A free, open-source implementation of Speech-to-Speech technology
To run the composite backend of
- Kobold CPP (NeuralBeagle 7B) on port 5001
- Coqui TTS on port 5002
- WhisperCPP on port 8080
chmod 555 run_entire_build.sh
To stop
chmod 555 prune_entire_build.sh
The user-facing application right now is a POC, just a simple Rshiny app that interfaces between the backends. It is built for MacOS right now as it considers the inbuilt 'rec' command to record audio input.
A simple port can be modified for Windows using a software like ffmpeg. Still tbd for linux audio device recording.
All APIs run independently of the Rshiny app, which is NOT packaged with the docker compose build. Simply install R and the dependencies listed in /rshiny_deps Dockerfile to set up the environment for the front end. This is more a philosophical interlay of technologies than a true working POC
Follow up Message speech input
NOTE: The only part of this build that seems to need a bit of troubleshooting is the Coqui image. if you have any latency issues when installing, feel free to use the build_coqui.sh script on its own to isolate the build. Hopefully we can fix this in a future build. Once you get the image built with the English model it should run no problem