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Merge pull request #30 from smorin/feature/Justfile
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Justfile addition
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smorin authored Feb 2, 2025
2 parents ba52f39 + edd9511 commit 8cf2bd4
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Showing 4 changed files with 432 additions and 45 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ uv.lock # remove if you want to pin versions.

168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions Justfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# Set project-wide variables
py_package_name := "py_launch_blueprint"
command_name := "py-projects"
args := " "

# Text colors
BLACK := '\033[30m'
RED := '\033[31m'
GREEN := '\033[32m'
YELLOW := '\033[33m'
BLUE := '\033[34m'
MAGENTA := '\033[35m'
CYAN := '\033[36m'
WHITE := '\033[37m'
GRAY := '\033[90m'

# Background colors
BG_BLACK := '\033[40m'
BG_RED := '\033[41m'
BG_GREEN := '\033[42m'
BG_YELLOW := '\033[43m'
BG_BLUE := '\033[44m'
BG_MAGENTA := '\033[45m'
BG_CYAN := '\033[46m'
BG_WHITE := '\033[47m'

# Text styles
BOLD := '\033[1m'
DIM := '\033[2m'
ITALIC := '\033[3m'
UNDERLINE := '\033[4m'

# Reset all styles
NC := '\033[0m'

# Display a symbol
CHECK := "$(GREEN)✓$(NC)"
CROSS := "$(RED)✗$(NC)"
DASH := "$(GRAY)-$(NC)"

# List all available recipes
just --list --unsorted

# Check if required tools are installed
@#!/usr/bin/env sh
if ! command -v uv >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "uv is not installed"; exit 1; fi
if ! command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "python3 is not installed"; exit 1; fi
if ! command -v just >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "just is not installed"; exit 1; fi
if ! command -v pre-commit >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "{{YELLOW}}WARNING: pre-commit is not installed{{NC}}"; fi
echo "All required tools are installed"

alias c := check-deps

# Install package in editable mode with dev dependencies
@install-dev: check-deps
uv pip install --editable ".[dev]"

# Format code
echo "Running formatters..."
echo " ruff format"
uvx --with-editable . ruff format {{py_package_name}}/
echo " ruff isort"
uvx --with-editable . ruff check --select I --fix {{py_package_name}}/

alias f := format

# Run linter (code style and quality checks)
echo "Running linter..."
echo " ruff"
uvx --with-editable . ruff check {{py_package_name}}/

alias l := lint

# Run type checker
echo "Running type checker..."
echo " mypy"
uvx --with-editable . mypy {{py_package_name}}/

alias tc := typecheck

# Run tests
@test *options:
uvx --with-editable . pytest {{options}}

alias t := test

# Run all checks
@check: test lint typecheck
echo "All checks passed!"

alias ca := check

# Run package command.
@run cmd=command_name *args=args:
uvx --with-editable . {{cmd}} {{args}}

# Build package
@build: check
uvx --with-editable . build

alias b := build

# Set up pre-commit hooks
uvx --with-editable . pre-commit install

# Run all pre-commit Hooks
uvx --with-editable . pre-commit run --all

alias pc := pre-commit-run

# Check installed package version
@version cmd=command_name:
{{cmd}} --version

# Clean up temporary files and caches
rm -rf .pytest_cache
rm -rf .mypy_cache
rm -rf .ruff_cache
rm -rf .coverage
rm -rf htmlcov
rm -rf dist
rm -rf build
rm -rf *.egg-info

# Alternative commands when virtual environment is activated:
# These commands can be used after running 'source .venv/bin/activate'

# Setup virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
echo "Note: After setup, activate the virtual environment with:"
echo " source .venv/bin/activate # On Unix/macOS"
echo " .venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows"

# Install in development mode
pip install --editable ".[dev]"

# Format code (includes ruff format and import sorting)
echo "Running linter..."
echo " ruff"
ruff format {{py_package_name}}/

# Run linter (code style and quality checks)
ruff check {{py_package_name}}/
ruff check --select I --fix {{py_package_name}}/

# Run type checker
echo "Running type checker..."
echo " mypy"
mypy {{py_package_name}}/

# Run tests
@test-pip *options:
pytest {{options}}
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
SHELL := /bin/zsh

# Text colors
BLACK := \033[30m
RED := \033[31m
GREEN := \033[32m
YELLOW := \033[33m
BLUE := \033[34m
MAGENTA := \033[35m
CYAN := \033[36m
WHITE := \033[37m
GRAY := \033[90m

# Background colors
BG_BLACK := \033[40m
BG_RED := \033[41m
BG_GREEN := \033[42m
BG_YELLOW := \033[43m
BG_BLUE := \033[44m
BG_MAGENTA := \033[45m
BG_CYAN := \033[46m
BG_WHITE := \033[47m

# Text styles
BOLD := \033[1m
DIM := \033[2m
ITALIC := \033[3m
UNDERLINE := \033[4m

# Reset
NC := \033[0m

CROSS := $(RED)$(NC)
DASH := $(GRAY)-$(NC)

.PHONY: all check install-uv install-just set-path help

all: help

## `make check` Example Output

### Success case
# Checking dependencies...
# === System Requirements Status ===
# [✓] Just
# [✓] uv
# All dependencies are installed!

### Failure case
# Checking dependencies...
# === System Requirements Status ===
# [✓] just
# [✗] uv (make install-uv)

# Found 1 missing deps: uv
# make: *** [check] Error 1

check: ## Check system requirements
@echo "Checking dependencies..."
@echo "=== System Requirements Status ==="
CHECK_CMD_NAME="just"; \
CHECK_CMD_INSTALL="install-just"; \
if [ $(shell command -v just >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "0" || echo "1" ) -eq 0 ] ; then \
printf "[$(CHECK)] $${CHECK_CMD_NAME}\n"; \
else \
printf "[$(CROSS)] $${CHECK_CMD_NAME} ($(GREEN)make $${CHECK_CMD_INSTALL}$(NC))\n"; \
fi; \
CHECK_CMD_INSTALL="install-uv"; \
if [ $(shell command -v uv >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "0" || echo "1" ) -eq 0 ] ; then \
printf "[$(CHECK)] $${CHECK_CMD_NAME}\n"; \
else \
printf "[$(CROSS)] $${CHECK_CMD_NAME} ($(GREEN)make $${CHECK_CMD_INSTALL}$(NC))\n"; \
fi; \
if [ "$${ERROR_COUNT}" = "0" ]; then \
echo -e "$(GREEN)All dependencies are installed!$(NC)"; \
else \
echo ""; \
echo -e "$(RED)Found $$ERROR_COUNT missing deps: $${MISSING_DEPS}$(NC)"; \
exit 1; \

install-just: ## Print install just command and where to find install options
@echo "just installation command:"
@echo -e "${CYAN}curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash -s -- --to ~/bin${NC}"
@echo "NOTE:change ~/bin to the desired installation directory"
@echo "Find other install options here:"
@echo "To setup just PATH, run: SET_PATH=$(HOME)/bin make set-path"

install-uv: ## Print install uv command and where to find install options
@echo "uv installation command:"
@echo -e "${CYAN}curl -LsSf | sh${NC}"
@echo "Find other install options here:"
@echo "To setup uv PATH, run: SET_PATH=$(HOME)/.local/binmake set-path"

set-path: ## Add SET_PATH to PATH in .zshenv if not already present
@if [ -z "$(SET_PATH)" ]; then \
echo -e "$(RED)Error: SET_PATH must be set$(NC)"; \
echo -e "Usage: $(BLUE)make test2 SET_PATH=/your/path$(NC)"; \
exit 1; \
fi; \
if ! awk -v path="$(SET_PATH)" ' \
BEGIN {found=0} \
/^export PATH=/ { \
if (index($$0, path) > 0) { \
found=1; \
exit; \
} \
} \
END {exit !found}' "$(HOME)/.zshenv"; then \
echo "export PATH=\"\$$PATH:$(SET_PATH)\"" >> "$(HOME)/.zshenv"; \
echo -e "$(GREEN)Added PATH entry:$(NC) \$$PATH:$(SET_PATH)"; \
echo -e "Run $(BLUE)source $(HOME)/.zshenv$(NC) to apply changes"; \
else \
echo -e "$(CHECK) PATH already contains $(SET_PATH)"; \

help: ## The help command - this command
@echo ""
@echo "Purpose of this Makefile:"
@echo -e " To make it easy to check for and install"
@echo -e " the main dependencies because almost everyone has $(GREEN)make$(NC)"
@echo ""
@echo "Usage: make [target]"
@echo ""
@echo "Targets:"
@grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "$(CYAN)%-30s$(NC) %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
@echo ""


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