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[resotocore][feat] Separate custom core command configuration (#780)
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* [resotocore][feat] Separate custom core command configuration
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aquamatthias authored Apr 8, 2022
1 parent 783204a commit 4388401
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Showing 6 changed files with 177 additions and 55 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resotocore/resotocore/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ def __init__(
alias_names: Dict[str, str],
alias_templates = [AliasTemplate.from_config(alias) for alias in dependencies.config.cli.alias_templates]
alias_templates = [AliasTemplate.from_config(cmd) for cmd in dependencies.config.custom_commands.commands]
help_cmd = HelpCommand(dependencies, parts, alias_names, alias_templates)
cmds = { p for p in parts + [help_cmd]}
alias_cmds = {alias: cmds[name] for alias, name in alias_names.items() if name in cmds and alias not in cmds}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resotocore/resotocore/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ async def config_yaml(self, cfg_id: str, revision: bool = False) -> Optional[str
yaml_str += "\n"
yaml_str += key + ":" + part
yaml_str += yaml.dump({key: value}, sort_keys=False)
yaml_str += yaml.dump({key: value}, sort_keys=False, allow_unicode=True)

# mix the revision into the yaml document
if revision and config.revision:
Expand Down
89 changes: 70 additions & 19 deletions resotocore/resotocore/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,21 @@
import yaml

from resotocore.config import ConfigHandler, ConfigEntity, ConfigValidation
from resotocore.core_config import CoreConfig, ResotoCoreConfigId, config_model, EditableConfig, ResotoCoreRoot
from resotocore.core_config import (
from resotocore.dependencies import empty_config
from resotocore.message_bus import MessageBus, CoreMessage
from resotocore.model.model import Kind
from resotocore.model.typed_model import from_js
from resotocore.types import Json
from resotocore.util import deep_merge, restart_service, value_in_path
from resotocore.worker_task_queue import WorkerTaskQueue, WorkerTaskDescription, WorkerTaskName, WorkerTask

Expand All @@ -36,59 +46,100 @@ def __init__(
self.config_handler = config_handler
self.exit_fn = exit_fn

def validate_config_entry(task_data: Json) -> Optional[Json]:
def validate_core_config() -> Optional[Json]:
config = value_in_path(task_data, ["config", ResotoCoreRoot])
if isinstance(config, dict):
# try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
read = from_js(config, EditableConfig)
return read.validate()
return {"error": "Expected a json object"}

def validate_commands_config() -> Optional[Json]:
config = value_in_path(task_data, ["config", ResotoCoreCommandsRoot])
if isinstance(config, dict):
# try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
read = from_js(config, CustomCommandsConfig)
return read.validate()
return {"error": "Expected a json object"}

holder = value_in_path(task_data, ["config"])
if not isinstance(holder, dict):
return {"error": "Expected a json object in config"}
elif ResotoCoreRoot in holder:
return validate_core_config()
elif ResotoCoreCommandsRoot in holder:
return validate_commands_config()
return {"error": "No known configuration found"}

async def __validate_config(self) -> None:
worker_id = "resotocore.config.validate"
description = WorkerTaskDescription(WorkerTaskName.validate_config, {"config_id": [ResotoCoreConfigId]})
description = WorkerTaskDescription(
WorkerTaskName.validate_config, {"config_id": [ResotoCoreConfigId, ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId]}
async with self.worker_task_queue.attach(worker_id, [description]) as tasks:
while True:
task: WorkerTask = await tasks.get()
config = value_in_path(, ["config", ResotoCoreRoot])
if isinstance(config, dict):
# try to read editable config, throws if there are errors
from_js(config, EditableConfig)
errors = EditableConfig.validate_config(config)
if errors:
message = "Validation Errors:\n" + yaml.safe_dump(errors)
await self.worker_task_queue.error_task(worker_id,, message)
await self.worker_task_queue.acknowledge_task(worker_id,
errors = self.validate_config_entry(
if errors:
message = "Validation Errors:\n" + yaml.safe_dump(errors)
await self.worker_task_queue.error_task(worker_id,, message)
await self.worker_task_queue.acknowledge_task(worker_id,
except Exception as ex:
log.warning("Error processing validate configuration task", exc_info=ex)
await self.worker_task_queue.error_task(worker_id,, str(ex))
# safeguard, if we should ever come here
await self.worker_task_queue.error_task(worker_id,, "Failing to process the task!")

async def __handle_events(self) -> None:
async with self.message_bus.subscribe("resotocore.config.update", [CoreMessage.ConfigUpdated]) as events:
while True:
event = await events.get()
if"id") == ResotoCoreConfigId:"Core config was updated. Restart to take effect.")
event_id ="id")
if event_id in (ResotoCoreConfigId, ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId):"Core config was updated: {event_id} Restart to take effect.")
# stop the process and rely on os to restart the service

async def __update_config(self) -> None:
# in case the internal configuration holds new properties, we update the existing config always.
# in case the internal configuration holds new properties, we update the existing config always.
existing = await self.config_handler.get_config(ResotoCoreConfigId)
empty = empty_config().json()
updated = deep_merge(empty, existing.config) if existing else empty
if existing is None or updated != existing.config:
await self.config_handler.put_config(ConfigEntity(ResotoCoreConfigId, updated), False)"Default resoto config updated.")

except Exception as ex:
log.error(f"Could not update resoto default configuration: {ex}", exc_info=ex)

# make sure there is a default command configuration
# note: this configuration is only created one time and never updated
existing_commands = await self.config_handler.get_config(ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId)
if existing_commands is None:
await self.config_handler.put_config(
ConfigEntity(ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId, CustomCommandsConfig().json()), False
)"Default resoto commands config updated.")
except Exception as ex:
log.error(f"Could not update resoto command configuration: {ex}", exc_info=ex)

async def __update_model(self) -> None:
kinds = from_js(config_model(), List[Kind])
await self.config_handler.update_configs_model(kinds)
await self.config_handler.put_config_validation(
ConfigValidation(ResotoCoreConfigId, external_validation=True)
await self.config_handler.put_config_validation(
ConfigValidation(ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId, external_validation=True)
log.debug("Resoto core config model updated.")
except Exception as ex:
log.error(f"Could not update resoto core config model: {ex}", exc_info=ex)
Expand Down
100 changes: 71 additions & 29 deletions resotocore/resotocore/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,16 @@

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ids used in the config store
ResotoCoreConfigId = "resoto.core"
ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId = "resoto.core.commands"

# root note of the configuration value
ResotoCoreRoot = "resotocore"
ResotoCoreCommandsRoot = "custom_commands"

ResotoCoreRootRE = re.compile(r"^resotocore[.]")

# created by the docker build process
GitHashFile = "/usr/local/etc/git-commit.HEAD"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,8 +63,20 @@ def default_hosts() -> List[str]:
return [""] if inside_docker() else ["localhost"]

def validate_config(config: Json, clazz: type) -> Optional[Json]:
schema = schema_name(clazz)
v = Validator(schema=schema, allow_unknown=True)
result = v.validate(config, normalize=False)
return None if result else v.errors

class ConfigObject:
def validate(self) -> Optional[Json]:
return validate_config(to_js(self), type(self))

class CertificateConfig:
class CertificateConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_certificate_config"
common_name: str = field(default="", metadata={"description": "The common name of the certificate"})
include_loopback: bool = field(default=True, metadata={"description": "Include loopback in certificate"})
Expand All @@ -70,7 +89,7 @@ class CertificateConfig:

class ApiConfig:
class ApiConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_api_config"

web_hosts: List[str] = field(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +127,7 @@ class ApiConfig:

class DatabaseConfig:
class DatabaseConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_database_config"
server: str = field(
Expand All @@ -131,7 +150,7 @@ class DatabaseConfig:

@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
class AliasTemplateParameterConfig:
class AliasTemplateParameterConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_cli_alias_template_parameter"
name: str = field(metadata=dict(description="The name of the parameter."))
description: str = field(metadata=dict(description="The intent of this parameter."))
Expand All @@ -145,7 +164,7 @@ class AliasTemplateParameterConfig:

@dataclass(order=True, unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
class AliasTemplateConfig:
class AliasTemplateConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_cli_alias_template"
name: str = field(metadata=dict(description="The name of the alias to execute."))
info: str = field(metadata=dict(description="A one line sentence that describes the effect of this command."))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +201,7 @@ def alias_templates() -> List[AliasTemplateConfig]:

class CLIConfig:
class CLIConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_cli_config"
default_graph: str = field(
Expand All @@ -195,18 +214,30 @@ class CLIConfig:
"Relative paths will be interpreted with respect to this section."
alias_templates: List[AliasTemplateConfig] = field(

# Define rules to validate this config
schema_registry.add(schema_name(CLIConfig), {})

class CustomCommandsConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = ResotoCoreCommandsRoot
commands: List[AliasTemplateConfig] = field(
metadata={"description": "Here you can define all alias templates for the CLI."},
metadata={"description": "Here you can define all custom commands for the CLI."},

def json(self) -> Json:
return {ResotoCoreCommandsRoot: to_js(self, strip_attr="kind")}

# Define rules to validate this config
schema_registry.add(schema_name(CLIConfig), {})
schema_registry.add(schema_name(CustomCommandsConfig), {})

class GraphUpdateConfig:
class GraphUpdateConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_graph_update_config"
merge_max_wait_time_seconds: int = field(
default=3600, metadata={"description": "Max waiting time to complete a merge graph action."}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,7 +265,7 @@ def abort_after(self) -> timedelta:

class RuntimeConfig:
class RuntimeConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = f"{ResotoCoreRoot}_runtime_config"
analytics_opt_out: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"description": "Stop collecting analytics data."})
debug: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"description": "Enable debug logging and exception tracing."})
Expand All @@ -257,12 +288,13 @@ class RuntimeConfig:

class CoreConfig:
class CoreConfig(ConfigObject):
api: ApiConfig
cli: CLIConfig
graph_update: GraphUpdateConfig
runtime: RuntimeConfig
db: DatabaseConfig
custom_commands: CustomCommandsConfig
args: Namespace

Expand All @@ -274,7 +306,7 @@ def json(self) -> Json:

class EditableConfig:
class EditableConfig(ConfigObject):
kind: ClassVar[str] = ResotoCoreRoot
api: ApiConfig = field(
Expand All @@ -293,18 +325,10 @@ class EditableConfig:
metadata={"description": "Runtime related properties."},

def validate(self) -> Optional[Json]:
return self.validate_config(to_js(self))

def validate_config(config: Json) -> Optional[Json]:
v = Validator(schema="EditableConfig", allow_unknown=True)
result = v.validate(config, normalize=False)
return None if result else v.errors

def config_model() -> List[Json]:
return dataclasses_to_resotocore_model({EditableConfig}, allow_unknown_props=False) # type: ignore
config_classes = {EditableConfig, CustomCommandsConfig}
return dataclasses_to_resotocore_model(config_classes, allow_unknown_props=False) # type: ignore

# Define rules to validate this config
Expand All @@ -320,7 +344,7 @@ def config_model() -> List[Json]:

def parse_config(args: Namespace, json_config: Json) -> CoreConfig:
def parse_config(args: Namespace, core_config: Json, command_templates: Optional[Json] = None) -> CoreConfig:
db = DatabaseConfig(
Expand All @@ -343,7 +367,7 @@ def parse_config(args: Namespace, json_config: Json) -> CoreConfig:
set_from_cmd_line[ResotoCoreRootRE.sub("", key, 1)] = value

# set the relevant value in the json config model
adjusted = json_config.get(ResotoCoreRoot) or {}
adjusted = core_config.get(ResotoCoreRoot) or {}
for path, value in set_from_cmd_line.items():
if value is not None:
adjusted = set_value_in_path(value, path, adjusted)
Expand All @@ -355,7 +379,7 @@ def parse_config(args: Namespace, json_config: Json) -> CoreConfig:
if isinstance(root, ComplexKind):
adjusted = root.coerce(adjusted)
except Exception as e:
log.warning("Can not adjust configuration: e", exc_info=e)
log.warning(f"Can not adjust configuration: {e}", exc_info=e)

ed = from_js(adjusted, EditableConfig)
Expand All @@ -364,13 +388,31 @@ def parse_config(args: Namespace, json_config: Json) -> CoreConfig:
log.error("Final configuration can not be parsed! Fall back to default configuration.", exc_info=e)
ed = EditableConfig()

return CoreConfig(api=ed.api, cli=ed.cli, db=db, graph_update=ed.graph_update, runtime=ed.runtime, args=args)
commands_config = CustomCommandsConfig()
if command_templates:
commands_config = from_js(command_templates.get(ResotoCoreCommandsRoot), CustomCommandsConfig)
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Can not parse command templates. Fall back to defaults. Reason: {e}", exc_info=e)

return CoreConfig(

def config_from_db(args: Namespace, db: StandardDatabase, collection_name: str = "configs") -> CoreConfig:
config_entity = db.collection("configs").get(ResotoCoreConfigId) if db.has_collection(collection_name) else None
configs = db.collection(collection_name) if db.has_collection(collection_name) else None
config_entity = configs.get(ResotoCoreConfigId) if configs else None
config = config_entity.get("config") if config_entity else None # ConfigEntity.config
if config:
return parse_config(args, config)
command_config = configs.get(ResotoCoreCommandsConfigId)
command_config = command_config.get("config") if command_config else None
return parse_config(args, config, command_config)
return parse_config(args, {})

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