API to validate Australian Addresses
Free and easy to use API to validate all Australian Addresses.
Australian data provided by G-NAF (https://data.gov.au/dataset/ds-dga-19432f89-dc3a-4ef3-b943-5326ef1dbecc/details)
Create file called main.js with following content:
module.exports = {
polygon: require('turf-polygon'),
area: require('@turf/area').default
Install required packages using npm:
$ npm install @turf/area
$ nmp install turf-polygon
Install Browserify
$ npm install -g browserify
Create the .js file for use in browser
$ browserify main.js -s turf > turf.js
Now you can use the .js file as follows for calculating area in sq kilometers:
<script src='turf.js'></script>
var polygon = turf.polygon([[[129.37262972086899,-28.994096696431477],[129.42640506826433,-29.03150505570263],[129.4028613800062,-28.99804173111184], [129.37262972086899,-28.994096696431477]]] );
var area = turf.area(polygon) / 1000000;
ringArea() function returns the area for a given polygon (with lat long coordinates)
See ringArea.php for details.