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Mostly experimental additions to the LambdaMOO-Stunt server, embarrassing mistakes and all.

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This branch is 335 commits ahead of, 153 commits behind lisdude/toaststunt:master.

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Nov 28, 2013

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This is my fork of ToastStunt. I will keep it updated with their mainline and submit pull requests for features that might be useful, but I've also added extra builtins that may or may not be of any use to anyone. You can see the difference by comparing the two feature lists.

See `README.stunt' for general information on Stunt.


ToastStunt is a fork of the LambdaMOO / Stunt server. It has a number of features and improvements that were found useful while developing Miriani and ChatMud, a mostly complete list of which can be found below.


  • #0:server_stopped support (called on shutdown or when a signal is received)

  • SQLite

  • Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE)

  • Simplex Noise

  • Argon2id Hashing

  • 64-bit Integers (with the choice to fall back to 32-bit integers; $maxint and $minint set automatically)

  • HAProxy Source IP Rewriting (see notes below if you need to disable this)

  • User friendly traceback error messages

  • Networking improvements:

    • IPv6 connection support
    • Threaded DNS lookups
    • Secure TLS connections in listen() and open_network_connection()
  • Waifs:

    • Call :recycle on waifs when they're destroyed
    • A WAIF type (so typeof(some_waif) == WAIF)
    • Waif dict patch (so waif[x] and waif[x] = y will call the :_index and :_set_index verbs on the waif)
    • '-w' command line option to convert existing databases with a different waif type to the new waif type
    • waif_stats() (show how many instances of each class of waif exist, how many waifs are pending recycling, and how many waifs in total exist)
    • Parser recognition for waif properties (e.g. thing.:property)
  • Basic threading support:

    • (a library, of sorts, to make it easier to thread builtins)
    • Threaded builtins: sqlite_query, sqlite_execute, locate_by_name, sort, argon2, argon2_verify, connection_name_lookup
    • set_thread_mode (an argument of 0 will disable threading for all builtins in the current verb, 1 will re-enable, and no arguments will print the current mode)
    • thread_pool() (database control over the the thread pools)
  • FileIO improvements:

    • Faster reading
    • Open as many files as you want, configurable with FILE_IO_MAX_FILES or $server_options.file_io_max_files
    • file_handles() (returns a list of open files)
    • file_grep() (search for a string in a file (kind of FUP in FIO, don't tell))
    • file_count_lines() (counts the number of lines in a file)
  • Profiling and debugging:

    • finished_tasks() (returns a list of the last X tasks to finish executing, including their total execution time) [see options.h below]
    • Set a maximum lag threshold (can be overridden with $server_options.task_lag_threshold) that, when exceeded, will make a note in the server log and call #0:handle_lagging_task with arguments: {callers, execution time}
    • Include a map of defined variables for stack frames when being passed to handle_uncaught_error, handle_task_timeout, and handle_lagging_task [see options.h below]
    • Optionally capture defined variables for running tasks by providing a true argument to queued_tasks() or a third true argument to task_stack().
  • syntax:

    • Added syntax sugar for loops; for foo in (bar) becomes for (foo:bar), for v,k in (map) becomes for (v,k:map). Of course, the other versions work as well; these just feel easier to use.
  • Telnet:

    • Capture IAC commands and pass them to listener:do_out_of_band_command() for the database to handle.
  • Stunt Improvements

    • Primitive types:
      • Support calling verbs on an object prototype ($obj_proto). Counterintuitively, this will only work for types of OBJ that are invalid. This can come in useful for un-logged-in connections (i.e. creating a set of convenient utilities for dealing with negative connections in-MOO).
    • Maps:
      • maphaskey() (check if a key exists in a map. Looks nicer than !(x in mapkeys(map)) and is faster when not dealing with hundreds of keys)
  • Options.h configuration:

    • LOG_CODE_CHANGES (causes .program and set_verb_code to add a line to the server log indicating the object, verb, and programmer)
    • OWNERSHIP_QUOTA (disable the server's builtin quota management)
    • USE_ANCESTOR_CACHE (enable a cache of an object's ancestors to speed up property lookups)
    • UNSAFE_FIO (skip character by character line verification, trading off potential safety for speed)
    • LOG_EVALS (add an entry to the server log any time eval is called)
    • ONLY_32_BITS (switch from 64-bit integers back to 32-bit)
    • MAX_LINE_BYTES (unceremoniously close connections that send lines exceeding this value to prevent memory allocation panics)
    • DEFAULT_LAG_THRESHOLD (the number of seconds allowed before a task is considered laggy and triggers #0:handle_lagging_task)
    • SAVE_FINISHED_TASKS (enable the finished_tasks function and define how many tasks get saved by default) [default can be overridden with $server_options.finished_tasks_limit]
    • THREAD_ARGON2 (enable threading of Argon2 functions)
    • TOTAL_BACKGROUND_THREADS (number of threads created at runtime)
    • DEFAULT_THREAD_MODE (default mode of threaded functions)
    • SAFE_RECYCLE (change ownership of everything an object owns before recycling it)
    • NO_NAME_LOOKUP (disable automatic DNS name resolution on new connections. Can be overridden with $server_options.no_name_lookup)
    • PCRE_PATTERN_CACHE_SIZE (specifies how many PCRE patterns are cached)
    • INCLUDE_RT_VARS (Include runtime environment variables in the stack argument for handle_uncaught_error, handle_task_timeout, and handle_lagging_task)
  • Additional builtins:

    • frandom (random floats)
    • distance (calculate the distance between an arbitrary number of points)
    • relative_heading (a relative bearing between two coordinate sets)
    • memory_usage (total memory used, resident set size, shared pages, text, data + stack)
    • ftime (precise time, including an argument for monotonic timing)
    • locate_by_name (quickly locate objects by their .name property)
    • usage (returns {load averages}, user time, system time, page reclaims, page faults, block input ops, block output ops, voluntary context switches, involuntary context switches, signals received)
    • explode (serverified version of the LambdaCore verb on $string_utils)
    • slice (serverified version of the LambdaCore verb on $list_utils)
    • occupants (return a list of objects of parent parent, optionally with a player flag check)
    • spellcheck (uses Aspell to check spelling)
    • locations (recursive location function)
    • clear_ancestor_cache (clears the ancestor cache manually)
    • chr (return extended ASCII characters; characters that can corrupt your database are considered invalid)
    • deep_contents (get all nested contents of an object. Provide as a second argument a parent if you want only descendants of that parent returned)
    • maphasvalue (Determines if the map contains the specified value)
    • intersection, union, diff (set operations, taken and modified from Goblin's extension pack)
    • assoc, iassoc (taken from Martian's list extensions).
    • set_merge (merges two lists together using setadd)
    • bit_or, bit_and, bit_xor, bit_not (perform bit operations on integers)
      • reseed_random (reseed the random number generator)
    • yin (yield if needed. Replicates :suspend_if_needed and ticks_left() checks)
    • sort (a significantly faster replacement for the :sort verb. Also allows for natural sort order and reverse sorting)
    • recreate (fill holes created by recycle() by recreating valid objects with those object numbers)
    • recycled_objects (return a list of all objects destroyed by calling recycle())
    • next_recycled_object (return the next object available for recreation)
    • reverse (reverse lists)
    • all_members (return the indices of all instances of a type in a list)
    • curl (return webpage as string)
    • owned_objects (returns all valid objects owned by an object)
    • connection_name_lookup (perform a DNS name lookup)
    • connection_info (show detailed information about a particular connection)
    • parse_ansi (parses color tags into their ANSI equivalents)
    • remove_ansi (strips ANSI tags from strings)
  • Miscellaneous changes:

    • .last_move (a map of an object's last location and the time() it moved)
    • Sub-second fork and suspend
    • Call 'do_blank_command' on listening objects when a blank command is issued
    • Allow "string" in "some other string" as a shortcut for index()
    • Allow exec to set environment variables with a new argument
    • Change the server log message when calling switch_player()
    • Deprecation of tonum() in favor of toint()
    • Move #0.dump_interval to $server_options.dump_interval
    • New argument to notify() to suppress the newline
    • Support object lists in isa() as well as an optional third argument to return the matching parent rather than simply true or false
    • New argument to move() to effectively listinsert() the object into the destination's .contents
    • New argument to is_member() for controlling case sensitivity of equality comparisons. No third argument or a true value results in standard functionality; a false value as the third argument results in case not mattering at all
    • Update random() to accept a second optional argument for setting the maximum value returned. Including the second argument will treat the first argument as the minimum.
    • SIGUSR1 will close and reopen the logfile, allowing it to be rotated without restarting the server.
    • '-m' command line option to clear all last_move properties in your database (and not set them again for the lifetime of the process).
    • Build system is now CMake
    • Boolean (BOOL) type
    • Allow handling of SIGUSR signals in the database with #0:handle_signal()

Build Instructions


apt install build-essential bison gperf cmake libsqlite3-dev libaspell-dev libpcre3-dev nettle-dev g++ libcurl4-openssl-dev libargon2-dev libssl-dev
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j2


emerge dev-db/sqlite app-text/aspell app-crypt/argon2 cmake
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j2


pkg install bison gperf gcc cmake sqlite3 aspell pcre nettle libargon2
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j2


Installing dependencies requires Homebrew.

If using OpenSSL, you may have to export an environment variable before running CMake:

  • Apple Silicon: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig"
  • Intel: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig"
brew install pcre aspell nettle cmake openssl argon2
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j2


CMake Build Options

There are a few build options available to developers:

Build Option Effect
Release Optimizations enabled, warnings disabled.
Debug Optimizations disabled, debug enabled.
Warn Optimizations enabled, warnings enabled. (Previous default behavior)
LeakCheck Minimal optimizations enabled, debug enabled, and address sanitizer enabled.

To change the build, use: cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=BuildNameHere ../

Login screen not showing

Due to the way proxy detection works, if you're connecting to your MOO from localhost, you won't see the login screen. This is a minor inconvenience and shouldn't affect your ability to actually use your MOO. However, if it bothers you, you can disable HAProxy rewriting:

  1. @prop $server_options.proxy_rewrite 0
  2. ;load_server_options()

Support and Development

For support or collaborative discussions, you can join:

  1. Discord
  2. The 'toaststunt' channel in ChatMUD.


Mostly experimental additions to the LambdaMOO-Stunt server, embarrassing mistakes and all.






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  • C++ 53.8%
  • CMake 18.6%
  • C 13.9%
  • Ruby 12.1%
  • Yacc 0.7%
  • Makefile 0.7%
  • Other 0.2%