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Add support for inline images and content-id headers (#53)
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vagifverdi authored and MarekSuchanek committed Apr 4, 2019
1 parent 0ccd43a commit ba627d0
Showing 1 changed file with 138 additions and 66 deletions.
204 changes: 138 additions & 66 deletions mime-mail/Network/Mail/Mime.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.Mail.Mime
( -- * Datatypes
Boundary (..)
Expand All @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Network.Mail.Mime
, Address (..)
, Alternatives
, Part (..)
, PartContent (..)
, Encoding (..)
, Headers
-- * Render a message
Expand All @@ -22,19 +23,23 @@ module Network.Mail.Mime
, simpleMail
, simpleMail'
, simpleMailInMemory
, simpleMailWithImages
-- * Utilities
, addPart
, addAttachment
, addAttachmentCid
, addAttachments
, addAttachmentBS
, addAttachmentBSCid
, addAttachmentsBS
, renderAddress
, htmlPart
, plainPart
, randomString
, quotedPrintable
, InlineImage(..)
, ImageContent(..)
, relatedPart
, addImage
, mkImageParts
) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
Expand All @@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Control.Monad ((<=<), foldM, void)
import Control.Monad ((<=<), (>=>), foldM, void)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, ErrorCall (ErrorCall))
import Data.List (intersperse)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,18 +144,29 @@ data Part = Part
, partEncoding :: Encoding
-- | The filename for this part, if it is to be sent with an attachemnt
-- disposition.
, partFilename :: Maybe Text
, partDisposition :: Disposition
, partHeaders :: Headers
, partContent :: L.ByteString
, partContent :: PartContent
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | NestedParts are for multipart-related: One HTML part and some inline images
data PartContent = PartContent L.ByteString | NestedParts [Part]
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Disposition = AttachmentDisposition Text
| InlineDisposition Text
| DefaultDisposition
deriving (Show, Eq)

type Headers = [(S.ByteString, Text)]
type Pair = (Headers, Builder)

data Pair = Pair (Headers, Builder)
| CompoundPair (Headers, [Pair])

partToPair :: Part -> Pair
partToPair (Part contentType encoding disposition headers content) =
(headers', builder)
partToPair (Part contentType encoding disposition headers (PartContent content)) =
Pair (headers', builder)
headers' =
((:) ("Content-Type", contentType))
Expand All @@ -162,18 +178,27 @@ partToPair (Part contentType encoding disposition headers content) =
QuotedPrintableBinary ->
(:) ("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable"))
$ (case disposition of
Nothing -> id
Just fn ->
(:) ("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="
`T.append` fn))
AttachmentDisposition fn ->
(:) ("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" `T.append` fn)
InlineDisposition cid ->
(:) ("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" `T.append` cid) . (:) ("Content-ID", "<" <> cid <> ">") . (:) ("Content-Location", cid)
DefaultDisposition -> id
$ headers
builder =
case encoding of
None -> fromWriteList writeByteString $ L.toChunks content
Base64 -> base64 content
QuotedPrintableText -> quotedPrintable True content
QuotedPrintableBinary -> quotedPrintable False content
partToPair (Part contentType encoding disposition headers (NestedParts parts)) =
CompoundPair (headers', pairs)
headers' = ("Content-Type", contentType):headers
pairs = map partToPair parts

-- This function merges sibling pairs into a multipart pair
showPairs :: RandomGen g
=> Text -- ^ multipart type, eg mixed, alternative
-> [Pair]
Expand All @@ -182,7 +207,7 @@ showPairs :: RandomGen g
showPairs _ [] _ = error "renderParts called with null parts"
showPairs _ [pair] gen = (pair, gen)
showPairs mtype parts gen =
((headers, builder), gen')
(Pair (headers, builder), gen')
(Boundary b, gen') = random gen
headers =
Expand All @@ -200,21 +225,56 @@ showPairs mtype parts gen =
, showBoundEnd $ Boundary b

-- This function flattens any compound pairs into a multipart
-- related, but leaves other pairs in tact
-- NOTE that this is not recursive, and assumes only one level of nesting.
flattenCompoundPair :: RandomGen g => Pair -> g -> (Pair, g)
flattenCompoundPair pair@(Pair _) gen = (pair, gen)
flattenCompoundPair (CompoundPair (hs, pairs)) gen =
(Pair (headers, builder), gen')
(Boundary b, gen') = random gen
headers =
[ ("Content-Type", T.concat
[ "multipart/related" , "; boundary=\"" , b , "\"" ])
builder = mconcat
[ mconcat $ intersperse (fromByteString "\n")
$ map (showBoundPart $ Boundary b) pairs
, showBoundEnd $ Boundary b

-- | Render a 'Mail' with a given 'RandomGen' for producing boundaries.
renderMail :: RandomGen g => g -> Mail -> (L.ByteString, g)
renderMail g0 (Mail from to cc bcc headers parts) =
(toLazyByteString builder, g'')
addressHeaders = map showAddressHeader [("From", [from]), ("To", to), ("Cc", cc), ("Bcc", bcc)]
pairs = map (map partToPair) parts
(pairs', g') = helper g0 $ map (showPairs "alternative") pairs
-- parts is [Alternative], or [[Part]]
-- reverse parts so attachments come at the end
pairs :: [[Pair]]
pairs = map (map partToPair) (reverse parts)

(pairs1, g1) = helper2 g0 $ map (map flattenCompoundPair) pairs
(pairs', g') = helper g1 $ map (showPairs "alternative") pairs1

helper :: g -> [g -> (x, g)] -> ([x], g)
helper g [] = ([], g)
helper g (x:xs) =
let (b, g_) = x g
(bs, g__) = helper g_ xs
in (b : bs, g__)
((finalHeaders, finalBuilder), g'') = showPairs "mixed" pairs' g'

-- new 2nd order helper
helper2 :: g -> [[g -> (x, g)]] -> ([[x]], g)
helper2 g [] = ([], g)
helper2 g (x:xs) =
let (b, g_) = helper g x -- original helper
(bs, g__) = helper2 g_ xs
in (b : bs, g__)

(Pair (finalHeaders, finalBuilder), g'') = showPairs "mixed" pairs' g'
builder = mconcat
[ mconcat addressHeaders
, mconcat $ map showHeader headers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,8 +331,8 @@ showAddress a = mconcat
sanitizeHeader :: Text -> Text
sanitizeHeader = T.filter (not . isControl)

showBoundPart :: Boundary -> (Headers, Builder) -> Builder
showBoundPart (Boundary b) (headers, content) = mconcat
showBoundPart :: Boundary -> Pair -> Builder
showBoundPart (Boundary b) (Pair (headers, content)) = mconcat
[ fromByteString "--"
, fromText b
, fromByteString "\n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,7 +391,7 @@ sendmailCustomCaptureOutput :: FilePath
-> IO (S.ByteString, S.ByteString)
sendmailCustomCaptureOutput sm opts lbs = sendmailCustomAux True sm opts lbs

sendmailCustomAux :: Bool
sendmailCustomAux :: Bool
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> L.ByteString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,6 +475,37 @@ simpleMailInMemory to from subject plainBody htmlBody attachments =
. addPart [plainPart plainBody, htmlPart htmlBody]
$ mailFromToSubject from to subject

-- | An interface for generating an email with HTML and plain-text
-- alternatives, some file attachments, and inline images.
-- Note that we use lazy IO for reading in the attachment and inlined images.
-- Inline images can be referred to from the HTML content using
-- the @src="cid:{{CONTENT-ID}}"@ syntax, where CONTENT-ID is
-- the filename of the image.

data InlineImage = InlineImage {
imageContentType :: Text
, imageContent :: ImageContent
, imageCID :: Text
} deriving Show

data ImageContent = ImageFilePath FilePath | ImageByteString L.ByteString
deriving Show

simpleMailWithImages :: [Address] -- ^ to (multiple)
-> Address -- ^ from
-> Text -- ^ subject
-> LT.Text -- ^ plain body
-> LT.Text -- ^ HTML body
-> [InlineImage]
-> [(Text, FilePath)] -- ^ content type and path of attachments
-> IO Mail
simpleMailWithImages to from subject plainBody htmlBody images attachments = do
inlineImageParts <- mkImageParts images
addAttachments attachments
. addPart [ plainPart plainBody
, relatedPart ((htmlPart htmlBody):inlineImageParts) ]
$ (emptyMail from) { mailTo = to, mailHeaders = [("Subject", subject)] }

mailFromToSubject :: Address -- ^ from
-> Address -- ^ to
-> Text -- ^ subject
Expand All @@ -429,45 +520,50 @@ mailFromToSubject from to subject =
-- To e.g. add a plain text body use
-- > addPart [plainPart body] (emptyMail from)
addPart :: Alternatives -> Mail -> Mail
addPart alt mail = mail { mailParts = mailParts mail ++ [alt] }
addPart alt mail = mail { mailParts = alt : mailParts mail }

-- | Add a 'Related' Part
relatedPart :: [Part] -> Part
relatedPart parts =
Part "multipart/related" None DefaultDisposition [] (NestedParts parts)

-- | Construct a UTF-8-encoded plain-text 'Part'.
plainPart :: LT.Text -> Part
plainPart body = Part cType QuotedPrintableText Nothing [] $ LT.encodeUtf8 body
plainPart body = Part cType QuotedPrintableText DefaultDisposition []
$ PartContent (LT.encodeUtf8 body)
where cType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

-- | Construct a UTF-8-encoded html 'Part'.
htmlPart :: LT.Text -> Part
htmlPart body = Part cType QuotedPrintableText Nothing [] $ LT.encodeUtf8 body
htmlPart body = Part cType QuotedPrintableText DefaultDisposition []
$ PartContent (LT.encodeUtf8 body)
where cType = "text/html; charset=utf-8"

-- | Add an attachment from a file and construct a 'Part'.
addAttachment :: Text -> FilePath -> Mail -> IO Mail
addAttachment ct fn mail = do
part <- getAttachmentPart ct fn
content <- L.readFile fn
let part = Part ct Base64 (AttachmentDisposition $ T.pack (takeFileName fn)) []
(PartContent content)
return $ addPart [part] mail

-- | Add an attachment from a file and construct a 'Part'
-- with the specified content id in the Content-ID header.
-- @since 0.4.12
addAttachmentCid :: Text -- ^ content type
-> FilePath -- ^ file name
-> Text -- ^ content ID
-> Mail
-> IO Mail
addAttachmentCid ct fn cid mail =
getAttachmentPart ct fn >>= (return.addToMail.addHeader)
addToMail part = addPart [part] mail
addHeader part = part { partHeaders = header:ph }
where ph = partHeaders part
header = ("Content-ID", T.concat ["<", cid, ">"])

addAttachments :: [(Text, FilePath)] -> Mail -> IO Mail
addAttachments xs mail = foldM fun mail xs
where fun m (c, f) = addAttachment c f m

-- | Add an inline image from a file and construct a 'Part'.
addImage :: InlineImage -> IO Part
addImage InlineImage{..} = do
content <- case imageContent of
ImageFilePath fn -> L.readFile fn
ImageByteString bs -> return bs
$ Part imageContentType Base64 (InlineDisposition imageCID) [] (PartContent content)

mkImageParts :: [InlineImage] -> IO [Part]
mkImageParts xs =
mapM addImage xs

-- | Add an attachment from a 'ByteString' and construct a 'Part'.
-- Since 0.4.7
Expand All @@ -476,39 +572,15 @@ addAttachmentBS :: Text -- ^ content type
-> L.ByteString -- ^ content
-> Mail -> Mail
addAttachmentBS ct fn content mail =
let part = getAttachmentPartBS ct fn content
let part = Part ct Base64 (AttachmentDisposition fn) [] (PartContent content)
in addPart [part] mail

-- | @since 0.4.12
addAttachmentBSCid :: Text -- ^ content type
-> Text -- ^ file name
-> L.ByteString -- ^ content
-> Text -- ^ content ID
-> Mail -> Mail
addAttachmentBSCid ct fn content cid mail =
let part = addHeader $ getAttachmentPartBS ct fn content
in addPart [part] mail
addHeader part = part { partHeaders = header:ph }
where ph = partHeaders part
header = ("Content-ID", T.concat ["<", cid, ">"])

-- |
-- Since 0.4.7
addAttachmentsBS :: [(Text, Text, L.ByteString)] -> Mail -> Mail
addAttachmentsBS xs mail = foldl fun mail xs
where fun m (ct, fn, content) = addAttachmentBS ct fn content m

getAttachmentPartBS :: Text
-> Text
-> L.ByteString
-> Part
getAttachmentPartBS ct fn content = Part ct Base64 (Just fn) [] content

getAttachmentPart :: Text -> FilePath -> IO Part
getAttachmentPart ct fn = do
content <- L.readFile fn
return $ getAttachmentPartBS ct (T.pack (takeFileName fn)) content

data QP = QPPlain S.ByteString
| QPNewline
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