This is a single installer script for the Deskpi Pro case.
PLEASE DO NOT MARKET THIS ON ANY PRODUCT PAGE! This software is NOT intented to be used as a selling point for the DeskpiPro Case. It is to help people who ALREADY purchased a DeskpiPro case and have buyers remorse.
I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing. Use all of this at your own risk!
You MUST be on at least LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.95.4
And you need an ssh terminal
Connect LibreElec to the internet. This can be done with either ethernet or WiFi. To check if the Ethernet or WiFi adapters are enabled, go to Settings>LibreElec>Network
Enable SSH. You need another computer to access the terminal of LibreElec. This can be done upon installation during wiki. Default Username= root Password=libreelec To check if SSH is enabled, go to Settings>LibreElec> Services
You might also want to make sure to allow addons/updates from any source. Settings> System> Addons
Install Raspberry Pi Tools and System Tools These can be installed by going to Addons>Install from Repository>LibreElec Addons>Program Addons
Connect via SSH. The default username for LibreElec is root while the default password is libreelec For Windows users, the best way to use SSH is through Putty using the IP address of the Pi and port 22. Linux users ssh root@[ip address of device]. If connecting to the device for the first time, you will be asked if you're sure you want to connect to the device. Confirm by typing yes FULLY, typing y will NOT suffice.
Type this:
chmod +x Libreelec-Deskpi-Installer-main/
Reconnect through SSH and run this:
AuraMod is a Heavily Modified version of Aura by jurialmunkey. Combining parts and code of Aura, Artic Zephyr 2, Titan Bingie and many others!