This repository holds my NixOS configuration. It is fully reproducible and flakes based.
- soulwhisper-mba, my macbook configs.
- nix-infra, production infra vm, for talos. Without ZFS.
- nix-nas, staging nas vm. With ZFS. Was TrueNAS Scale 24.10+.
- nix-dev, llm dev workstation. Must have Nvidia GPU.
- renovate configs and ci, managed by soulwhisper/renovate-config.
# darwin
## opt. run set-proxy script
sudo python3 scripts/
## build & diff
task nix:darwin-build HOST=soulwhisper-mba
## deploy
task nix:darwin-deploy HOST=soulwhisper-mba
# nixos, remote
## set DNS record then test ssh connections
## cp machineconfig
cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix hosts/nix-nas/hardware-configuration.nix
## build & diff
task nix:nixos-build HOST=nix-nas
## deploy
task nix:nixos-deploy HOST=nix-nas
# nixos, local
git clone
nixos-rebuild build --flake nix-config/.#nix-nas --show-trace --print-build-logs
nixos-rebuild switch --flake nix-config/.#nix-nas
# darwin, local
git clone
sudo python3 nix-config/scripts/
sudo darwin-build build --flake nix-config/.#soulwhisper-mba --show-trace
sudo nvd diff /run/current-system result
sudo darwin-rebuild switch --flake nix-config/.#soulwhisper-mba
I got help from some cool configs like: