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Bring your projects to life on Nostr. 🌱

Nostrify is a Nostr framework for web browsers and Deno. It's made up of of simple modules that can be used independently, or swapped out with your own implementations.

Use it alongside nostr-tools, NDK, or your existing application. Nostrify can be gradually adopted and plays nice with others.


A suite of zod schemas for Nostr are available in the NSchema module.

import { NSchema as n } from '@nostrify/nostrify';

const event: NostrEvent = n.event().parse(eventData);
const metadata: NostrMetadata = n.json().pipe(n.metadata()).parse(event.content);
const msg: NostrRelayMsg = n.relayMsg().parse(;
const nsec: `nsec1${string}` = n.bech32('nsec').parse(token);


Storages (implementing the NStore interface) allow interacting with Nostr events. A database is a Storage. A relay is a Storage. A cache is a Storage. It should be possible to use Nostr storages interchangeably to get the best performance.

NStore interface

NStore is the interface that all Nostr Storages implement.

/** Nostr event store. */
interface NStore {
  /** Add an event to the store (equivalent of `EVENT` verb). */
  event(event: NostrEvent, opts?: NStoreOpts): Promise<void>;
  /** Get an array of events matching filters. */
  query(filters: NostrFilter[], opts?: NStoreOpts): Promise<NostrEvent[]>;
  /** Get the number of events matching filters (equivalent of `COUNT` verb). */
  count?(filters: NostrFilter[], opts?: NStoreOpts): Promise<NostrRelayCOUNT[2]>;
  /** Remove events from the store. This action is temporary, unless a kind `5` deletion is issued. */
  remove?(filters: NostrFilter[], opts?: NStoreOpts): Promise<void>;

NCache class

Nostr LRU cache based on npm:lru-cache. It implements both NStore and NSet interfaces.

// Accepts the options of `npm:lru-cache`:
const cache = new NCache({ max: 1000 });

// Events can be added like a regular `Set`:

// Can be queried like `NStore`:
const events = await cache.query([{ kinds: [1] }]);

// Can be iterated like `NSet`:
for (const event of cache) {

NDatabase class

SQLite database storage adapter for Nostr events. It uses Kysely to make queries, making it flexible for a variety of use-cases.

// Create a Kysely instance.
const kysely = new Kysely({
  dialect: new DenoSqliteDialect({
    database: new Sqlite('./db.sqlite3'),

// Pass Kysely into the constructor.
const db = new NDatabase(kysely);

// Migrate the database before use.
await db.migrate();

// Now it's just a regular storage.
await db.event(event1);
await db.event(event2);
const events = await db.query([{ kinds: [1] }]);

NSet class (not really a storage)

Nostr event implementation of the Set interface.

NSet is an implementation of the theory that a Nostr Storage is actually just a Set. Events are Nostr's only data type, and they are immutable, making the Set interface ideal.

const events = new NSet();

// Events can be added like a regular `Set`:

// Can be iterated:
for (const event of events) {
  if (matchFilters(filters, event)) {

NSet will handle kind 5 deletions, removing events from the set. Replaceable (and parameterized) events will keep only the newest version. However, verification of id and sig is NOT performed.

Any Map instance can be passed into new NSet(), making it compatible with lru-cache, among others.


Relays are an extended form of Storage with real-time streaming capabilities.

NRelay interface

NRelay implements all the methods of NStore, including a req method for streaming events.

interface NRelay extends NStore {
  /** Subscribe to events matching the given filters. Returns an iterator of raw NIP-01 relay messages. */
  req(filters: NostrFilter[], opts?: NReqOpts): AsyncIterable<NostrRelayEVENT | NostrRelayEOSE | NostrRelayCLOSED>;

The req method returns raw NIP-01 relay messages, but only those pertaining to subscriptions: EVENT, EOSE, and CLOSED.

Other messages such as COUNT and OK are handled internally by NStore methods:

  • NRelay.event - sends an EVENT and waits for an OK. If the OK is false, an error is thrown with the reason as its message.
  • NRelay.query - calls NRelay.req internally, closing the subscription automatically on EOSE.
  • NRelay.count - sends a COUNT and waits for the response COUNT.
  • NRelay.remove - not applicable.

Other notes:

  • AUTH is not part of the interface, and should be handled by the implementation using an option in the constructor (see the NRelay class below).
  • Using a break statement in the req loop will close the subscription automatically, sending a CLOSE message to the relay. This works thanks to special treatment of try...finally blocks by AsyncIterables.
  • Passing an AbortSignal into the req method will also close the subscription automatically when the signal aborts, sending a CLOSE message.

NRelay1 class

The main NRelay implementation for connecting to one relay. Instantiate it with a WebSocket URL, and then loop over the messages:

const relay = new NRelay1('wss://');

for await (const msg of relay.req([{ kinds: [1] }])) {
  if (msg[0] === 'EVENT') console.log(msg[2]);
  if (msg[0] === 'EOSE') break; // Sends a `CLOSE` message to the relay.

If the WebSocket disconnects, it will reconnect automatically thanks to the wonderful websocket-ts library. Upon reconnection, it will automatically re-subscribe to all subscriptions.

NRelay1Opts interface

All options are optional.

  • auth - A function like (challenge: string) => Promise<NostrEvent>. If provided, it will be called whenever the relay sends an AUTH message, and then it will send the resulting event back to the relay in an AUTH message. If not provided, auth is ignored.
  • backoff - A Backoff object for reconnection attempts, or false to disable automatic reconnect. Default is new ExponentialBackoff(1000).
  • verifyEvent - Custom event verification function. Default is nostrTools.verifyEvent.

NPool class

The NPool class is a NRelay implementation for connecting to multiple relays.

const pool = new NPool({
  open: (url) => new NRelay1(url),
  reqRelays: async (filters) => ['wss://', 'wss://'],
  eventRelays: async (event) => ['wss://', 'wss://'],

// Now you can use the pool like a regular relay.
for await (const msg of pool.req([{ kinds: [1] }])) {
  if (msg[0] === 'EVENT') console.log(msg[2]);
  if (msg[0] === 'EOSE') break;

This class is designed with the Outbox model in mind. Instead of passing relay URLs into each method, you pass functions into the contructor that statically-analyze filters and events to determine which relays to use for requesting and publishing events. If a relay wasn't already connected, it will be opened automatically. Defining open will also let you use any relay implementation, such as NRelay1.

Note that pool.req may stream duplicate events, while pool.query will correctly process replaceable events and deletions within the event set before returning them.

pool.req will only emit an EOSE when all relays in its set have emitted an EOSE, and likewise for CLOSED.

NPoolOpts interface

  • open - A function like (url: string) => NRelay. This function should return a new instance of NRelay for the given URL.

  • reqRelays - A function like (filters: NostrFilter[]) => Promise<string[]>. This function should return an array of relay URLs to use for making a REQ to the given filters. To support the Outbox model, it should analyze the authors field of the filters.

  • eventRelays - A function like (event: NostrEvent) => Promise<string[]>. This function should return an array of relay URLs to use for publishing an EVENT. To support the Outbox model, it should analyze the pubkey field of the event.

Pro-tip: the url parameter is a unique relay identifier (string), and doesn't technically have to be a URL, as long as you handle it correctly in your open function.


Signer, like storages, should be usable in an interoperable/composable way. The foundation of this is NIP-07.

NostrSigner interface

The NostrSigner interface is pulled right out of NIP-07. This means any signer implementing it can be used as a drop-in replacement for window.nostr. Since NIP-07 functions don't accept many options, new Signers are created by abusing constructor props.

/** NIP-07 Nostr signer. */
interface NostrSigner {
  /** Returns a public key as hex. */
  getPublicKey(): Promise<string>;
  /** Takes an event template, adds `id`, `pubkey` and `sig` and returns it. */
  signEvent(event: Omit<NostrEvent, 'id' | 'pubkey' | 'sig'>): Promise<NostrEvent>;
  /** Returns a record of relay URLs to relay policies. */
  getRelays?(): Promise<Record<string, { read: boolean; write: boolean }>>;
  /** @deprecated NIP-04 crypto methods. Use `nip44` instead. */
  nip04?: {
    /** @deprecated Returns ciphertext and iv as specified in NIP-04. */
    encrypt(pubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string>;
    /** @deprecated Takes ciphertext and iv as specified in NIP-04. */
    decrypt(pubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string>;
  /** NIP-44 crypto methods. */
  nip44?: {
    /** Returns ciphertext as specified in NIP-44. */
    encrypt(pubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string>;
    /** Takes ciphertext as specified in NIP-44. */
    decrypt(pubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string>;

NSecSigner class

NIP-07-compatible signer with secret key. It is a drop-in replacement for window.nostr.


const signer = new NSecSigner(secretKey);
const pubkey = await signer.getPublicKey();
const event = await signer.signEvent({ kind: 1, content: 'Hello, world!', tags: [], created_at: 0 });

NSeedSigner class

Accepts an HD seed which it uses to derive the secret key according to NIP-06. This method is useful for supporting multiple accounts for the same user, or for sharing a Nostr account with a Bitcoin wallet.

const signer = new NSeedSigner(seed, 0);


NPhraseSigner class

Similar to NSeedSigner, but accepts a BIP-39 mnemonic phrase which it converts into a seed before usage.

const signer = new NPhraseSigner('abandon baby cabbage dad ...', {
  account: 0, // Optional account number. Default is 0.
  passphrase: 'very special mother', // Optional passphrase. Default is no passphrase.


NCustodial class

Signer manager for multiple users. Pass a shared secret into it, then it will generate keys for your users determinstically. Useful for custodial auth where you only want to manage one secret for the entire application.

const SECRET_KEY = Deno.env.get('SECRET_KEY'); // generate with `openssl rand -base64 48`
const seed = new TextEncoder().encode(SECRET_KEY);

const signers = new NCustodial(seed);

const alex = await signers.get('alex');
const fiatjaf = await signers.get('fiatjaf');


NConnectSigner class





Bring your projects to life on Nostr. 🌱 This repo is a mirror of the source on GitLab.








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