An Adaptive, Context-Aware, and Stacked Attention Network-Based Recommendation System to Capture Users’ Temporal Preference
This is our offical implement for paper:
An Adaptive, Context-Aware, and Stacked Attention Network-Based Recommendation System to Capture Users’ Temporal Preference
which is published in TKDE and the master thesis :
Adaptive Context Aware Recommendation System via Stacked Attention Network
See paper in:
Author : Chung-Yao, Ma, This code was finished in 2020/8/18
Connect to me : [email protected]
This deep-learning-based recommendation system using two kinds of attention modules to capture users' changing preferences and learn how to adapt to the dynamic changing pattern
Parameters' definitions:
-d (int) embedding dimensions
-l (float) learning rate
-e (int) training epochs
-D (str) dataset
-b (int) batch size
-w (int>2) window size
-n (int) numbers of negative sample
-i (0 or 1) using pretrained item weight
-s (int) numbers of stacked
-h (int) numbers of heads
-t (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) time information mode : 0-none, 1-positional encoding, 2-CNN, 3-add both, 4-first posi then cnn, 5-concat two kinds of output then passing a fc
Run :
python -d 32 -l 0.001 -e 50 -D ml-100k -b 256 -w 5 -n 10 -i 1 -s 5 -h 5 -t 0
Python 3.6
Torch >= 1.4.0
numpy == 1.17.3
pandas == 0.25.3
torchsummaryX == 1.3.0
tqdm == 4.31.1
Or you can just use command :
pip install -r requirement.txt
PS. For your reference, our server environment is NVIDIA® Tesla V100 GPU
We provide four processed datasets: MovieLens 1 Million (ml-1m), MovieLens 100k (ml-100k), Amazon Beauty (beauty) and Pinterest with pretrained bpr weight in Data
Pretrained bpr weight for each model are save in model/bpr/dataset
user_session.pkl :
- Using to make training and testing data
- Saving users' all interacted items with python dictionary structure into a binary pickle file
- { uid_1 : [ iid_0, iid_1, iid_2,.... ] }
testing_data.pkl :
- Using to evaluation
- Saving users' leave one out testing items and 99 negative items with python dictionary structure into a binary pickle file
- { uid_1 : [ neg_1, neg_2, ..., neg_99, test_item ] }