This is a PyTorch implementation of the paper "Escaping the Big Data Paradigm with Compact Transformers". Link of the paper is
You can set the following parameters according to your use case and compute power that you have, to define the CCT class. img_height = height of input image | img_width = width of input image | embedding_dim = size of embedding to be used in Transformer | n_conv_layers = number of covolutional layers in CCT | kernel_size = kernel size of convolutional layers in tokernizer | stride = stride used in convolutional layers | padding = padding used in convolutional layers | pooling_kernel_size = pooling size used in convolutional layers | pooling_stride = pooling stride in convolutional layers | pooling_padding = padding used in pooling | num_layers = number of layers or depth of the transformer | num_heads = number of heads of transformer | mlp_radio = MLP ratio to be used at the end of transformer | num_classes= number of classes that we want to predict | positional_embedding = 'learnable', # from ['sine', 'learnable', 'none']