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testevdev: Add the virtual X360 controller created by Steam Input #182

testevdev: Add the virtual X360 controller created by Steam Input

testevdev: Add the virtual X360 controller created by Steam Input #182

Workflow file for this run

name: Build (Android)
on: [push, pull_request]
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
- { name: "", ndk-build: 1 }
- { name: "Gradle", gradle: 1 }
- { name: "CMake", cmake: 1, android_abi: "arm64-v8a", android_platform: 23, arch: "aarch64", artifact: "SDL-android-arm64", apk-artifact: "SDL-android-apks-arm64" }
- { name: "CMake (lean and mean)", cmake: 1, cppflags: "-DSDL_LEAN_AND_MEAN=1", android_abi: "arm64-v8a", android_platform: 23, arch: "aarch64", artifact: "SDL-lean-android-arm64", apk-artifact: "SDL-lean-android-apks-arm64" }
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: nttld/setup-ndk@v1
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake || matrix.platform.ndk-build }}
id: setup_ndk
local-cache: true
ndk-version: r21e
- name: Build (
if: ${{ matrix.platform.ndk-build }}
run: |
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake || matrix.platform.gradle }}
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
- name: Create Gradle project
if: ${{ matrix.platform.gradle }}
run: |
build-scripts/ org.libsdl.testspriteminimal test/testspriteminimal.c test/icon.h
echo ""
echo "Project contents:"
echo ""
find "build/org.libsdl.testspriteminimal"
- name: Build app (Gradle & ndk-build)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.gradle }}
run: |
cd build/org.libsdl.testspriteminimal
./gradlew -i assembleRelease
- name: Build app (Gradle & CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.gradle }}
run: |
cd build/org.libsdl.testspriteminimal
./gradlew -i assembleRelease -PBUILD_WITH_CMAKE=1
# - name: Build library (Gradle)
# if: ${{ matrix.platform.gradle }}
# run: |
# cd build/org.libsdl.testspriteminimal
# ./gradlew -i assembleRelease -PBUILD_AS_LIBRARY=1
- name: Setup (CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ninja-build pkg-config
- name: Configure (CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake -S . -B build \
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${{ matrix.platform.cppflags }}" \
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${{ matrix.platform.cppflags }}" \
-Wdeprecated -Wdev -Werror \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${{ steps.setup_ndk.outputs.ndk-path }}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_PLATFORM=${{ matrix.platform.android_platform }} \
-DANDROID_ABI=${{ matrix.platform.android_abi }} \
-DSDL_VENDOR_INFO="Github Workflow" \
- name: Build (CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel --verbose
- name: Build test apk's (CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel \
--target \
testaudiorecording-apk \
testautomation-apk \
testcontroller-apk \
testmultiaudio-apk \
testsprite-apk \
- name: Install (CMake)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake --install build --config Release
echo "SDL3_DIR=$(pwd)/prefix" >> $GITHUB_ENV
( cd prefix; find ) | LC_ALL=C sort -u
- name: Package (CPack)
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake --build build/ --config Release --target package
- name: Verify CMake configuration files
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
cmake -S cmake/test -B cmake_config_build -G Ninja \
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${{ steps.setup_ndk.outputs.ndk-path }}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
-DANDROID_PLATFORM=${{ matrix.platform.android_platform }} \
-DANDROID_ABI=${{ matrix.platform.android_abi }} \
cmake --build cmake_config_build --verbose
- name: Verify sdl3.pc
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
run: |
export CC="${{ steps.setup_ndk.outputs.ndk-path }}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang --target=${{ matrix.platform.arch }}-none-linux-androideabi${{ matrix.platform.android_platform }}"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${{ env.SDL3_DIR }}/lib/pkgconfig
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
if-no-files-found: error
name: ${{ matrix.platform.artifact }}
path: build/dist/SDL3*
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ matrix.platform.cmake }}
if-no-files-found: error
name: ${{ matrix.platform.apk-artifact }}
path: build/test/*.apk