This contains code for ORE for doing classification problem like churn (in this case) using:
- UC1 - Employee Attrition
- UC2 - Employee Performance
- UC3 - Employee Profiling
- UC4 - Payroll Cost
- UC5 - Renege in Recruitment (Coming Soon)
AA_SCORE_DATA_PREP_PKG - PLSQL for scoring data (acting as main library)
AA_SCORE_DATA_RUN_PRC - PLSQL for scoring data (Calling API)
AA_TRAINING_DATA_PREP_PKG - PLSQL for training data (acting as main library)
AA_TRAIN_DATA_RUN_PRC - PLSQL for training data (Calling API)
AA_USECASE_ALGO_LIB_PKG - PLSQL library package for model training AA_USECASE_ALGO_RUN_PKG - PLSQL run package for model training
CLASSRFCHURN - Whole ML workflow for Employee Performance
CLASSRFPERF - Whole ML workflow for Employee Performance
CLUSTPROFILE - Clustering on employee data.Used PAM with Silhoutte co-eff to determine cluster.
MODELPERFPRED - Code written to handle on employee performance
MODELRFPRED - Code written to handle Random Forest prediction on Churn
PAYROLLTS - Time series code to analyse the payroll forecasting