I have adapted this quiz app (by @Edgar-K) to accept JSON files generated by Exam Simulator's Exam Maker (https://github.com/exam-simulator).
The current loaded JSON quiz is converted from an existing exam practice PDF file by a Powershell Script I wrote. This Powershell conversion script first converts a PDF to Word, than extracts all the images and saves them separately. Next it extracts all the text paragraph by paragraph, and stores it in a temporary datastructure. Lastly you can export the extracted data to JSON according to the Exam Simulator JSON structure.
I'm currently working to create an open source platform where you can convert, create, import and take practice exams, all free of charge :) The reason I'm setting this up is because I have to study regularly for various certifications, and I was frustrated with the lack of free practice exam resources (especially since A+ VCE Pro does not work any more ;) ) If you're interested in this automatic conversion script, or the project, let me know ;)
- Accepts JSON exam files according to the Exam Simulator JSON Schema (https://exam-simulator.gitbook.io/exam-simulator/schema)
- Loads JSON file from URL
- Save high scores in Local Storage
- Generates Dynamic HTML
- Randomizes the question order loaded from the JSON exam file
- Works with Multiple Choice and Multiple Answer question types