Version 0.5.0
An important bug fix, community-driven improvements, plus the modernization of the project
New features
Bug fixes
- Add a newline at the end of a gzipped tsv file (#49)
- Do not dismiss failures prior to serialization (#101)
- Reduce INFO logging (#50)
- Bump Scala version to 2.11 (#81)
- Upgrade to Java 8 (#82)
- Bump SBT to 0.13.15 (#83)
- Bump Kinesis Client Library to 1.7.5 (#55)
- Update amazon-kinesis-connectors to 1.3.0 (#17)
- Bump hadoop-common to 2.7.3 (#94)
- Bump elephant-bird to 4.15 (#95)
- Bump hadoop-lzo to 0.4.20 (#93)
- Bump scalaz to 7.0.9 (#86)
- Bump sbt-assembly to 0.14.5 (#84)
- Bump joda-time to 2.9.9 (#96)
- Bump config to 1.3.1 (#97)
- Bump snowplow-scala-tracker to 0.3.0 (#92)
- Bump specs2-core to 3.9.1 (#89)
- Replace argot by scopt (#85)
- Remove scalazon dependency (#88)
- Remove joda-convert dependency (#98)
- Remove scalaz-specs2 dependency (#90)