • Task
  • Partition
  • Filters
  • Projections
  • Configurations
  • Deployments

There are two types of profiles used in Smartstore:

  • Built-in system profiles, used among others, for exporting orders via the backend order grid.
  • User profiles, added subsequently by the user.

{% hint style="info" %} An export provider can be assigned to several profiles with different configurations and settings. {% endhint %}

To manage the export profiles use IExportProfileService. For instance, if you want to delete all profiles that your export provider is assigned to, when your module is uninstalled. Use the ExportProfileInfoViewComponent to display a list of all profiles your provider is assigned to. It renders a link to the profile and task, information about the last execution and a button to start the export:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("ExportProfileInfo",
    new { providerSystemName = "Exports.MyCompanyProductCsv" })


Publishing profiles are implementations of IFilePublisher and define how to process the export files. The built-in profiles publish via:

  • File system
  • Email
  • FTP
  • Public folder

{% hint style="info" %} Any number of publishing profiles can be assigned to an export profile. {% endhint %}

After a successful export the data exporter instantiates every publisher associated with the export profile and calls its PublishAsync method together with the ExportDeployment entity containing all details of the deployment.

Data grid and exports

Sometimes it's useful to show a button or menu above a data grid, to let the user export all or selected orders via the orders grid immediately.

To implement this you need to add an IResultFilter to register your PartialViewWidget or view component:

internal class Startup : StarterBase
    public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services, IApplicationContext appContext)
        services.Configure<MvcOptions>(o =>
                context => context.ControllerIs<OrderController>(x => x.List()) && !context.HttpContext.Request.IsAjax());

public class MyOrdersGridToolbarFilter : IResultFilter
    private readonly IPermissionService _permissionService;
    private readonly Lazy<IWidgetProvider> _widgetProvider;

    public MyOrdersGridToolbarFilter(
        IPermissionService permissionService,
        Lazy<IWidgetProvider> widgetProvider)
        _permissionService = permissionService;
        _widgetProvider = widgetProvider;

    public void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context)
        if (context.Result.IsHtmlViewResult() 
            && _permissionService.Authorize(Permissions.Configuration.Export.Execute))
                new PartialViewWidget("_MyOrdersGridExportMenu", null, "MyCompany.MyModule"));

    public void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext context) { }

Your partial view with the toolbar menu may look like this:

<div class="dg-toolbar-group">
    <div class="dropdown">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-light btn-flat dropdown-toggle" 
            data-toggle="dropdown" data-boundary="window">
        <div class="dropdown-menu">
            <a href="javascript:;" class="dropdown-item mycompany-order-export 
               v-bind:class="{ disabled: !grid.hasSelection }"
               data-url="@Url.Action("Export", "MyController", new { all=false })">
                <i class="fa fa-fw fa-code"></i>

            <a href="javascript:;" class="dropdown-item mycompany-order-export"
               data-url="@Url.Action("Export", "MyController", new { all=true })">
                <i class="fa fa-fw fa-code"></i>

<script sm-target-zone="scripts" data-origin="mycompany-order-export">
    $(function () {
        $('.mycompany-order-export').on('click', function (e) {

            var link = $(this);
            var selectedIds = '';

            if (!link.hasClass('disabled')) {
                if (link.hasClass('export-selected-data')) {
                    var elGrid = $('#' +'grid-id'));

                    if (!elGrid.length) {
                        alert2('Cannot find order grid.');
                        return false;

                    selectedIds = elGrid.parent().data('datagrid').selectedRowKeys;

                    data: selectedIds != "" ? { selectedIds } : null,
                    ask: @T("Admin.Common.AskToProceed").JsValue,

            return false;


Properties of DynamicEntity

All entity types

Property name Type Description
_Localized List<dynamic>

List of all localized values of all languages for an entity. null if the entity has no localized properties. Properties of an item are:

  • Culture: the language culture.
  • LocaleKey: the key of the localized value (usually the property name of the entity).
  • LocaleValue: the localized value.


Property name Type Description
_UniqueId string A unique ID consisting of product ID and attribute combination ID, if an attribute combination is exported as a product.
_IsParent bool A value indicating whether the product is a parent to exported attribute combinations, considered to be their children.
_AttributeCombinationId int The attribute combination ID, if exported as a product.
_AttributeCombinationValues IList<ProductVariantAttributeValue> A list of all attribute values if an attribute combination is exported as a product.
_Brand string Name of the first assigned manufacturer.
_CategoryName string Name of the first assigned category.
_CategoryPath string The breadcrumb (path) of the first assigned category.
_DetailUrl string URL to the product detail page.
_Price CalculatedPrice The calculated product price.
_BasePriceInfo string Base price information of the product.
_MainPictureUrl string Absolute URL of the product's main picture.
_MainPictureRelativeUrl string Relative URL of the product's main picture.
_FreeShippingThreshold decimal? Free shipping threshold taken from the projection settings.
_ShippingCosts decimal? Shipping costs or the projected costs, if the product price is greater or equal to the free shipping threshold.
_ShippingTime string Delivery time name or projected time if none is specified for the product.
_ProductTemplateViewPath string The view path of the assigned product template.


Property name Type Description
_FullName string Full customer name.
_AvatarPictureUrl string Absolute URL of the avatar, if it exists.
_RewardPointsBalance int Current reward point balance.
_HasNewsletterSubscription bool A value indicating whether the customer is subscribed to the newsletter.
_GenericAttributes List<dynamic> List of associated generic attributes. Only VatNumber and ImpersonatedCustomerId are exported. The dynamic items are of the type GenericAttribute.


Property name Type Description
_FileName string Name of the file.
_RelativeUrl string Relative URL.
_ThumbImageUrl string Absolute URL of the thumbnail.
_ImageUrl string

Absolute URL of the image in the size shown on a detail page.

If not available, the thumbnail is used.

_FullSizeImageUrl string Absolute URL of the full sized image.