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FeaTensor: Parallel Feature Extraction Algorithms for Sparse Tensors

Documentation 📑

This is a repository that provides different implementations for extracting the same features from tensors. The input tensor format is COO (.tns file format [1]).

Compilation & Running

To compile and run our main code, use following commands, replace placeholders with corresponding values:




featen [options]                                                                                                                                               
-i input : input tensor path                                                                                                                                  
-o out : feature info output file                                                                                                                            
-m method : feature extraction method. Options:{map, sort, group, hybrid}  [DEFAULT : map]                                                                                                            
-c csv_out : feture out file to be in csv {1} or json {0} format  [DEFAULT : 1]                                                                                        
-d only3d : features to be in only 3 modes {1} or M modes {0} (only valid for MAP) [DEFAULT : 0]


./featen -i [input-tensor-path] -o [output-file-path]


./featen -i ../data_tensors/sample_small_3D.tns -o ../features/sample_small_3D_feat.txt

Extraction Methods

All feature extraction methods find the features of the tensor exactly. Users can use whichever method they like. These methods provide different performances depending on the given tensor.

For 3-mode tensors, all methods return the same set of features.

For M-mode tensors (M>3), only MAP returns the features of all M modes; whereas other methods return the features of the 3 modes with the largest sizes.

To use one, write the choice number of the method as a parameter (the placeholder : [algorithm choice]).

Method   Description
MAP Uses std::unordered_map to calculate # of nnz per fiber & slice to do the extraction.
SORT Sorts all the modes to make the calculation.
GROUP Groups the slices and fibers according to their indices, similar to sorting except for the last mode.
HYBRID Combination of sort and group

MAP is the default feature extraction method when no choice is provided.

Feature Set

The program writes the tensor features into a file.

It first prints the general features, whose meanings are:

name  order  sizes[] nnz sparsity sliceCnt fiberCnt nnzSliceCnt nnzFiberCnt slice_sparsity fiber_sparsity

The description of general features is shown in the table below.

Feature Name Description
name Name of the tensor
order Order ( mode count) of the tensor
sizes[] Sizes of the tensor, which is an array of size order
nnz Number of nonzeros
sparsity Nonzero density of the tensor
sliceCnt # of all possible slices (even if it has no nnz)
fiberCnt # of all possible fibers (even if it has no nnz)
nnzSliceCnt # of nonzero slices (which has at least 1 nnz)
nnzFiberCnt # of nonzero fibers (which has at least 1 nnz)
slice_sparsity Density of nonzero slices
fiber_sparsity Density of nonzero fibers

The program then prints the kind- and mode-dependent features for each mode and kind (nonzeros_per_slice, nonzeros_per_fibers, fibers_per_slice).

For features of nonzeros_per_slice and fibers_per_slice kinds, the output is in the form:

id1 id2 all_cnt nz_cnt nz_density max min dev sum avg imbal stDev cv avg_onlynz imbal_onlynz stDev_onlynz cv_onlynz

Here id1 and id2 represent the ignored dimensions of mode-(id1, id2) slice

For features of nonzeros_per_fiber kind, the output is in the form:

id all_cnt nz_cnt nz_density max min dev sum avg imbal stDev cv avg_onlynz imbal_onlynz stDev_onlynz cv_onlynz

Here id represents the ignored dimension of mode-(id) fiber

The description of kind- and mode-dependent features is shown in the table below.

Feature Name Description
all_cnt all count including empty
nz_cnt nonzero count
nz_density nonzero sparsity (nz_cnt / all_cnt)
max maximum value
min minimum value
dev deviation (max – min)
sum summation of values
avg average value (sum / all_cnt)
imbal imbalance : (max-avg)/max
stDev standard deviation
cv coefficient of variation (stDev/avg)
avg_onlynz average by excluding empty (sum / nz_cnt)
imbal_onlynz imbal by excluding empty (max- avg_onlynz)/max
stDev_onlynz stDev by excluding empty
cv_onlynz cv by excluding empty (stDev_onlynz / avg_onlynz )


Feature extraction methods for sparse tensors







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