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snehagopalan710 authored Apr 27, 2021
1 parent e168da6 commit 5a78991
Showing 1 changed file with 162 additions and 0 deletions.
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions scMulti-CUT&Tag analysis
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@

###### bcl2fastq
Generate the sample index file: sample_sheet.csv

module load bcl2fastq/
module load cellranger-atac/1.1.0

cellranger-atac mkfastq --id=cuttag \
--run=path_to/bcl_folder \
--csv=path_to/sample_sheet.csv \

###### (optional) split fastq to parallel the next few steps.
zless cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}.fastq.gz | split -l 4000000 - path_to/cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}-

# rename to .fastq.gz
for f in $(ls cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}-*); do mv $f $f.fastq; done
for f in $(ls cuttag_{R1,R2,R3}-*.fastq); do bsub -n 1 -q short -W 0:15 -R rusage[mem=20] "gzip $f"; done

###### Extract valid reads
module load python/2.7.5
module load python/2.7.5_packages/biopython/1.68 # Only for Umass clusters.

python path_to/ -i path_to/cuttag_R1.fastq -odir output_directory -b1 antibody_barcodes_in_R1 -b2 antibody_barcodes_in_R2

###### Trim potential read through adaptor
module load python/2.7.9
module load cutadapt/1.9

cutadapt -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTG -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCTG --minimum-length=20 -o path_to/cuttag_R1_cut.fastq.gz -p path_to/cuttag_R2_cut.fastq.gz path_to/cuttag_R1_valid.fastq.gz path_to/cuttag_R2_valid.fastq.gz

###### Alignment
module load bowtie2/2.4.1
module load samtools/1.9
stat=path_to/cuttag_alignmant.bow; \

bowtie2 -x path_to/mouse/mm10/Bowtie2Index/genome -p 1 --no-unal -1 path_to/cuttag_R1_cut.fastq.gz -2 path_to/cuttag_R2_cut.fastq.gz -S path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam > $stat 2>&1
grep -v Warning $stat > $stat.tmp
mv $stat.tmp $stat
samtools view -bS path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam > path_to/cuttag_alignmant.bam
rm -f path_to/cuttag_alignmant.sam

###### (optional) mergeBAM if have more than one lane or did the split fastq step
module load samtools/1.9

samtools merge path_to/cuttag_alignment.bam cuttag-??_alignment.bam
# ?? is the serial number for files split from the same fastq file.

###### dedup
module load samtools/1.9

samtools view -f 67 -q 30 cuttag_alignment.bam | awk -v OFS=":" '{print $1,$3,$4,$8}' | awk -F':' -v OFS="\t" '{print $8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13}' | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $4":"$5":"$6":"$1":"$2":"$3}' | sort | uniq -c > path_to/cuttag_fragments.txt

python path_to/ -odir output_directory -f cuttag_fragments.txt -endbp 3 -perc_cutoff 0.7 -aba antibody1_name antibody1_barcodes -abb antibody2_name antibody2_barcodes

1. cuttag_fragments_dedup.txt: Fragments after deduplication
Duplicates are defined as all fragments with the same cell barcodes, start location and end location.
File format:
chromosome start_location end_location cell_barcode start_antibody_barcode end_antibody_barcode

2. cuttag_fragments_antibody1.txt cuttag_fragments_antibody2.txt: All cut sites with barcodes for the corresponding antibody.
chromosome cut_site_location cell_barcode

3. cuttag_fragments_freq.txt: frequency of antibody barcodes at each unique cut sites.
More than one antibody barcodes can show up at the same cut site location due to the left over primers. However, the rate should be at a very low level for a good quality library. In this document, the antibody barcode information of each unique cut site was recorded as a row. Each number represents the number of reads with a specific antibody barcode at that cut site. Therefore, the rows with more than one number have more than one antibody barcodes detected at that cut site. The -perc_cutoff 0.7 means the cut site will only be kept in the deduplicated file if the most represented antibody barcode accounts for more than 70% of the total reads of that cut site, thus removing the ambiguous antibody assignment.

###### Call peaks
module load samtools/1.9
module load bedtools/2.28.0
module load macs/1.4.2

cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}.txt | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_cutsites.bed;
bedtools slop -b 100 -i ${ab}_cutsites.bed -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4}' > ${ab}_windows.bed;
macs2 callpeak -t ${ab}_windows.bed -c path_to/control.bam -n ${ab} -g mm -q 0.0001 --nomodel --broad -s 200;

###### filter & merge
# Get the coverage track for each antibody and find the loose cutoff to remove obvious noise.
module load bedtools/2.28.0

cat path_to/${ab}_cutsites.bed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools coverage -a path_to/${ab}_peaks.broadPeak -b stdin | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$6}' > ${ab}_coverage_tmp.bed;

# filter
cpbpmc=2; # cutoff for cut sites per basepairs per million cut sites
cutnum=2; # cutoff for cut sites number in the peak

totalcut=$(cat path_to/${ab}_cutsites.bed | wc -l);
cat ${ab}_coverage_tmp.bed | awk -v cs=$totalcut -v OFS="\t" -v cp=$cpbpmc -v v4=$cutnum '{if($4/$5*1000000000/cs>cp && $4>v4) print $1,$2,$3}' > ${ab}_coverage_tmp_filtered.bed;

# merge peaks within 3000bp
bedtools sort -i path_to/${ab}_coverage_tmp_filtered.bed | bedtools merge -d 3000 -i - > ${ab}_m3000.bed;
rm *_tmp*

###### filter blacklist
# mm10_blacklisted_encode.bed is the blacklist regions provided by ENCODE
module load bedtools/2.28.0

bedtools intersect -v -a path_to/${ab}_m3000.bed -b path_to/mm10_blacklisted_encode.bed | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_m3000_bl.bed;

###### single-cell coverage
# generate the matrix for each antibody separately
module load bedtools/2.28.0

# only use barcodes with more than 9 cut sites
cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_dedup.txt | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c > barcode_freq.txt
cat path_to/barcode_freq.txt | awk '{if($1>9)print $2}' > cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt

cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}_bl.txt | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${ab}_cutsites.bed;
mkdir tmp;
cat cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt | wc -l;
for b in $(cat cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt);
do grep -w $b ${ab}_cutsites.bed | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools coverage -a path_to/${ab}_m3000_bl.bed -b stdin | awk '{print $4}' > tmp/${b}_coverage.txt;
echo $n;
cp cuttag_selectedCB_greater9.txt tmp/peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_colnames.txt;
cd tmp;
cat peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_colnames.txt | awk '{print $1"_coverage.txt"}' | split -l 1000 -d - lists;
for list in lists*; do paste $(cat ${list}) > merge${list##lists}; done
paste merge* > peak_bc_matrix_${ab}.txt;
cat path_to/${ab}_m3000_bl.bed | awk -v ab="$ab" '{print $1":"$2"-"$3}' > peak_bc_matrix_${ab}_rownames.txt;
mv peak_bc_matrix* ../;
rm tmp -r;

###### cell type tracks
Clustering on Rstudio. Then upload the cell type annotation '${s}_barcodes'.
module load bedtools/2.28.0
module load ucsc_cmdline_util/12_16_2013


cat path_to/cuttag_fragments_${ab}_bl.txt | fgrep -w -f ${s}_barcodes - | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$2,$3}' | bedtools sort -i - > ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed;
bedtools slop -b 100 -i ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $1,$2,$3}' > ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed;
bedtools coverage -a ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed -b ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed -counts | bedtools sort -i - > ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph;
rm ${s}_${ab}_cutsites.bed;
rm ${s}_${ab}_windows.bed;

sf=$(cat ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph | awk '{sum+=$4}END{print 1000000/sum}');
bedtools genomecov -i ${s}_${ab}.bedGraph -g path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes -bga -scale $sf > tmp.bedGraph;
bedGraphToBigWig tmp.bedGraph path_to/mouse/mm10/mm10.chrom.sizes ${s}_${ab};
rm tmp.bedGraph;

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