Assignment 2 submission for the course CS6910 Fundamentals of Deep Learning.
Team members: N Sowmya Manojna (BE17B007), Shubham Kashyapi (MM16B027)
Part-A-Q1-to-Q3.ipynb loads the training and validation datasets. The different hyperparameter configurations for wandb are specified in the variable sweep_config.
sweep_config = {'name': 'random-test-sweep', 'method': 'random'}
sweep_config['metric'] = {'name': 'val_acc', 'goal': 'maximize'}
parameters_dict = {
'first_layer_filters': {'values': [32, 64]},
'filter_org': {'values': [0.5, 1, 2]}, # Halving, same, doubling in subsequent layers
'data_aug': {'values': [False, True]},
'batch_norm': {'values': [False, True]},
'dropout': {'values': [0.0, 0.2, 0.3]},
'kernel_size': {'values': [3,5,7]},
'dense_size': {'values': [32, 64, 128]},
'activation': {'values': ['relu']},
'num_epochs': {'values': [50]},
'optimizer': {'values': ['adam']},
'conv_layers': {'values': [5]}
sweep_config['parameters'] = parameters_dict
The function CNN_train defines the model architecture, trains the model and logs the metrics to wandb. Link for wandb project
PartA_Q4.ipynb can be used to train a model using the optimal hyperparameters obtained in Q2 and Q3. The code for loading the data, initializing the model architecture and training is similar to the previous notebook. So this notebook can be used to quickly test the code without setting up the wandb sweeps. The optimal hyperparameters are specified as follows. These can be modified for the purpose of testing the code.
optimal = {
'first_layer_filters': 64,
'filter_org': 1, # Same number of filters in all convolution layers
'data_aug': True,
'batch_norm': True,
'dropout': 0.2,
'kernel_size': 3,
'dense_size': 128,
'activation': 'relu',
'num_epochs': 50,
'optimizer': 'adam',
'conv_layers': 5
The trained model can also be accessed directly at
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(pathlib.Path('/content/drive/MyDrive/DL_Assignment2_PartA_Model'))
The code for evaluating this model on the test set (Q4 (a)), visualizing test images (Q4 (b)) and visualizing kernels (Q4 (c)) is also included in the same notebook.
PartA_Q5.ipynb The gradient for relu activation is redefined. The saved model is loaded and guided backpropogation is performed. The gradient images are visualized.
The dataset can be downloaded using the drive_dataset_check.ipynb
code present in the main directory.
The code downloads the iNaturalist dataset, unzips it and renames the images sequentially (for easy identification of missing images in case of network discrepancy).
The images are then loaded, split into training & validation sets. The image size is restricted to (256, 256) and all images that do not conform to the specified size are automatically resized.
The trained model is made modular by implementing a CNN
Instances of the class can be created by specifying the base model, a flag determining whether the weights of the last few layers should be trained and an offset (i.e.) the number of layers from the end that have to be trained. The available options of the parameters are as follows:
: A string that specifies the base model that should be loaded- "InceptionV3"
- "InceptionResNetV2"
- "ResNet50"
- "Xception"
: A flag that determines whether the last few layers can be trained (default: False)- True
- False
: An positive integer that determines the number of layers from the end that should be trained. (Active only when thetune
parameter is set to True; default: 20)
base_model_name = "InceptionV3"
tune = False
offset = 20
model = CNN(base_model_name, tune, offset)
base_learning_rate = 0.0001
sweep_config = {'name': 'random-test-sweep', 'method': 'grid'}
sweep_config['metric'] = {'name': 'val_acc', 'goal': 'maximize'}
parameters_dict = {
'base_model_name': {'values': ["InceptionV3", "InceptionResNetV2", "ResNet50", "Xception"]},
'tune': {'values': [False, True]},
sweep_config['parameters'] = parameters_dict
sweep_id = wandb.sweep(sweep_config, project = 'DL-Assignment2-PartB-9April')
wandb.agent(sweep_id, function=pretrain_CNN_sweep)
The results of the parameter sweep can be accessed here: Wandb report Part-B
The trained weights are taken from OlafenwaMoses/FireNET.
The files required for execution are as follows:
Note that the size of pretrianed-yolov3.h5
and detection_model-ex-33--loss-4.97.h5
is greater than 100 Mb. So, the files have to downloaded separately.
In order to detect fire from the video video1.mp4
, run the following:
python3 detect_from_video
The fire dataset videos are taken from MIVIA – Laboratorio di Macchine Intelligenti per il Riconoscimento di Video, Immagini e Audio and Bilkent University.
The final processed video can be accessed here: final.mp4
The youtube link for the same: Final Video
The actual and processed video files can be accessed here: CS6910-YOLOv3