A simple search engine written in C++.
Install gcc and g++.
Clone the project from Github.
##Build on Windows
Install MinGW (mingw32-base, mingw32-gcc-g++, msys-base).
Clone the project from Github.
Run msys.
Move to the project directory.
This program has been tested on Fedora 24.
Place post1.txt into data/data/ directory.
Usage: comp4133 [-b | -n | -v] [-tf <tf function>]
[-idf <idf function>] [-nf <nf function> <slope>]
Select retrieval model
-b Boolean model
-n Boolean model(NLP) - Require file produced by NLP model
-v Vector space model(VSM)
Select tf function (for VSM)
-tf 1 Binary
-tf 2 Raw frequency
-tf 3 Log normalization
-tf 4 Double normalization 0.5
-tf 5 Double normalization 0.4 0.6 (default)
Select idf function (for VSM)
-idf 1 Unary
-idf 2 Inverse document frequency
-idf 3 Inverse document frequency smooth
-idf 4 Inverse document frequency max
-idf 5 probabilistic inverse document frequency
Select normalization function (for VSM)
-nf 1 Cosine Similarity - vector lengths (default)
-nf 2 <slope> Pivoted cosine normalization
-nf 3 <slope> Pivoted unique normalization