A super-repository of projects I completed for an introductory course called Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in UC Berkeley. The repository consists of four projects:
• Hog: A strategy-based two-player game consisting of multiple rules on how to score the most points. Heavily used basic python concepts such as control flow, loops, and optimization techniques to learn the best strategy and get the best strategy percentage.
• Maps: A food locator app similar to Yelp that searches the best restaurants near the city of Berkeley, CA using a machine learning technique termed k-means clustering.
• Ants: A strategy game called "Ants vs SomeBees", which emulates the Plants vs Zombies game where the player uses ants with various specializations to protect one's ant colony from deceptive bees. Object-oriented programming, list comprehension, splicing, and the like were central Python topics employed in this project.
• Scheme: Created a Scheme interpreter using Python as the language operating to tokenize and make sense of Scheme syntax.