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shalliwell edited this page May 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

GameObject commands


Find all gameobjects by tag and store in a collection

Defined in Fungus.GameObjectFind

Property Type Description
Tag String Fungus.StringData Find all gameobjects of tag


Instantiate a game object

Defined in Fungus.SpawnObject

Property Type Description
_source Object Fungus.GameObjectData Game object to copy when spawning. Can be a scene object or a prefab.
_parent Transform Fungus.TransformData Transform to use as parent during instantiate.
_spawn At Self Fungus.BooleanData If true, will use the Transfrom of this Flowchart for the position and rotation.
_spawn Position Fungus.Vector3Data Local position of newly spawned object.
_spawn Rotation Fungus.Vector3Data Local rotation of newly spawned object.
_newly Spawned Object Fungus.GameObjectData Optional variable to store the GameObject that was just created.

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