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iOS Tutorial 3

Wonseok Lee edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 3 revisions

RIBs Dependency Injection and Communication

Note: If you haven't completed tutorial 2 yet, we encourage you to do so before jumping into this tutorial.

Welcome to the RIBs tutorials, which have been designed to give you a hands-on walkthrough through the core concepts of RIBs. As part of the tutorials, you'll be building a simple TicTacToe game using the RIBs architecture and associated tooling.

For tutorial 3, we'll use the source code here as a starting point. Follow the README to install and open the project before reading any further.

In the previous tutorial we have built a simple TicTacToe game that consists out of five RIBs. Their structure is shown on a diagram below.

Project structure

In this tutorial, we will not create the new RIBs but will modify the RIBs we already have in the project.


There are several things that can be added to the start screen of the TicTacToe game. First of all, we want to know which players participate in the game, so we will display their names there. Secondly, if the players decide to play several games in a row, we will track the game score and also show it at the start screen.

The main goals of this tutorial are to explain the following concepts:

  • Passing a dynamic dependency into a child RIB via the Builder’s build method.
  • Passing static dependencies using the Dependency Injection tree (DI tree).
    • Extension based dependency conformance in Swift.
  • Rx stream lifecycle management using the RIB lifecycle.

Dynamic dependencies

In tutorial 1, we have built a login form for the game and forwarded the player names from the LoggedOut RIB up to the Root RIB. In tutorial 2, however, we didn't use these data on the newly built screens and didn't forward it to the new RIBs. In this tutorial, we will forward the player names down the RIB tree to OffGame and TicTacToe RIBs.

We start with passing the player names as dynamic dependencies from the Root RIB to the LoggedIn RIB via the LoggedInBuilder’s build method.

For this, we'll update the LoggedInBuildable protocol to include two player names as dynamic dependencies in addition to the existing listener dependency:

protocol LoggedInBuildable: Buildable {
    func build(withListener listener: LoggedInListener, 
               player1Name: String, 
               player2Name: String) -> LoggedInRouting

Then we'll update the implementation of the LoggedInBuilder's build method:

func build(withListener listener: LoggedInListener, player1Name: String, player2Name: String) -> LoggedInRouting {
    let component = LoggedInComponent(dependency: dependency,
                                      player1Name: player1Name,
                                      player2Name: player2Name)

Finally, we'll update the LoggedInComponent initializer to put the player names onto the DI tree. We'll store them as constants in the LoggedInComponent:

let player1Name: String
let player2Name: String

init(dependency: LoggedInDependency, player1Name: String, player2Name: String) {
    self.player1Name = player1Name
    self.player2Name = player2Name
    super.init(dependency: dependency)

This effectively transforms the player names from dynamic dependencies provided by the LoggedIn’s parent to the static dependencies available to any of the LoggedIn’s children.

Next, we'll update the RootRouter class to pass in the player names to the LoggedInBuildable’s build method:

func routeToLoggedIn(withPlayer1Name player1Name: String, player2Name: String) {
    // Detach logged out.
    if let loggedOut = self.loggedOut {
        viewController.dismiss(viewController: loggedOut.viewControllable)
        self.loggedOut = nil

    let loggedIn = interactor, player1Name: player1Name, player2Name: player2Name)

After all these changes, the player names that were entered by the user and handled by the LoggedOut RIB became available to the LoggedIn RIB and all its children.

Dynamic dependencies vs static dependencies

As you can see, we decided to inject the player names into the LoggedIn RIB dynamically when building the RIB. Instead, we could have configured the LoggedIn RIB to resolve these dependencies statically by passing them down the RIBs tree. However, in this case we would have to make them optional, because the player names cannot be initialized when the Root RIB is created (for the sake of this exercise let's assume that initializing them with the default values is not an option here).

If we decided to deal with the optional values, we would have introduced additional complexity into the RIB code. The LoggedIn RIB and its children would have to handle nil values that could come instead of proper player names, and doing so would clearly be beyond their responsibilities. Instead, we should resolve the player names (or handle a nil value) as soon as possible after the names are entered by the user and remove this burden from the other parts of the app. Properly scoped dependencies allow us to make invariant assumptions, thus eliminating any unreasonable or unstable code.

RIB's Dependencies and Components

We haven't discussed the dependencies and components in RIBs tutorials yet, so it makes sense to make a small detour and explain what they are before we proceed.

In RIBs terms, a Dependency is a protocol that lists the dependencies that a RIB needs from its parent to be properly instantiated. A Component is an implementation of the Dependency protocol. In addition to providing the parent dependencies to the RIB's Builder, the Component is also responsible for owning the dependencies that the RIB creates for itself and its children.

Usually, when a parent RIB instantiates a child RIB, it injects its own component into the child's Builder as a constructor dependency. Each injected Component decides what dependencies to expose to the children on its own.

The dependencies contained in the Component usually either hold some state that has to be passed down the DI tree, or are costly to construct and are shared between the RIBs for performance reasons.

Passing the player names to the OffGame scope using the DI tree

Now that we have resolved the player names and made sure they are valid when being injected into the LoggedIn RIB, we can safely pass them down the DI tree to the OffGame RIB to display them alongside the "Start Game" button.

For this, we'll declare the player names as dependencies in the OffGameDependency protocol:

protocol OffGameDependency: Dependency {
    var player1Name: String { get }
    var player2Name: String { get }

These static dependencies will have to be passed to the OffGame RIB during its initialization by the parent RIB.

As the next step, we'll make these dependencies available for the OffGame’s own scope using its component class defined in OffGameComponent.

final class OffGameComponent: Component<OffGameDependency> {
    fileprivate var player1Name: String {
        return dependency.player1Name

    fileprivate var player2Name: String {
        return dependency.player2Name

Notice that these properties are marked as fileprivate. This means they are only accessible within the OffGameBuilder.swift file and therefore are not exposed to the child scopes. We didn’t use the fileprivate access control in LoggedInComponent because we wanted to provide these values to the OffGame child scope.

Since we’ve already added the player names to the LoggedInComponent in the previous steps, there’s nothing else we need to do to make the OffGame’s parent scope - the LoggedIn scope - to satisfy the new dependencies we have just added.

Next, we'll pass these dependencies into the OffGameViewController via constructor injection to display them. We could also pass the dependencies into the OffGameInteractor first and let the interactor invoke the methods of its OffGamePresentable to display this information, but since showing the player names does not require any additional processing, we can directly pass them to the view controller to display. We'll use player1Name and player2Name constants in the OffGameViewController to store the values passed in through the constructor.

Let's update the OffGameBuilder to inject the dependencies into the view controller.

final class OffGameBuilder: Builder<OffGameDependency>, OffGameBuildable {
    override init(dependency: OffGameDependency) {
        super.init(dependency: dependency)

    func build(withListener listener: OffGameListener) -> OffGameRouting {
        let component = OffGameComponent(dependency: dependency)
        let viewController = OffGameViewController(player1Name: component.player1Name,
                                                   player2Name: component.player2Name)
        let interactor = OffGameInteractor(presenter: viewController)
        interactor.listener = listener
        return OffGameRouter(interactor: interactor, viewController: viewController)

And modify the OffGameViewController to store the player names received during initialization.


private let player1Name: String
private let player2Name: String

init(player1Name: String, player2Name: String) {
    self.player1Name = player1Name
    self.player2Name = player2Name
    super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)


Finally, we will have to update the UI of the OffGame RIB's view controller to display the player names on screen. To save time, you may use the provided code here.

Now you should be able to launch the app and see the player names at start screen after logging in.

Track scores using a ReactiveX stream

At the moment, the application doesn't track the score after the games. When a game is over, the user simply gets redirected to the starting screen. We will improve the application to update the scores and display them at the starting screen. To do so, we will create and observe a reactive stream.

Reactive programming techniques are used widely in RIBs architecture. One of the most common usages for them is to facilitate the communication between the RIBs. When a child RIB needs to receive dynamic data from its parent, it is a common practice to wrap the data into an observable stream on the producer side and subscribe to this stream at the consumer side. This tutorial assumes that the reader is familiar with the main concepts of reactive programming and observable streams. If you want to learn more about them, refer to ReactiveX documentation.

In our case, the game score should be updated by the TicTacToe RIB as this RIB controls the state of the current game. This score should be read by the OffGame RIB as it will be displayed at the screen owned by this RIB. TicTacToe and OffGame don't know about each other and can't exchange data directly. However, both of them have the same parent - the LoggedIn RIB. We will have to implement the score stream in this RIB to give access to the stream to both its children.

Create a new Swift file named ScoreStream in LoggedIn group and add it to TicTacToe target. To save time, use the provided implementation of the stream available here.

Notice that we have declared two versions of the score stream protocol, a read-only version named ScoreStream, and a mutable version named MutableScoreStream. We’ll explain the differences between the two below.

Create a shared ScoreStream instance in LoggedInComponent.

var mutableScoreStream: MutableScoreStream {
    return shared { ScoreStreamImpl() }

A shared instance means a singleton created for the given scope (in our case, the scope includes the LoggedIn RIB and all its children). The streams are typically scoped singletons, as with most stateful objects. The majority of other dependencies should however be stateless, and therefore not shared.

Notice that mutableScoreStream property was created not with fileprivate, but with (implicit) internal access modifier. We need to expose this property outside the file because it has to be accessible by the LoggedIn's children. When this requirement doesn't hold, it's preferable to encapsulate the streams within the declaring file.

Furthermore, only those dependencies that are directly used in the RIB should be placed in the base implementation of the component, with the exception being stored properties that are injected from dynamic dependencies, such as the player names. In this case, because LoggedIn RIB will directly use the mutableScoreStream in the LoggedInInteractor class, it is appropriate for us to place the stream in the base implementation. Otherwise, we would have placed the dependency in the extension, e.g. LoggedInComponent+OffGame.

Now, let's pass the mutableScoreStream into the LoggedInInteractor so that it could update the scores later. We’ll also need to update the LoggedInBuilder to make the project compile.


private let mutableScoreStream: MutableScoreStream

init(mutableScoreStream: MutableScoreStream) {
    self.mutableScoreStream = mutableScoreStream

func build(withListener listener: LoggedInListener, player1Name: String, player2Name: String) -> LoggedInRouting {
    let component = LoggedInComponent(dependency: dependency,
                                      player1Name: player1Name,
                                      player2Name: player2Name)
    let interactor = LoggedInInteractor(mutableScoreStream: component.mutableScoreStream)


Passing a read-only ScoreStream down to OffGame scope for displaying

Now we want to pass a read-only version of the ScoreStream down to the OffGame RIB so that it could display (but not update) the player scores after the game is over. Declare the read-only ScoreStream as a dependency of the OffGame RIB's scope in OffGameDependency protocol.

protocol OffGameDependency: Dependency {
    var player1Name: String { get }
    var player2Name: String { get }
    var scoreStream: ScoreStream { get }

Then we'll provide the dependency to the current scope in OffGameComponent:

fileprivate var scoreStream: ScoreStream {
    return dependency.scoreStream

The OffGame's builder should be modified to inject the stream into the OffGameInteractor for later use.

func build(withListener listener: OffGameListener) -> OffGameRouting {
    let component = OffGameComponent(dependency: dependency)
    let viewController = OffGameViewController(player1Name: component.player1Name,
                                               player2Name: component.player2Name)
    let interactor = OffGameInteractor(presenter: viewController,
                                       scoreStream: component.scoreStream)

Finally, we should update the OffGameInteractor constructor to receive the score stream and store it in a private constant:


private let scoreStream: ScoreStream

init(presenter: OffGamePresentable,
     scoreStream: ScoreStream) {
    self.scoreStream = scoreStream
    super.init(presenter: presenter)
    presenter.listener = self


Notice that when we define the score stream variable in the OffGame's component, we do so with fileprivate access modifier, in contrast to the definition in LoggedIn RIB. This is because we do not intend to expose this dependency to the OffGame’s children, which it doesn’t have anyways at the moment.

Because the read-only score stream is only needed by the OffGame scope and will not be used by the LoggedIn RIB, we will place this dependency in the LoggedInComponent+OffGame extension. A stub implementation of this file is already provided.

You can either work with the provided extension stub or delete the file and re-create it using the Component Extension Xcode template. Please read the TODO comments in the file to get a better understanding on how to work with component extensions.

Add the score stream as a dependency to the component extension.

extension LoggedInComponent: OffGameDependency {
    var scoreStream: ScoreStream {
        return mutableScoreStream

Because our MutableScoreStream protocol extends the read-only version, we can expose it to the children expecting a read-only stream implementation.

Display the scores by subscribing to the score stream

Now, the OffGame RIB needs to subscribe to the score stream. After being notified about a new Score value emitted by the stream, OffGamePresentable will forward this value to the view controller for displaying it on the screen. By using a reactive subscription, we get rid of the stored state and automatically update the UI reflecting the changes in data.

Let’s update the OffGamePresentable protocol so we can set the score value. Remember, this is the protocol we use to communicate from the interactor to its view.

protocol OffGamePresentable: Presentable {
    weak var listener: OffGamePresentableListener? { get set }
    func set(score: Score)

We create a subscription in the OffGameInteractor class and invoke the OffGamePresentable to set the new score when the stream emits a value.

private func updateScore() {
            onNext: { (score: Score) in
                self.presenter.set(score: score)
        .disposeOnDeactivate(interactor: self)

Here we use the disposeOnDeactivate extension to handle our Rx subscription’s lifecycle. As the name suggests, the subscription is automatically disposed when the given interactor, in this case, the OffGameInteractor, is deactivated. We should almost always create Rx subscriptions in our interactor or worker classes to take advantage of these Rx lifecycle management utilities.

We then invoke the updateScore method in OffGameInteractor’s didBecomeActive lifecycle method. This allows us to create a new subscription whenever the OffGameInteractor is activated, which ties nicely with the use of disposeOnDeactivate.

override func didBecomeActive() {


Finally, we have to implement the UI to display the scores. To save time, you can use the OffGameViewController implementation provided here.

If you build and start the app now, you will see that it shows the score at the starting screen. We have added a reactive subscription that notifies the OffGame RIB each time the score changes and updated the view controller to respond to the change. However, we don't yet have the code to actually update the score after the game is over. Let's implement it.

Updating the score stream when a game is over

After a game is over, the TicTacToe RIB invokes its listener to call up to LoggedInInteractor. This is where we should update our score stream.

Update TicTacToe’s listener to share the information about the game winner.

protocol TicTacToeListener: class {
    func gameDidEnd(withWinner winner: PlayerType?)

Now we'll update the TicTacToeInteractor implementation to pass the winner to the listener we have just updated.

There are different ways to do this. We can either store the winner in a local variable in TicTacToeInteractor, or we can let the TicTacToeViewController pass the winner back to the interactor in the closeGame method after the user closes the alert. Technically speaking, both ways are correct and appropriate. Let’s explore the advantages and drawbacks of both solutions.

With the local variable stored in TicTacToeInteractor, the advantage is that we encapsulate all the necessary data within the interactor. The downside is that we have to maintain local, mutable state. This is somewhat mitigated by the fact that our RIBs are well scoped. The local states of each RIB are well encapsulated and limited. When we create a new TicTacToe RIB after launching a new game, the previous one is deallocated with all its local variables.

If we take an approach with passing the data back from the view controller, we will avoid storing the local mutable state in the interactor, but will have to rely on the view controller in dealing with the business logic.

To get the best of both worlds, we can use Swift closures. When the interactor informs the view controller that the game is over, it can provide a completion handler that will be invoked after the view controller updates its state. This will encapsulate the winner within the TicTacToeInteractor and won't lead to storing extra state. Also, this will render closeGame method in the view controller's listener unnecessary.

Here's how we can use a completion handler to update the score.

In TicTacToePresentableListener, remove the declaration of closeGame method.

protocol TicTacToePresentableListener: class {
    func placeCurrentPlayerMark(atRow row: Int, col: Int)

In TicTacToeViewController, modify the announce method to receive the completion handler as an argument and invoke it after the user dismisses an alert. The announce method is called by the interactor after the interactor decides that one of the players has won the game.

func announce(winner: PlayerType?, withCompletionHandler handler: @escaping () -> ()) {
    let winnerString: String = {
        if let winner = winner {
            switch winner {
            case .player1:
                return "Red won!"
            case .player2:
                return "Blue won!"
        } else {
            return "It's a draw!"
    let alert = UIAlertController(title: winnerString, message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert)
    let closeAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Close Game", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) { _ in
    present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

In TicTacToePresentable protocol, update the declaration of announce method to include the completion handler argument.

protocol TicTacToePresentable: Presentable {

    func announce(winner: PlayerType?, withCompletionHandler handler: @escaping () -> ())

In TicTacToeInteractor, update the call to announce method of the presenter with a completion handler.

func placeCurrentPlayerMark(atRow row: Int, col: Int) {
    guard board[row][col] == nil else {

    let currentPlayer = getAndFlipCurrentPlayer()
    board[row][col] = currentPlayer
    presenter.setCell(atRow: row, col: col, withPlayerType: currentPlayer)

    if let winner = checkWinner() {
        presenter.announce(winner: winner) {
            self.listener?.gameDidEnd(withWinner: winner)

Finally, in LoggedInInteractor update the implementation of gameDidEnd method to update the score stream when there's a new winner.

func gameDidEnd(withWinner winner: PlayerType?) {
    if let winner = winner {
        mutableScoreStream.updateScore(withWinner: winner)

Now the score stream is fully functional. If you build and launch an app, you will see that each time a player wins the game, the score at the start screen is correctly updated.

Bonus exercises

There are two more things we recommend you to do to improve the app and better understand the communication between the RIBs.

The first thing would be improving an alert shown after the game is over. At the moment, instead of showing a name of the winning player we use hardcoded names "Red" and "Blue". You could pass down the player names from the LoggedIn scope to the TicTacToe scope and display them in the alert instead.

Another nice improvement would be dealing with the draws. At the moment, the game gets stuck when it ends in a draw with all game fields marked. You can update the game logic, the user interface, and score calculation to handle this case.

Tutorial complete

Congratulations! You have completed tutorial 3. The completed source code for this tutorial can be found here.

Now onwards to tutorial 4.