Enables Multiple Schemas for MySQL on Doctrine
I created this bundle to fulfill a need for one of my projects. It is not thoroughly tested for all use cases, and will be regularly updated.
If you find this useful but spot a bug, I welcome PRs.
Doctrine treats MySQL databases the same as PostgreSQL databases. The truth is that MySQL databases are closer in
nature to a PostgreSQL schema, and the term DATABASE
can be used interchangeably with SCHEMA
in MySQL, even in syntax:
This makes it very difficult to handle MySQL layouts that use more than one schema - often a reality in inherited code.
If your personal use case is transferring an existing project with multiple schemas into a Symfony project, and you'd like to use Doctrine, then this bundle seeks to make that possible.
In your Symfony project, install with
composer require shoofly/doctrine-multi-schema-bundle
Add to your Symfony AppKernel.php:
$bundles = [
new Shoofly\DoctrineMultiSchemaBundle\ShooflyDoctrineMultiSchemaBundle(),
IMPORTANT: Remove your driver and platform, and replace it with these two parameters.
driver_class: 'Shoofly\DoctrineMultiSchemaBundle\DBAL\MySQL\Driver'
platform_service: "shoofly_doctrine_multi_schema.platform57"
# for MySQL < 5.7, choose this:
# platform_service: "shoofly_doctrine_multi_schema.platform"
Next, list the schemas you want to include in your ORM:
- foo
- baz
- bar
That should be the only configuration you need. If you run into any issues, please let me know.
Hope this helps someone else. If not, it's already helped me :)