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[feat][command] implements update-index
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smd1121 committed Jan 7, 2024
1 parent 4f49bcb commit a384a6c
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Showing 8 changed files with 387 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
isort -l 120 -m 3 --length-sort .
black --line-length 120 .
pylint $(git status -s | grep -E '\.py$' | cut -c 4-) --max-line-length 120 --disable=missing-docstring,empty-docstring,redefined-builtin
pylint $(git status -s | grep -E '\.py$' | cut -c 4-) --max-line-length 120 --disable=missing-docstring,empty-docstring,redefined-builtin,too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-locals
mypy . --ignore-missing-imports
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
isort -l 120 -m 3 --length-sort .
black --line-length 120 .
pylint --recursive=y . --max-line-length 120 --disable=missing-docstring,empty-docstring,redefined-builtin
pylint --recursive=y . --max-line-length 120 --disable=missing-docstring,empty-docstring,redefined-builtin,too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-locals
mypy . --ignore-missing-imports
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion xgit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import typer

from xgit.commands import init, cat_file, ls_files, show_index, hash_object
from xgit.commands import init, cat_file, ls_files, show_index, hash_object, update_index

app = typer.Typer(add_completion=False, rich_markup_mode="markdown")

Expand All @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@


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227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions xgit/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
import sys
import contextlib
from pathlib import Path

import typer
from typer import Option, Argument
from typing_extensions import Optional, Annotated

from xgit.types.index import Index, get_index
from xgit.utils.utils import find_repo

def update_index(
files: Annotated[Optional[list[str]], Argument(help="要更新的文件")] = None,
add: Annotated[bool, Option("--add", help="如果文件在暂存区中不存在,则加入暂存区")] = False,
remove: Annotated[bool, Option("--remove", help="如果文件在暂存区存在,但在本地不存在,则从暂存区移除")] = False,
force_remove: Annotated[bool, Option("--force-remove", help="从暂存区移除文件,即使文件在本地存在")] = False,
refresh: Annotated[bool, Option("--refresh", help="检查当前 index 中的文件是否需要 merge 或 update")] = False,
verbose: Annotated[bool, Option("--verbose", help="详细输出添加和删除的文件")] = False,
cacheinfo: Annotated[
Optional[list[str]], Option("--cacheinfo", help="与 `--add` 一同使用,用 `<mode>,<object>,<path>` 指定一个 blob 加入暂存区")
] = None,
files = files or []

# 如果没有 git repo,会报错

# === 检查参数正确性 ===
# add, remove, force_remove, refresh 互斥
if add + remove + force_remove + refresh > 1:
typer.echo("fatal: only one of the options can be used", err=True)

# refresh 不能与 files 同时使用
if refresh and files:
typer.echo("fatal: --refresh cannot be used with files", err=True)

# cacheinfo 必须与 add 同时使用
if cacheinfo and not add:
typer.echo("fatal: --cacheinfo can only be used with --add", err=True)

# 如果有不在当前仓库中的文件,报错
repo = find_repo().resolve()
for f in files:
if not Path(f).absolute().is_relative_to(repo):
typer.echo(f"fatal: '{f}' is outside repository at '{repo}'", err=True)

# files 中的目录需要被忽略
dir_in_files = [f for f in files if Path(f).is_dir()]
for f in dir_in_files:
typer.echo(f"Ignoring path '{f}'", err=True)

# 实际需要处理的 files
files = [f for f in files if f not in dir_in_files]

# === 执行操作 ===

def _update_index(
files: list[str],
add: bool,
remove: bool,
force_remove: bool,
refresh: bool,
verbose: bool,
cacheinfo: Optional[list[str]],
) -> int:
with working_index() as index:
if refresh:
return refresh_index(index=index)

if not (add or remove or force_remove):
return update(index=index, files=files, add_if_absent=False, verbose=verbose)

if add:
exit_code = update(index=index, files=files, add_if_absent=True, verbose=verbose)
if exit_code != 0:
return exit_code
return add_cacheinfo(index=index, cacheinfo=cacheinfo, verbose=verbose)

if remove:
return remove_files(index=index, files=files, force=False, verbose=verbose)

if force_remove:
return remove_files(index=index, files=files, force=True, verbose=verbose)

assert False, "unreachable"

def working_index():
获取 index,执行完毕后写回
xgit 预期不会抛出异常。因此如果抛出异常,不写回
index = get_index()
yield index

def refresh_index(index: Index) -> int:
update-index --refresh: 刷新 index 中的 metadata,报告需要 update 的文件
对于 index 中的每个 entry:
检查其 metadata 是否与本地一致
如果不一致,检查文件 sha 是否一致:如果一致,更新 metadata;否则报告 needs update
我们暂时忽略 merge 相关的状态
如果有 needs update 的文件,返回 1;否则返回 0
needs_update = index.refresh()
for f in needs_update:
typer.echo(f"{f}: needs update")
return 0 if len(needs_update) == 0 else 1

def update(index: Index, files: list[str], add_if_absent: bool, verbose: bool) -> int:
for f in files:
ret_code = do_update(index=index, f=f, add_if_absent=add_if_absent)
if ret_code != 0:
typer.echo(f"fatal: Unable to process path {f}", err=True)
return ret_code
if verbose:
typer.echo(f"add '{f}'")
return 0

def do_update(index: Index, f: str, add_if_absent: bool = False) -> int:
file_path = Path(f)

if not file_path.exists():
typer.echo(f"error: {f}: does not exist and --remove not passed", err=True)
return 128

if index.update(file_path, add_if_absent):
return 0
if not add_if_absent:
typer.echo(f"error: {f}: cannot add to the index - missing --add option?", err=True)
return 128

assert False, "update-index --add should not fail here"

def add_cacheinfo(index: Index, cacheinfo: Optional[list[str]], verbose: bool) -> int:
cacheinfo = cacheinfo or []
for cache_info in cacheinfo:
mode, obj, path = cache_info.split(",")
ret_code = do_add_cacheinfo(index=index, mode=mode, obj=obj, path=path)

if ret_code != 0:
typer.echo(f"fatal: git update-index: --cacheinfo cannot add {path}")
return ret_code
if verbose:
typer.echo(f"add '{path}'")

return 0

def do_add_cacheinfo(index: Index, mode: str, obj: str, path: str) -> int:
update-index --add --cacheinfo <mode>,<object>,<path>
将一个 blob 加入暂存区

def is_path_valid(path: str) -> bool:
path 不应以 / 开头或结尾,不应包含连续的 //,或者单独的 . 和 ..
parts = path.split("/")
return not ("" in parts or "." in parts or ".." in parts)

def find_path_conflict(path: str) -> Optional[str]:
path 不应与现有 index 产生冲突
具体来说,如果 index 中有 a,那么 a/b 非法,因为 a 是一个已知文件,但 a/b 暗示 a 是一个目录
parts = path.split("/")

for i in range(1, len(parts)):
prefix = "/".join(parts[:i])
if prefix in index.entry_paths():
return prefix

return None

if not is_path_valid(path):
typer.echo(f"error: Invalid path '{path}'", err=True)
return 128

conflict = find_path_conflict(path)
if conflict is not None:
typer.echo(f"error: '{conflict}' appears as both a file and as a directory", err=True)
return 128

index.add_cacheinfo(mode, obj, path)
return 0

def remove_files(index: Index, files: list[str], force: bool, verbose: bool) -> int:
for f in files:
file_path = Path(f)
if not file_path.exists() or force:
removed = index.remove(file_path)
if removed and verbose:
typer.echo(f"remove '{f}'")
return 0
Empty file added xgit/test/
Empty file.
105 changes: 104 additions & 1 deletion xgit/types/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
import hashlib
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from pathlib import Path

from xgit.utils.utils import find_repo, get_repo_file, timestamp_to_str
from xgit.utils.sha import hash_file
from xgit.utils.utils import find_repo, get_repo_file, timestamp_to_str, get_file_path_in_repo
from xgit.types.metadata import Metadata
from xgit.utils.constants import GIT_DIR

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +89,25 @@ def __init__(
self.extended_flags = extended_flags
self.file_name = file_name

def from_file(f: Path) -> "IndexEntry":
metadata = Metadata.get_metadata(f)
sha = hash_file(str(f))
flags = IndexEntry.Flag(False, False, 0, len(
extended_flags = None
file_name = str(get_file_path_in_repo(f))
return IndexEntry(metadata, sha, flags, extended_flags, file_name)

def from_cache_info(mode: str, obj: str, path: str) -> "IndexEntry":
# example: 100644,e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391,a
metadata = Metadata.from_cache_info(get_repo_file(path), int(mode, base=8))
sha = obj
flags = IndexEntry.Flag(False, False, 0, len(path))
extended_flags = None
file_name = path
return IndexEntry(metadata, sha, flags, extended_flags, file_name)

def parse(data: bytes) -> tuple["IndexEntry", bytes]:
ctime_s = int.from_bytes(data[:4], "big")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,6 +193,30 @@ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:

return entry

class IndexEntryStatus(Enum):

def refresh(self) -> IndexEntryStatus:
执行 update-index --refresh
f = get_repo_file(self.file_name)

if not f.exists():
return IndexEntry.IndexEntryStatus.NEEDS_UPDATE

metadata = Metadata.get_metadata(f)
if metadata == self.metadata:
return IndexEntry.IndexEntryStatus.UP_TO_DATE

sha = hash_file(str(f))
if sha != self.sha:
return IndexEntry.IndexEntryStatus.NEEDS_UPDATE

self.metadata = metadata
return IndexEntry.IndexEntryStatus.UP_TO_DATE

# 以下用于 show-index 输出

verbose: bool = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,12 +266,69 @@ def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
index += hashlib.sha1(index).digest()
return index

def write(self):
with open(find_repo() / GIT_DIR / "index", "wb") as f:
print(f"write index to {}")

def __rich_repr__(self):
yield "version", self.version
yield "entry_count", self.entry_count
yield "entries", self.entries
yield "extensions", self.extensions

def entry_paths(self) -> list[str]:
return [e.file_name for e in self.entries]

def refresh(self) -> list[str]:
执行 update-index --refresh,返回需要 update 的文件名
needs_update = []
for entry in self.entries:
if entry.refresh() == IndexEntry.IndexEntryStatus.NEEDS_UPDATE:
return needs_update

def update_or_add(self, entry: IndexEntry, add_if_absent: bool) -> bool:
假设 entries 有序
返回是否做了 update / add
for i, e in enumerate(self.entries):
if e.file_name == entry.file_name:
self.entries[i] = entry
return True
if e.file_name > entry.file_name:
if add_if_absent:
self.entries.insert(i, entry)
return True
return False

if add_if_absent:
return True
return False

def update(self, file: Path, add_if_absent: bool) -> bool:
entry = IndexEntry.from_file(file)
return self.update_or_add(entry, add_if_absent)

def add_cacheinfo(self, mode: str, obj: str, path: str):
entry = IndexEntry.from_cache_info(mode, obj, path)
assert self.update_or_add(entry, True), "--add --cacheinfo should not fail here"

def remove(self, file: Path) -> bool:
file_name = get_file_path_in_repo(file)
for i, e in enumerate(self.entries):
if e.file_name == file_name:
return True
return False

def get_index() -> Index:
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