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Getting Started

beans² edited this page Sep 19, 2020 · 1 revision

So You Want to Play MechanicCraft

That's cool! Here are some things to help you get started.

  1. Progression in MechanicCraft is done using the FTB questing system, using science packs as research. Make sure to go to Chemical Technology > Science Packs and unlock Automation Science for free.
  2. The crushing table is the first piece of equipment you'll need; it is integral to making metal plates, and for doubling your ore output.
  3. Focus on getting your tool tables set up as soon as possible. Even though the days have been extended to 30 minutes, you still want to make sure you've got some basic tools made before nightfall. You'll need a stencil table, part builder, tool station and crafting station.
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