You can create a beautiful address for your wallet by generating addresses and searching them for the parameters you need.
pip install eth_account
CHAT_ID = "CHATID" - "Add your telegram id here (you can find out from the bot) @getmyid_bot"
BOT_TOKEN = "BOT TOKEN" - "Сan be created in a BotFather bot"
If the address you specified is found, it will come to you in the cart.
In the Fields below, we substitute your values, the fewer characters, the faster the address will be found.
if acct.address[:8] == "0x666666" and acct.address[-10:] == "6666666666":
"0x666666" - "The first digits in the address"
[:8] - "Number of characters"
"6666666666" - "The last digits in the address"
[-10:] - "Number of characters"