Makers team project to build an AirBnB type application to allow users to list spaces they have available, and to hire spaces for the night.
Uses: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize
Clone the repo and install dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd makersbnb
$ npm install
You will need PostgreSQL installed locally, create a new database, and update server/config.json with your settings then run the migration:
$ createdb makersbnb_dev
$ sequelize db:migrate
Run on a local server using:
$ npm run start:dev
Run tests via:
$ npm test
To create a Heroku app use the following commands (requires local heroku installation and login)
$ heroku create [optionalappname]
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
$ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
$ heroku run sequelize db:migrate
User story 1
As a user,
So that I can list my space for rent and hire spaces
I would like to be able to sign up with a username for MakersBnB
User story 2
As a user,
So that I can list my space for rent
I would like to be able to list a new space
User story 3
As a user,
So I can lure clients in to my basement
I would like to be able to name my space, description & price
User story 4
As a user,
So I can have a place to crash after an epic night out in Hull
I would like to hire a space for one night
User story 5
As a user,
So I can receive diversified streams of income
I would like to be able to list multiple spaces
Log in/out
Add password confirmation to signup
- Any signed-up user can list a new space.
- Users should be able to name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
- Any signed-up user can request to hire any space for one night, without owner approval
- Booking should be approved by the user that owns that space (extension of basic functionality).
- Users can list multiple spaces.
- Users should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available
- Nights for which a space has already been booked should not be available for users to book that space.
- Until a user has confirmed a booking request, that space can still be booked for that night.
- Users should receive an email whenever one of the following happens:
- They sign up
- They create a
- They update a space
- A user requests to book their space
- They confirm a request
- They request to book a space
- Their request to book a space is confirmed
- Their request to book a space is denied
- Users should receive a text message to a provided number whenever one of the following happens:
- A user requests to book their space
- Their request to book a space is confirmed
- Their request to book a space is denied
- A ‘chat’ functionality once a space has been booked, allowing users whose space-booking request has been confirmed to chat with the user that owns that space
- Basic payment implementation though Stripe.
Mockups for MakersBnB are available here.