This is a repository that provides different implementations for extracting the same features from tensors. The input tensor format is COO (.tns file format [1]).
To compile and run our main code, use following commands, replace placeholders with corresponding values:
featen [options]
-i input : input tensor path
-o out : feature info output file
-m method : feature extraction method. Options:{map, sort, group, hybrid} [DEFAULT : map]
-c csv_out : feture out file to be in csv {1} or json {0} format [DEFAULT : 1]
-d only3d : features to be in only 3 modes {1} or M modes {0} (only valid for MAP) [DEFAULT : 0]
./featen -i [input-tensor-path] -o [output-file-path]
./featen -i ../data_tensors/sample_small_3D.tns -o ../features/sample_small_3D_feat.txt
All feature extraction methods find the features of the tensor exactly. Users can use whichever method they like. These methods provide different performances depending on the given tensor.
For 3-mode tensors, all methods return the same set of features.
For M-mode tensors (M>3), only MAP returns the features of all M modes; whereas other methods return the features of the 3 modes with the largest sizes.
To use one, write the choice number of the method as a parameter (the placeholder : [algorithm choice]).
Method | Description |
MAP | Uses std::unordered_map to calculate # of nnz per fiber & slice to do the extraction. |
SORT | Sorts all the modes to make the calculation. |
GROUP | Groups the slices and fibers according to their indices, similar to sorting except for the last mode. |
HYBRID | Combination of sort and group |
MAP is the default feature extraction method when no choice is provided.
The program writes the tensor features into a file.
It first prints the general features, whose meanings are:
name order sizes[] nnz sparsity sliceCnt fiberCnt nnzSliceCnt nnzFiberCnt slice_sparsity fiber_sparsity
The description of general features is shown in the table below.
Feature Name | Description |
name | Name of the tensor |
order | Order ( mode count) of the tensor |
sizes[] | Sizes of the tensor, which is an array of size order |
nnz | Number of nonzeros |
sparsity | Nonzero density of the tensor |
sliceCnt | # of all possible slices (even if it has no nnz) |
fiberCnt | # of all possible fibers (even if it has no nnz) |
nnzSliceCnt | # of nonzero slices (which has at least 1 nnz) |
nnzFiberCnt | # of nonzero fibers (which has at least 1 nnz) |
slice_sparsity | Density of nonzero slices |
fiber_sparsity | Density of nonzero fibers |
The program then prints the kind- and mode-dependent features for each mode and kind (nonzeros_per_slice, nonzeros_per_fibers, fibers_per_slice).
For features of nonzeros_per_slice and fibers_per_slice kinds, the output is in the form:
id1 id2 all_cnt nz_cnt nz_density max min dev sum avg imbal stDev cv avg_onlynz imbal_onlynz stDev_onlynz cv_onlynz
Here id1 and id2 represent the ignored dimensions of mode-(id1, id2) slice
For features of nonzeros_per_fiber kind, the output is in the form:
id all_cnt nz_cnt nz_density max min dev sum avg imbal stDev cv avg_onlynz imbal_onlynz stDev_onlynz cv_onlynz
Here id represents the ignored dimension of mode-(id) fiber
The description of kind- and mode-dependent features is shown in the table below.
Feature Name | Description |
all_cnt | all count including empty |
nz_cnt | nonzero count |
nz_density | nonzero sparsity (nz_cnt / all_cnt) |
max | maximum value |
min | minimum value |
dev | deviation (max – min) |
sum | summation of values |
avg | average value (sum / all_cnt) |
imbal | imbalance : (max-avg)/max |
stDev | standard deviation |
cv | coefficient of variation (stDev/avg) |
avg_onlynz | average by excluding empty (sum / nz_cnt) |
imbal_onlynz | imbal by excluding empty (max- avg_onlynz)/max |
stDev_onlynz | stDev by excluding empty |
cv_onlynz | cv by excluding empty (stDev_onlynz / avg_onlynz ) |