UCL ELEC0136 course final assignment
This readme file shows the structure of the codes and how to use it.
- plotly
- scipy
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- pymongo
- matplotlib
- meteostat
- covid19dh
- seaborn
- pandas
- alpha_vantage
- statsmodels
- prophet
-- final-assignment-somerandomEthan
-- main.py
-- src
-- acquiring.py
-- exploration.py
-- inference.py
-- processing.py
-- storing.py
The main function is composed of several sub function and you can solve the task by running main.py
Without commenting anything, all tasks will be run one by one when you run "main.py". Please remember to change the working dirctory to the loacation of the folder "final-assignment-somerandomEthan". The generated file folder and image folder would be under this directory